Nicolas Arndt
Nicolas Arndt
Curriculum Vitae
Professional career
Since April 2023
- Research assistant in the didactics of primary science education and social studies at the University of Oldenburg in the BMBF-funded project on Didactic double-decker for digital education in STEM (D4MINT).
Since January 2021
- Research assistant in the didactics of primary science education at the University of Oldenburg.
Since May 2020
- Research assistant in the didactics of primary science education and social studies at the University of Oldenburg in the BMBF-funded project on digitization of oldenburg teacher education (DiOLL).
2021 - 2022
- Lectureship at the Pädagogische Hochschule Weingarten, seminar in the module »Sek Pol 7: Pragmatismus und Schule«.
2019 - 2020
- Research assistant in the didactics of computer science at the University of Oldenburg in the BMBF-funded project SMILE.
- Research assistant in the didactics of computer science at the University of Oldenburg in GHR300 for master students in computer science.
2018 - 2019
- Trainee teacher for secondary schools at the Waldschule Hatten in Lower Saxony/Germany.
2008 - 2018
- Employee in the IT department of the University of Oldenburg
2005 - 2008
- Apprenticeship as IT specialist for system integration at the IT department of the University of Oldenburg
2016 - 2018
- Master of Education secondary schools technology/ politics at the C.v.O. University of Oldenburg
Thesis: "Reasons and barriers for the use of cargo bikes as a form of transportation: an empirical study"
2012 - 2016
- Bachelor in technology and social sciences at the C.v.O. University Oldenburg
Thesis: "Critical Mass: a form of political action?"
- Arndt, N., Brückmann, M. (2023). Assessing Pre-Service Elementary Science Education Teachers’ Professional Knowledge in the Field of Computational Thinking In: Proceedings of the 18th WiPSCE Conference on Primary and Secondary Computing Education Research, 155-157.
- Holzapfel, M. A., Bakenhus, S., Arndt, N. & Brückmann, M. (2023). Welche Einstellungen und Werthaltungen haben Sachunterrichtsstudierenden zum Einsatz und Lernen mit AR und VR? (What attitudes and values do elementary science education students have toward the use and learning with AR and VR?). In: D. Schmeinck, K. Michalik & T. Goll (Hrsg.). Herausforderungen und Zukunftsperspektiven (S. 71-78). Bad Heilbrunn: Verlag Julius Klinkhardt
- Holzapfel, M. A., Bakenhus, S., Arndt, N. & Brückmann, M. (2023). Einstellungen und Werthaltungen von Sachunterrichtsstudierenden zum Lernen mit Augmented (AR) und Virtual Reality (VR) im Sachunterricht (Attitudes and values of elementary science education students toward learning with augmented (AR) and virtual reality (VR) in elementary science education). MedienPädagogik: Zeitschrift für Theorie und Praxis der Medienbildung, 48 (AR/VR – Part 2), S. 151-169.
- Bakenhus, S., Holzapfel, M. A., Arndt, N. & Brückmann, M. (2022). Die Erstellung einer Lernumgebung mit immersiver Virtual Reality für das Fach Sachunterricht nach dem M-iVR-L Modell (Creating an immersive virtual reality learning environment for elementary science education using the M-iVR-L model). MedienPädagogik: Zeitschrift für Theorie und Praxis der Medienbildung, 47 (AR/VR - Part 1), S. 76-93.
Conference contributions
- Duwe, W., Arndt, N., Diethelm, I., Brückmann, M. (2024) The development of a teacher training series to strengthen teachers' self-efficacy and introduce computer science education in grades 3-6. Lecture presented at the 17th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation in Seville, Spain. 12.11.2024.
- Arndt, Nicolas (2024). Professionswissen angehender Sachunterrichtslehrkräfte im Bereich Computational Thinking (Professional knowledge of pre-service elementary science teachers in the field of computational thinking). Lecture presented at the 33nd annual conference of the Gesellschaft der Didaktik des Sachunterrichts (GDSU) in Hannover, 07.03.2024.
- Arndt, Nicolas (2023). Entwicklung von Fall-Vignetten zur Erhebung von Fachdidaktischem Wissen im Bereich Computational Thinking (Development of case vignettes to elicit pedagogical content knowledge in the field of computational thinking). Lecture presented at the Junior Researchers Conference of the 32nd annual conference of the Gesellschaft der Didaktik des Sachunterrichts (GDSU) in Salzburg, 22.02.2023.
- Bakenhus, S., Arndt, N., Holzapfel, M. & Brückmann, M. (2023). Schloss Evenburg als außerschulischer virtueller Lernort?! - Erprobung eines Seminarkonzepts (Evenburg Castle as an extracurricular virtual learning site?! – Trial of a seminar concept). Lecture presented at the 32nd annual conference of the Gesellschaft der Didaktik des Sachunterrichts (GDSU) in Salzburg, 23.02.2023.
- Brückmann, M., Tempelmann, S., Arndt, N., Bakenhus, S., Dubach, J., Haarhus, L., & Holzapfel, M. (2024). Ist die (reale) Welt nicht genug? Erkenntnisse zu Nutzung von Augmented und Virtual Reality im Sachunterricht (Is the (real) world not enough? Findings on the use of augmented and virtual reality in elementary science education). Symposium at the 33rd annual conference of the Gesellschaft der Didaktik des Sachunterrichts (GDSU) in Hanover, 08.03.2024.
- Arndt, N., Brückmann, M. (2023). Assessing Pre-Service Elementary Science Education Teachers’ Professional Knowledge in the Field of Computational Thinking. Poster at 18th WiPSCE Conference on Primary and Secondary Computing Education Research, 28.09.2023.
- Arndt, N., Holzapfel, M. & Brückmann, M. (2022). Immersive Virtual Reality im Sachunterricht: Von Studierendenvorstellung zur theoretischen Umsetzung (Immersive virtual reality in elementary science education: from student conception to theoretical implementation). Poster for the Workshop "Immersionserleben und die Erweiterung von Realität am Learning Lab" at the IZfB of the University Duisburg-Essen, Essen, 09.12.2022.
- Arndt, N., Brückmann, M. & Diethelm, I. (2022). Preservice teachers professional competencies related to computer science. Poster for the conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) SIG 11, Oldenburg, 23.6.2022.
- Arndt, N., Holzapfel, M. & Brückmann, M. (2022). Immersive VR in elementary science education: from student conceptions to theoretical implementation. Poster for the conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) SIG 11, Oldenburg, 23.6.2022.
- Arndt, N., Brückmann, M. & Diethelm, I. (2022). Informatikbezogene professionelle Kompetenzen angehender Sachunterrichtslehrkräfte (Computer science related professional competencies of pre-service elementary science education teachers). Poster for the the 31nd annual conference of the Gesellschaft der Didaktik des Sachunterrichts (GDSU) in Köln (online), 11.03.2022.
Training courses und Workshops
Workshop „Computational Thinking in der Grundschule” as part of the 8th Expert Day We/WTH-S/TC at the University of Leipzig, September 2024
(with Wibke Duwe): In-service training series "Basic computer science education in grades 3 - 6" as part of the BMBF-funded D4MINT project, February 2024 to September 2025.
(with Dr. Marisa Holzapfel): Workshop "creative and playful programming with robots" as part of an expert day on computer science in elementary schools, Landesinstitut für Schule Bremen, September 2023
(with Kirsten Gronau): Workshop "Dangers and limits of digitization" as part of an internal school training, Herbart Gymnasium Oldenburg, April 2023.
Thesis topics
Bachelor's or Master's degree
- 3D-Druck im Sachunterricht?Status: available
- Computational Thinking im Sachunterricht?Status: available