
Geschäftsstelle / OLTECH office

+49 (0)441 798-3648/3649

OLTECH Direktorium / Governing Board

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Dittmar 

Prof. Dr. Mathias Dietz 

Prof. Dr. Heike Wehrheim 

Geschäftsführung / Managing directors

Dr. Ferdinand Esser

Christine Steinseifer-Jeske


Oili Tsakmakis

Keti Antadze-Tamminga

Sophie Barlage (Student assistant)      

Besucheranschrift / Visitor address

Raum W3 1-138

Kontaktmöglichkeiten aktuell / Contact options:
per Mail und telefonische Erreichbarkeit Mo-Do 09:00 - 12:00
via e-mail and via phone from Mon-Thur 09:00-12:00

Beratungstermine: individuell nach Absprache / Individual appointments on request

Who we are

It is important to us to support and accompany our young scientists in their professional development in a sustainable and long-term manner. The Graduate School Science, Medicine and Technology - OLTECH offers a broad portfolio of measures and instruments as well as target group-specific support for career development. We offer young scientists numerous event and support programmes to enable them to master current and future challenges well. 

We will be happy to advise you and look forward to your enquiries.

Your OLTECH Team

OLTECH office

Christine Steinseifer-Jeske Coordination / Managing Director

Dr. Ferdinand Esser Coordination / Managing Director

Oili Tsakmakis Administration

Keti Antadze-Tamminga Administration

Sophie Barlage Student assistant


Campus Wechloy, W3 1-138

Map Campus Wechloy

OLTECH Governing Board


Prof. Thorsten Dittmar
Faculty V

Prof. Heike Wehrheim
Faculty II-Dfl

Prof. Mathias Dietz
Faculty VI


Prof. Dr. Astrid Nieße
Dean Faculty II-Dfl

Prof. Dr. Michael Wark
Dean Faculty V

Prof. Dr. Hans Gerd Nothwang
Dean Faculty VI

Prof. Dr. Friedhelm Ortwin Wawroschek
Vice Dean Faculty VI
Deputy for Prof. Dr. Hans Gerd Nothwang

Coordinators programmes

Karine von Bochmann

Dr. Gesa Feenders

OLTECH office

Dr. Ferdinand Esser
OLTECH Coordinator/Managing Director

Christine Steinseifer-Jeske
OLTECH Coordinator/Managing Director

Keti Antadze-Tamminga

Oili Tsakmakis

PhD representatives

Konstatin Rücker
Faculty V

Lana Papin
Faculty VI

Johannes Stalter
Faculty VI (deputy)


Dr. Nina Marsch
Faculty VI

OLTECH PhD representatives

As OLTECH doctoral representatives, we are a virtual interface between the doctoral students and OLTECH graduate school.
We support the exchange of scientific experiences and the contact within doctoral candidates at OLTECH and between other graduate schools at the University of Oldenburg. We aim to focus on the concerns, needs and interests of all young researchers at OLTECH and represent them in various committees. We participate in the meetings of the OLTECH Board in an advisory capacity. We want to use this platform to make your graduate school experience more inclusive, diverse, open and welcoming.
Doctoral researchers can contact us if they have problems with their working environment, language, supervision or questions regarding their doctorate. We want to promote contact and exchange among doctoral students and organize regular meetings for doctoral candidates of OLTECH.

Faculty V

Konstantin Rücker (deputy OLTECH Doctoral Representative for faculty/school V)

 Molecular and Nanoscale Science

I studied chemistry in Oldenburg and am now working on my doctoral Thesis in Technical Chemistry at the Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, in which I do my research at the German Aerospace Center (DLR). Besides studying novel electrocatalysts I do sports, cook alot and am involved in the local Young Chemists Network (JCF).


Faculty VI


Lara Papin


Medicine and Health Science 


Faculty VI

Johannes Stalter (deputy)


Medicine and Health Science

I am pleased to introduce myself as the Deputy Docrotal Representative for Faculty VI. My name is Johannes, and I am currently conducting my PhD research at the University of Oldenburg and Groningen, focusing on non-invasive deep brain stimulation. For more information, please visit my website, which is linked below.

As the doctoral Representative, it is my role to address your concerns, foster collaboration, and enhance the overall doctoral student experience. I am dedicated to actively listening to your feedback and working towards constructive solutions. I am here to advocate for your rights, provide guidance, and create opportunities for academic and professional success.

I have a particular interest in the development of OLTECH and promoting better collaboration with the University of Groningen. In addition to my research, I enjoy spending my time reading, running, and engaging in theatre.

I encourage you to reach out to me with your ideas and suggestions for improvement. Your input is valuable in shaping a positive and rewarding experience for all doctoral students.


OLTECH programme coordinators

Dr. Thomas Biberger
School VI
Research training group Hearing Acoustics: Perceptive Principles, Algorithms and Applications (IRTG HAPPAA/SFB 1330)

Dr. Carsten Dosche
School V
OLTECH doctoral programme Molecular and Nanoscale Science (former: Interface Science)

Dr. Angelika Einwich 
School VI
Sonderforschungsbereich Magnetoreception and navigation in vertebrates: from biophysics to brain and behaviour (SFB 1372)

Dr. Ferdinand Esser
School V
OLTECH doctoral programme Environmental Sciences and Biodiversity
SFB EcoMol

Dr. Gesa Feenders
School VI
Research training group Neuromodulation of Motor and Cognitive Function in Brain Health and Disease (RTG 2783)
Research training group Hearable-centered assistance: from sensor to participation (RTG 2969)

Dr. Nina Gaßmann
Research Centre Neurosensory Science

Andreas Günther  M.Sc.
School V
OLTECH doctoral programme Renewable Energy

Tabea Hildebrand  M.Sc. 
School VI
Integrated research training group Magnetoreception and navigation in vertebrates: from biophysics to brain and behaviour (SFB 1372)

Dipl.-Soz. Nina Löchte, M.A.
School VI
JRTG CvO-Groningen Translational Research: From Pathological Mechanisms to Therapy 

Dr. Mark Pottek
School VI
OLTECH doctoral study programme Neurosensory Science & Systems
Joint Research Academy, Hearing4all

Karine von Bochmann
School VI
OLTECH doctoral programme Medicine and Health Sciences 

Stephanie Voß
OLTECH doctoral study programme  Neurosensory Science and Systems

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