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The team’s detection method, which identified 138 space rocks ranging from bus- to stadium-sized, could aid in tracking potential asteroid impactors.…
In April 2021, two tropical cyclones, Seroja and Odette, collided in the Indian Ocean northwest of Australia. In a case study, Oliver Wurl and Jens…
Using shaped laser pulses in the extremely high energy range, researchers have succeeded in manipulating helium atoms. Oldenburg physicist Matthias…
Desert ants rely on a special component of the Earth's magnetic field to navigate. Their magnetic sense may be based on magnetic particles, according…
Physicist Christian Schneider has been awarded one of the European Research Council's coveted Consolidator Grants. His project focuses on a special…
Many animals can perceive the Earth’s magnetic field, but corresponding sensory cells haven’t been located yet. Using sophisticated experiments and…
Millions of different organic compounds are dissolved in the world's oceans. These substances bind large amounts of carbon – sometimes for thousands…
Migratory species are particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, habitat loss and environmental pollution. Several research groups are…
In this interview, biologists Henrik Mouritsen and Miriam Liedvogel explain the importance of animal navigation and orientation for nature…
Computer scientist A. Murat Eren, who goes by Meren, is convinced that microbiology can contribute to solving many global challenges. In this…
Climate change also affects the oceans. But how can the marine life affected by it be protected beyond the scope of national jurisdiction? A new…
The university recently acquired a particularly powerful electron microscope, which is also available to external users. It is capable of imaging…
Oldenburg researchers were among the first to start investigating renewable energies back in the 1970s. On a tour of various locations on campus and…
Hanin Karawani Khoury normally conducts her research at the University of Haifa in Israel.. Now the hearing scientist is spending a year at the…
The oceans are home to much of the planet's biodiversity. They have a major influence on our climate and provide food for billions of people. To mark…
A 200-year-old knitted sweater from the Faroe Islands discovered in the Prize Papers Project has made headlines around the world. How come? And what…
Thousand-year-old sediments from the Atlantic Ocean show how biodiversity in the oceans could develop with climate change. A team from Bremen and…
Two species of marine bacteria from the North Sea have established an unusual and sometimes destructive relationship to produce the important vitamin…
The university has been selected to lead a collaborative project on provenance and collection research as part of the Wissenschaftsräume programme of…
Artificial photosynthesis is the subject of a new research group at the Institute of Chemistry. The team aims to develop precious-metal-free catalyst…