Business Administration and Business Education

Welcome to the homepage of the Institute of Business Administration and Business Education.

The Institute of Business Administration and Business Education focuses on the three areas of "Sustainability & Energy", "Digitalization & Internationalization" and "Innovation & Learning". The members of our institute cover a broad spectrum of business administration and business education topicsin both research and teaching. On the one hand, they deal with disciplinary issues that focus on specific business functions (such as marketing, human resources or accounting), on certain types of institutions (such as banks) or on special aspects of corporate management (such as entrepreneurship). On the other hand, a special feature of the institute is also a strong focus on inter- and transdisciplinary approaches, since global challenges such as sustainability and digitalization are cross-cutting issues that can only be addressed when working across disciplines.

In teaching, our members contribute to both basic economics education and business specializations in the department's Bachelor's and Master's degree courses. In research, numerous publications in recognized journals (Academy of Management Annals, Academy of Management Journal, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Accounting Research, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of Industrial Ecology, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Journal of Retailing, Organization Science, Organization Studies, Organizational Research Methods, and Research Policy) testify to their professional expertise. Third-party funded projects led by active members of the institute have been funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the German Research Foundation, the EU and the Ministry of Science and Culture of Lower Saxony, among others.

On the following pages you will find detailed information on the courses offered, research topics and other activities of the members of our institute.

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