Committees and commissioners

Commissions, Committees and Commissioners of ICBM for the term of office 01.04.2023 - 31.03.2025.
Students are elected annually.

Study Committees

Study Committee of the teaching unit Marine Sciences


Bachelor Environmental Science:

Prof. Dr. Heinz Wilkes (Vorsitz)

Dr. Jürgen Köster

Master Marine Environmental Science:

Dr. Cora Kohlmeier

Master Microbiology:

Dr. Habil Bert Engelen

Master Environmental Modeling:

Dr. Habil Jan Freund

Master Marine Sensor Technology:

Dr. Thomas Badewien


Bachelor Environmental Science:

Cédric Gourjon

Viviane Michaelis

Master Marine Environmental Science:

Klara Köhler

Master Microbiology:

Dominik Antoni

Master Environmental Modeling:

Hannah Behrens

Master Marine Sensor Technology:

Jana Schmitz

Study Committee Bachelor Environmental Sciences


Prof. Dr. Heinz Wilkes (Presidency)

Prof. Dr. Rainer Buchwald

PD Dr. Holger Freund (Deputy)

Scientific Staff:

Dr. Cord Peppler-Lisbach

Dr. Christoph Feenders (Deputy)


Felix Fröhlich

Julia Marlene Rosenow

Arne Fahrenholz

Phoebe Merle Marie Baer

Study Committee Master Marine Environmental Sciences


Prof. Dr. Bernd Blasius (Presidency)

Prof. Dr. Oscar Puebla (Deputy)

Prof. Dr. Peter Schupp (Deputy)

Scientific Staff:

Dr. Cora Kohlmeier

Dr. Barbara Scholz-Böttcher (Deputy)

Dr. Stefanie Moorthi (Deputy)


Leif Neben

Jonas Healy (Deputy)

Study Committee Master Microbiology


Prof. Dr. Martin Könneke (Presidency)

apl. Prof. Dr. Thorsten Brinkhoff (Deputy)

Prof. Dr. Ralf Rabus (Deputy)

Scientific Staff:

PD Dr. Bert Engelen

Dr. Lars Wöhlbrand

Dr. Marion Pohlner


Julian Schumacher

Mirjam Paasch (Deputy)

Study Committee Master Environmental Modeling


Prof. Dr. Thilo Gross (Presidency)

Prof. Dr. Andreas Winter (Deputy)

Dr. habil. Jan Freund (Deputy)

Scientific Staff:

Dr. Janek Greskowiak

Dr. Ute Vogel (Deputy)


Lukas Wolter

Paul Boxheimer (Deputy)

Study Committee Master Marine Sensor Technology


Prof. Dr. Oliver Wurl (Presidency)

Dr. Thomas Badewien

Scientific Staff:

Dr. Jochen Wollschläger

Dr. Helge-Ansgar Giebel (Deputy)

Dr. Marianna Ribas-Ribas (Deputy)


Iwan Michailez

Lukas Raffelt (Deputy)


Prof. Nick Rüssmeier

Prof. Jan Schulz

ICBM Functions

Safety Officer

Internationalization Officer


Bafög Officer

Bafög Officer:  Dr. Barbara Scholz-Böttcher

Processing: Julia Temmen

Representative in the FK V Study Commission

Director of OLTECH

Spokesman/-woman of Staff

Spokesman/-woman of Scientific Staff

Spokeswomen of Master Courses

Michelle Malisius

Hannah Gasterstädt

Spokesman/-woman of PhD-Students

Christin Baensch (Working group: Organic Geochemistry, OL)

Torben Schucht (Working group: Mathematical Modeling, OL)

Equal Opportunities Officer

Team WHV:
Maren Striebel, WG Planktology
Petra Schwarz, WG Environmental Biochemistry
Elke Ahrensfeld, WG Geoecology
Claudia Thölen, WG Marine Sensor Systems

Team OL:
Simone Brick, WG Benthic Microbiology
Katinka Hoppe, Administration Office
Katrin Klaproth, WG Marine Geochemistry
Anke Müllenmeister-Sawall, WG Organic Geochemistry
Martina Schulz, WG Marine Isotope Geochemistry

You can also contact the team of the ICBM Equal Opportunity via

Admission and Examination Committees

Examination Committee Bachelor Environmental Sciences


Prof. Dr. Ralf Rabus (Presidency)

Prof. Dr. Gudrun Massmann

Prof. Dr. Katharina Pahnke-May

Scientific Staff:

Christoph Feenders

Dr. Cora Kohlmeier (Deputy)


Jan Kolsch

Jonathan Wilmer (Deputy)

Examination Committee Master's degree programmes


Prof. Dr. Bernd Blasius (Presidency)

Prof. Dr. Martin Könneke

PD Dr. Jan Freund

Dr. Thomas Badewien

Prof. Dr. Thilo Gross (Deputy)

Scientific Staff:

Dr. Jochen Wollschläger (Deputy)

Dr. Helge-Ansgar Giebel (Deputy)

Dr. Cora Kohlmeier (Deputy)

PD Dr. Bert Engelen (Deputy)

Dr. Janek Greskowiak (Deputy)


Mirjam Paasch

Lukas Wolter

Tobias Jarnicki

Iwan Michailez

Jonas Healy (Deputy)

Lukas Raffelt (Deputy)

Kikan Nelle (Deputy)

Admission Committee Master Marine Environmental Sciences


Prof. Dr. Bernd Blasius (Presidency)

Prof. Dr. Oscar Puebla (Deputy)

Prof. Dr. Peter Schupp (Deputy)

Scientific Staff:

Dr. Cora Kohlmeier

Dr. Karsten Lettmann (Deputy)


Hannah Gasterstädt

Jonas Healy (Deputy)

Admission Committee Master Microbiology


Prof. Dr. Martin Könneke (Presidency)

Prof. Dr. Ralf Rabus (Deputy)

apl. Prof. Dr. Thorsten Brinkhoff (Deputy)

Scientific Staff:

PD Dr. Bert Engelen

Dr. Lars Wöhlbrand (Deputy)

Dr. Marion Pohlner (Deputy)


Mirjam Paasch

Julian Schumacher (Deputy)

Admission Committee Master Environmental Modelling


Prof. Dr. Thilo Gross (Presidency)

Prof. Dr. Andreas Winter (Deputy)

PD Dr. Jan Freund (Deputy)

Scientific Staff:

Dr. Janek Greskowiak

Dr. Ute Vogel (Deputy)


Lukas Wolter

Paul Boxheimer (Deputy)

Admission Committee Master Marine Sensor Technology


Prof. Dr. Oliver Wurl (Presidency)

Dr. Thomas Badewien

Scientific Staff:

Dr. Helge-Ansgar Giebel

Dr. Jochen Wollschläger (Deputy)

Dr. Marianna Ribas-Ribas (Deputy)


Iwan Michailez

Lukas Raffelt (Deputy)

Steering Committee Marine Technology


Prof. Dr. Oliver Wurl (Presidency)

Dr. Thomas Badewien

Scientific Staff:

Dr. Helge-Ansgar Giebel (Deputy)

Dr. Marianna Ribas-Ribas (Deputy)


Viktor Iegorov

Konstantin Brand (Deputy)

Lukas Raffelt (Deputy)

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