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Top News Marine Sciences

A jigsaw puzzle made of ancient dust

From a South Pacific expedition, a research team led by geoscientist Torben Struve brought back a research object which had travelled far before and…

Two men stand at the stern of a ship and throw the yellow, elongated buoy into the sea.
Marine Sciences Top News

Enhanced visibility for profiling floats

Almost 4,000 robotic floats drift through the world's oceans in the international Argo programme. Using new optical measuring methods, the robots will…

Cargo vessel emitting black exhaust gases to the air.
Marine Sciences Top News

Improving the monitoring of ship emissions

To monitor emissions from shipping traffic, Oldenburg scientists and partners from France are developing a network of autonomous sensors. The devices…

Die Algoa Bucht vor der Pazifikküste Südafrikas
Marine Sciences Top News

Healthy seas for the benefit of all

Reconciling ecological and social demands for a better management of the marine environment - that is the goal of a new, international project led by…

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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