

Jessica Janßen

+49 (0)441 798-4668

PROMOS Scholarship

PROMOS scholarships can be used to support study visits and internships outside Europe, attendance at a language course, summer or winter schools or the writing of a thesis abroad.

Applications are only accepted during the application period. The online application form and the link to the cloud will be released on this website six weeks before the application deadline. An application is thus possible from six weeks before the end of the deadline.

Applications for PROMOS scholarships are announced twice a year:

  • Application by 30.09. of a year for the start of the project abroad from 01.01. to 30.06. of the following year.
  • Application by 31.03. of a year for the start of the project abroad from 01.07. to 31.12. of the same year.

Who can apply?

Students and doctoral candidates (not incoming exchange students, however) of the University of Oldenburg whose stay abroad has not started at the time of the application deadline.

Funding is available for the following purposes:

  • Studying abroad: There is funding for students enrolled in a Bachelor's or Master's degree studying at a university abroad. Doctoral candidates are not eligible to apply. As a scholar you will receive a monthly grant as well as a lump sum to help towards financing your travel costs (not applicable if you are receiving BAföG).
  • Language courses: There is funding for students enrolled in a Bachelor's, Master's degree programme or a doctoral programme who are planning to attend a language course at a university or a language institute abroad. Duration of the language course: at least 3 weeks, maximum 6 months, scope at least 25 hours of instruction per wek. The grant will help towards financing the costs of the course.
  • Degree-related short course: There is funding for students enrolled in a Bachelor's, Master's degree programme or a doctoral programme who plan to attend a short course at a university abroad, e.g. a summer or winter school or a workshop. Duration of the course: maximum 6 weeks. Attending a conference or a talk will not be funded. The grant will help towards financing the costs of the course.
  • Final thesis: There is funding for students enrolled in a Bachelor's or Master's degree programme who are planning to spend time abroad in order to write their final thesis (bachelor or master thesis). Doctoral candidates are not eligible to apply. The grant will help towards financing your travel costs.

Funding for stays in Europe is only possible where no Erasmus+ programmes are available. Exception: students who are no longer eligible for Erasmus+ funding because they have previously received an Erasmus+ grant may apply. However, students may not receive additional public funding or DAAD funds.



PROMOS is compatible with the Deutschlandstipendium.

International BAföG ("Auslands-BAföG")

You can apply for PROMOS if you receive International BAföG or BAföG. Scholarships must be reported to the organisation responsible for international BaföG. Talent or performance-based scholarships up to a monthly average of EUR 300 will not be deducted from your BAfÖG benefits (Section 21.3.6 BAföG ).


You can apply for both PROMOS and STIBET only if there are two different projects that need funding, e.g. you can have studying abroad or doing an internship abroad funded by PROMOS and writing a final thesis by STIBET.

Application: two steps

Step 1: Online application

Please complete the online application (access link will be published during application period).

Step 2: Document upload into Cloud Storage

Upload your application documents to the university’s Cloud Storage

Prior to uploading your documents in the university's cloud storage, please merge the documents into a single pdf file. The file should be named as follows: P_2024_1_last-name_first-name.pdf

Following documents are required:

  1. Application Form (pdf form)
  2. Letter of Motivation (in German or English, max. 2 pages)
  3. CV (German or English)
  4. Proof of Voluntary Work (brief confirmation is sufficient; self-written proofs cannot be accepted.)
  5. Current Transcript of Records ("Notenbescheinigung," download in Stud.IP. If there are less than 3 grades on the Stud.IP printout, please also submit the previous transcript)
  6. Certificate of Enrolment (for the current term)
  7. Letter of Acceptance from host institution: studies, final thesis, language course, or degree-related course (only if your stay is independent of a programme by the International Office)
  8. Language Certificate (only if your stay is independent of an IO programme; not necessary for language courses)

Please address your application to the PROMOS selection committee.


  • The letter of motivation is intended to show your reasons for going abroad and what you plan to do at the host institution. Please explain why your stay abroad is beneficial to your academic and (maybe also) your professional career and demonstrate if you will get credit in Oldenburg for the courses you will be attending abroad. Let us know if you are seeking an intercultural experience abroad.
  • Letters of recommendation are not requested. Exemption: Doctoral candidates must submit a letter of recommendation from their supervisore when applying for a short course.

The scholarships are awarded by a commission involving all faculties. The following aspects are decisive for the awarding of points: Motivation (max. 5 points; weight: triple), academic performance (max. 3 points; weight: double), honorary commitment (max. 2 points, weight: single).

The decision of the committee is final. There is no right of appeal.


What does voluntary work mean?

Voluntary work is unpaid work in associations, organisations or public offices (e.g. supervising children on trips, involvement in community, church, sports activities). If you are currently not volunteering, you may include proofs of voluntary work you have done in the past.

When will I get notice if I have been awarded a scholarship?

Usually you will be notified approximately 6 to 8 weeks after the end of the application period.

I have been awarded a PROMOS scholarship. Do I need to do anything else?

As a PROMOS scholar you are obliged to promote the University of Oldenburg in your host country and at the host university. For this purpose, you will receive a marketing package including information material. Also you will be asked to submit a report of your experiences after your stay abroad, which may (if permitted) be shared with other students to motivate as many students as possible to study abroad.

I have a disability. Is this taken into account for the grant?

Students with a disability who are sponsored under a DAAD programme can apply for funding to cover additional costs incurred abroad (upper limit usually EUR 10,000). Students with a chronic illness can also apply for reimbursement of the additional costs incurred abroad in special cases.

Funding institutions

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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