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The façade can be seen against the sky, a few branches protrude into the picture from the left.
Buildings Top News Marine Sciences

Opening ceremony for the new Helmholtz Institute building

Modern working conditions for marine biodiversity research – that's what the new building of the Helmholtz Institute for Functional Marine…

Satellite image of the two cyclones shortly before merging. The contours of Australia and Indonesia can be seen for orientation.
Research Top News Marine Sciences

What happens in the ocean when two cyclones collide

In April 2021, two tropical cyclones, Seroja and Odette, collided in the Indian Ocean northwest of Australia. In a case study, Oliver Wurl and Jens…

A probe collecting a sample of the Ocean Floor in the Gulf of Mexico.
Excellence Strategy Top News Marine Sciences

The Ocean Floor: A deep dive

Researchers from Oldenburg and Bremen work together on issues important for the future. To further analyse the effects of global warming on marine…

Excellence Strategy Research Top News Marine Sciences

An Ocean of Molecules

Millions of different organic compounds are dissolved in the world's oceans. These substances bind large amounts of carbon – sometimes for thousands…

A white-greyish coloured deep-sea coral Callogorgia delta, on which brittle stars have settled. These are brownish in colour. The picture was taken under water. Other corals can be seen in the foreground.
Excellence Strategy Top News Marine Sciences

Deep-sea corals are home to previously unknown bacteria

Only 359 genes and the amino acid arginine as its sole energy source: The metabolism of the bacterial family Oceanoplasmataceae, newly discovered in…

Microscopic picture of a microbial community.
Excellence Strategy Research Top News Marine Sciences

"Completely new worlds"

Computer scientist A. Murat Eren, who goes by Meren, is convinced that microbiology can contribute to solving many global challenges. In this…

The picture shows a coral landscape in the Red Sea. The corals are reddish-brown in colour and are only a few meters below the surface.
Excellence Strategy Research Top News Marine Sciences

New concept for the protection of marine biodiversity

Climate change also affects the oceans. But how can the marine life affected by it be protected beyond the scope of national jurisdiction? A new…

Image of a boulder in the Atlantic at a depth of 560 metres. On the rocks are brittle stars and crinoids, important organisms in the deep-sea ecosystem.
Excellence Strategy Research Top News Marine Sciences

"One feels like a true explorer"

The oceans are home to much of the planet's biodiversity. They have a major influence on our climate and provide food for billions of people. To mark…

Excellence Strategy Research Top News Marine Sciences

Biodiversity: A tale of change

Thousand-year-old sediments from the Atlantic Ocean show how biodiversity in the oceans could develop with climate change. A team from Bremen and…

Pattern of larger and smaller blue and red dots, irregularly distributed on a dark background.
Research Top News Marine Sciences

Marine bacteria team up to produce a vital vitamin

Two species of marine bacteria from the North Sea have established an unusual and sometimes destructive relationship to produce the important vitamin…

The picture shows the marine bristle worm Platynereis dumerilii in a blue water basin.
Excellence Strategy Research Top News Marine Sciences

No two worms are alike

In the animal kingdom, too, there are different personalities, each with their own lifestyle: even simple marine worms live their daily lives to their…

The picture shows a stony coral (Acropora millepora). It is greenish in colour. On its surface are numerous small individual polyps, also greenish in colour.
Transfer Campus Life Marine Sciences Marine Science

Coral researchers awarded EXIST start-up funding

Coral farming based on sexual propagation, leading to a more sustainable coral trade and helping to protect coral reefs – this is the goal of SciReef,…

Excellence Strategy Research Top News Marine Sciences

The ocean microbiome

A group of bacteria lives in close association with other organisms throughout the world's oceans. Microbiologist Meinhard Simon and his team at the…

Photo of a bay off Kinge George Island, Antarctica. In the foreground are penguins on a grey pebble beach, in the background are mountains, partly covered with snow. On the water is an inflatable boat with researchers.
Excellence Strategy Top News Marine Sciences

Climate research at the far end of the world

Glaciers, penguins and whales: Antarctica has a special appeal - also for PhD student Lina Holthusen, who is currently conducting research there.…

Excellence Strategy Research Top News Environmental Sciences Marine Sciences

Mudflat dwellers under heat stress

How does unusual heat affect the flora and fauna of the Wadden Sea? Researchers from the Institute of Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment…

A wave with a head of foam up close.
Research Top News Marine Sciences

How microplastics end up in the marine atmosphere

Tiny plastic particles can be found in the marine atmosphere even far from coasts, according to a study recently published in the journal Nature…

Underwater picture. A person in a diving suit with mask, oxygen tanks and fins knots a thick cord.
Research Campus Life Marine Sciences Studying

Diving for science

For those who like the idea of combining scuba diving with science, the Scientific Diving course at the Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the…

A wooden board covered in sand lies on the beach.
Research Top News Marine Sciences

The fate of plastic waste

Researchers in the "Macroplastics" project studied the dispersal pathways of plastic waste in the southern North Sea for four years. 63,000 wooden…

A number of differently colored algal cells are spread across the image against a black background, some have tuftlike hairs. They are colonized by bacteria to varying degrees.
Research Top News Marine Sciences

Diatoms provide an attractive habitat for bacteria

The surface of diatoms represents an astonishingly diverse habitat for bacteria. A team led by biologist Meinhard Simon has now made the preferences…

A collage of three microscopic images of the creatures. The hydromedusa is a gelatinous, translucent mass, the copepod looks like a silverfish and the bristle worm has an abdomen like a caterpillar and a head with larger, sickle-shaped antennae.
Excellence Strategy Research Top News Marine Sciences

Traces of diversity

Every litre of seawater is full of genetic material from different organisms. Biologist Silke Laakmann and her team are pioneering techniques that use…

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