

European Economic Law is part of the law of the European Union. Most of its rules are part of Community law, the key words being “the fundamental freedoms”, “European Competition Law” and“harmonization of economic law”. However, European Economic Law is a multi-level system and thus embraces more than EU Law. Firstly, European Economic Law goes beyond the EU, comprising legal rules derived from international organisations other than the EU and even from non-state actors. Consequently, teaching and research encompass such areas of WTO law and ECHR law considered relevant to the economy. In addition, research covers non-state regulation by private actors and its legitimacy. Secondly, even Community law is not restricted to EU law, as neither Community law nor EU law constitute a comprehensive legal order. Corresponding to the fact that the Community is not a nation state and thus can only use competences specifically conferred upon it, Community law leaves more issues to national legislation than it regulates itself. This “piecemeal approach” leads to the need to complement Community law by national legal rules, which again results in considerable influence of national law upon Community law. For instance, the European Court of Justice, using its "comparative method of Community Law", relies on concepts derived from national law when developing general principles of Community Law. Accordingly, Community law integrates three subdisciplines of legal studies: EU Law, national law and comparative law. Accordingly, the Jean Monnet professorship of European Economic Law is the Oldenburg director of the international Bachelor- and Master law programme “European and Comparative Law - Hanse Law School” (see: HANSE LAW SCHOOL ).

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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