
Geschäftsstelle / OLTECH office

+49 (0)441 798-3648/3649

OLTECH Direktorium / Governing Board

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Dittmar 

Prof. Dr. Mathias Dietz 

Prof. Dr. Heike Wehrheim 

Geschäftsführung / Managing directors

Dr. Ferdinand Esser

Christine Steinseifer-Jeske


Oili Tsakmakis

Keti Antadze-Tamminga

Sophie Barlage (Student assistant)      

Besucheranschrift / Visitor address

Raum W3 1-138

Kontaktmöglichkeiten aktuell / Contact options:
per Mail und telefonische Erreichbarkeit Mo-Do 09:00 - 12:00
via e-mail and via phone from Mon-Thur 09:00-12:00

Beratungstermine: individuell nach Absprache / Individual appointments on request

OLTECH Travel Grant

On behalf of the Faculty V and Faculty VI, the Graduate School OLTECH offers grants for the attendance at international congresses, summer schools and lab visits.

All doctoral candidates of the Schools/faculties V and VI can apply for this grant. information and application

The next application deadline for travels from July to December 2025:
15th April 2025

Courses & events

Scientific Writing Workshop - From Concept to Conclusion 31.03./01.04.2025

From Concept to Conclusion: A Guide to Scientific Writing
Publications of research results are the currency of modern science. While scientific writing may not always be the most thrilling aspect of your work, it is undeniably essential for shaping your future research and career prospects. In this course, you will be introduced to the process of writing a scientific paper. This workshop is about practical application. You will work with your own data throughout the seminar and apply the concepts to your manuscript.

Transforming data into text
• Developing a clear main message
• Priority setting in the writing process
• Structure and logical flow of the text
• Create meaningful graphics
• Memorable introduction and abstract
• Do’s and Don’ts of AI Tools in writing
• How to develop a daily writing routine
• Efficient communication with co-authors

Working on your text
Please note: Given that this is a hands-on workshop, you need some data to serve as the foundation for a journal article. Please also bring some scientific texts written by you (e.g., Bachelor or Master thesis, as well as any published or upcoming papers) to the seminar.
Prerequisites: Enough (analyzed) data to write a (test) paper..

Trainer: Dr. Carsten Rohr

Registration via Stud.IP is required!

Dates: 31.03.2025 and 01.04.2025 (online)

organized by OLTECH: oltech@uol.de

31.03.2025 10:00 – 01.04.2025 16:00

Webmaster (Changed: 05 Feb 2025)  Kurz-URL:Shortlink: https://uol.de/p109550c125945en | # |
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