
Working group Sensory Biology of Animals

Working group Neurosensorics/Animal Navigation


Dr Oliver Lindecke


Prof. Dr Michael Winklhofer


Dr Pauline Fleischmann


Quantum effect or magnetic particles?

The two proposed mechanisms for magnetoreception are based on different principles of physics, which means that behavioural experiments can be designed to distinguish between them. The radical pair mechanism, for example, which is based on quantum mechanics, is light-dependent and therefore cannot function in absolute darkness. It is also disrupted by electrosmog, i.e. radiofrequency magnetic fields in the range of 100 kilohertz to 100 megahertz.

Magnetoreception based on magnetic particles, on the other hand, should not be affected by darkness or electromagnetic radiation, but is likely to be disrupted by a strong but brief magnetic pulse. Such pulses can reverse the direction of the magnetic field in magnetic minerals or even mix up their arrangement in magnetic sensory cells. As a result, a disturbed sensory cell can no longer reliably detect an external magnetic field until it is recalibrated or repaired.

Experiments with songbirds have shown that they need light to use their magnetic sense, and that electrosmog disturbs their orientation. These, as well as many other findings, support the theory that their magnetoreception is based on the radical pair mechanism. By contrast, experiments with pigeons, young sea turtles and bats showed that their orientation was disrupted by magnetic pulses, which is why scientists suspect that the magnetoreception in these species is particle-based. It cannot be ruled out that in some animal species both mechanisms are present and are used for different aspects of navigation.

  • The picture shows a bat sitting on a compass.

    Soprano pipistrelle bats are a protected species and feed mainly on small insects and aquatic insects. A soprano pipistrelle weighs only a few grams, but can grow up to 5 cm in size. Christian Giese

The inner compass

Many animals can perceive the Earth’s magnetic field, but corresponding sensory cells haven’t been located yet. Using sophisticated experiments and technology, several research groups are hot on the trail of this mysterious sense.

Many animals can perceive the Earth’s magnetic field. Scientists suspect that in some species this capacity is based on magnetic iron oxide particles in the animals’ bodies, but they haven’t yet been able to locate the corresponding sensory cells. Using sophisticated experiments and cutting-edge technology, several research groups at the University of Oldenburg are hot on the trail of this mysterious sense.

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