[Invited Talk 27.02.2018] vBochmann
Prof. Dr. Ernst-Rüdiger Olderog
Ira Wempe
[Invited Talk 27.02.2018] vBochmann
Internet Security – research projects exploring different issues
Prof. Dr. Gregor v. Bochmann
There are many problems in Internet security. In a research collaboration with IBM, we have explored several issues: (1) security of Rich Internet Applications (RIA) – finding all reachable pages (so that they can be checked for security); (2) replaying security attacks on RIA that are recorded as HTTP traces; (3) exploring the social environment of phishing attacks.
The talk will give an overview of the principal problems involved in addressing these issues, explain the approaches taken in our research projects, and present the results that were obtained. Under point (3), our statistical analysis of phishing attacks sheds some light on how such attacks are being constructed.