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Close up of spider web underneath a road sign.
Top News Environmental Sciences Research Chemistry

Catching microplastics with spider webs

Flies, dust and even microplastics - spider webs capture whatever travels through the air. Researchers have now for the first time tested if they can…

A test person sits on a chair, in the foreground some technical devices (loudspeakers, projectors) can be seen, in the background a living room scene is projected on a screen.
Hearing Research Excellence Strategy Research Top News Medical Physics and Acoustics

Another success for Oldenburg's hearing research

Intelligent hearing aids that work even in difficult acoustic environments – that's what researchers at the university are working on in the…

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Top News Research Social Sciences

A network of support

The way families live together has changed over time. A team of researchers led by Oldenburg social scientist Dr Kai Willführ is using historical data…

Eine Versuchsperson liegt auf einer Liege. Eine Forscherin bereitet alles vor, damit sie gleich in die MRT-Röhre geschoben werden kann.
Top News Research Psychology

To better understand brain stimulation

How can brain stimulation, for example through electric current or medication, help people with neurological diseases? This question is at the centre…

The catamaran floats in the sea in perfect weather.
Top News Marine Sciences Research

Exploring the ocean's thin skin

The microlayer between ocean and atmosphere is at the center of a new research group led by Oldenburg scientists. Over the next four years, the team…

Man from behind, with hearing aid in ear and smartphone in hand
Hearing Research Excellence Strategy Research Top News Medical Physics and Acoustics

Better hearing through automatic speech recognition?

Speech recognition software is on the rise thanks to smart home systems. Researchers from Oldenburg have now taught an artificial intelligence to hear…

Top News Research Wissenschaftliches Rechnen

New computing power for future research

CARL and EDDY have ensured excellent conditions for research at the University of Oldenburg for the past five years. Now the two high-performance…

Top News Research Social Sciences

Research behind bars

Anna Katharina Schliehe is interested in experiences of incarceration. The human geographer has been awarded a fellowship by the prestigious Marie…

Underwater image of a coral with numerous small fish swimming around it.
Excellence Strategy Research Top News Biology

Navigation without sextant or GPS

Fish migrations generally take place hidden from view. Researchers from the Magnetoreception Collaborative Research Centre at the University of…

Two crabs are feasting on a mussel.
Top News Marine Sciences Research

A mutually beneficial relationship

Snow-white deep-sea crabs populate the seabed near hydrothermal vents. Oldenburg microbiologist Thorsten Brinkhoff was on the track of the animals…

Two doctors in surgical clothing stand in front of the operating table and move the large, round operating lamp by hand.
Top News Research Human Medicine

New dimensions in surgery

Dirk Weyhe sees IT and digitalization playing an integral role in the operating rooms of the future. He and his team are working to harness new…

Top News Research History

Point of entry into past centuries

Capturing "enemy" ships and their cargo was once considered a legitimate tactic of warfare - including an own jurisdiction. The open-access portal of…

Top News Marine Sciences Research

Pooling knowledge for safeguarding the oceans

Protecting the oceans and using them sustainably: This is the goal of the second research mission of the German Marine Research Alliance, which…

Eine junge Frau legt einer älteren Dame in ihrem Wohnzimmer kümmernd die Hand auf die Schulter.
Top News Research Medical ethics

Living with dementia: when carers live with patients

Relatives often hire a live-in caregiver for persons with dementia. The relationship between patient, carer and family members can lead to moral…

Two young women wearing a medical mask walk through a university building.
Top News Research Medical Physics and Acoustics

Face masks: Loss of lip-reading affects everybody

Deterioration in speech understanding when the speaker is wearing a mask mainly has visual causes. They are even more significant than the acoustic…

  A small brown bird IS sitting among the reeds.
Top News Research Biology

A stop sign for songbirds

A new study published in Science Magazine has shed light on how birds navigate back to their breeding site after flying across two continents.…

Excellence Strategy Research Top News Marine Sciences

Microbes produce oxygen in the dark

There would be no oxygen on Earth were it not for sunlight; the key component in photosynthesis. Now researchers have made the surprising discovery…

A pile of larger plastic pieces (broken beverage crates, a bobby car, lids from a trash can, baskets, canisters, pipes...) lies on dark volcanic stones.
Top News Marine Sciences Research

Support from space

More and more plastic litter accumulates in the oceans. Remote sensing specialist Shungudzemwoyo Garaba from the Institute of Chemistry and Biology of…

Porträtfoto Prof. Dr. Gerd Hentschel
Top News Research Slavic Studies

Languages provide a piece of home

Languages are often more variable than we imagine. In this interview, Slavic scholar Gerd Hentschel talks about German loan words in Upper Silesian…

Photos of the scientists honoured by the University Society.
Top News Research

Research that creates something new

Oldenburg neuroscientist Martin Bleichner has received this year's "Prize for Excellent Research" from the University Society. Two recent doctoral…

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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