Research Training Groups
Research Training Groups
Research Training Groups
The German Research Foundation (DFG) is funding the following Research Training Groups in Oldenburg:
- Research Training Group 2969: Hearable-centered assistance: From sensor to participation – HEARAZ
(Start 2024, Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Andreas Hein) - Research Training Group at the SFB 1372: Magnetoreception and Navigation in Vertebrates
(Start 2023, Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Henrik Mouritsen) - Research Training Group 2783: Neuromodulation of Motor and Cognitive Function in Brain Health and disease
(Start 2022, Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Christiane M. Thiel) - Research Trainig Group at the SFB 1330: Hearing Acoustics: Perceptive Principles, Algorithms and Applications (HAPPAA)
(Start 2018, Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Volker Hohmann)
Participation of Oldenburg scientists in DFG Research Traing Groups:
- GRK 2972: CAUSE Concepts and Algorithms for – and Usage of – Self-Explaining Digitally Controlled Systems
(Start 2024, Participating Applicants: Prof. Dr. Martin Fränzle, Prof. Dr. Verena Klös, Prof. Dr. Sebastian Lehnhoff, Prof. Dr. Heike Wehrheim)
The Ministry of Science and Education in Lower Saxony (MWK) is funding the following Research Training Groups in Oldenburg:
- Gestalten der Zukunft. Transformation der Gegenwart durch Szenarien der Digitalisierung [de]
(Start 10/2019, Spokespersons: Prof. Dr. Thomas Alkemeyer and Prof. Dr. Martin Butler)
The University of Oldenburg and the University of Groningen are funding the Research Training Group:
- Oldenburg-Groningen Joint Graduate Research Training Group: Translational Research: From Pathological Mechanisms to Therapy
(Start 2018, Spokespersons: Prof. Dr. Kathrin Thedieck (University of Groningen) and Prof. Dr. John Neidhardt (University of Oldenburg))
The University of Oldenburg is funding the following Research Training Groups:
- Lehrkräftebildung 2040 - Dimensionen der Professionalisierung von Lehrer*innen aus interdisziplinärer Perspektive – Herausforderungen, Modelle, Methoden [de - only in German]
(Start 2020, Spokespersons: Prof. Dr. Dr. Joachim Willems and Prof. Dr. Tonio Oeftering) - Sicherung der schulischen Partizipation von Kindern und Jugendlichen mit kombinierten Beeinträchtigungen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung sozial-emotionaler Entwicklungsrisiken (SPARK) [de - only in German]
(Start 01/2022, Spokespersons: Prof. Dr. Ute Koglin, Prof. Dr. Annett Thiele and Prof. Dr. Ulla Licandro)
Completed Research Training Groups:
- Social Embeddedness of Autonomous Cyber Physical Systems (2019-2023)
- Research Traing Group 1885: Molecular basis of sensory biology (2013-2023)
- Research Training Group 1620: Models of Gravity (2012-2022)
- Research Traing Group 2226: Chemical Bond Activation (2017-2022)
- Research Training Group 2247 Quantum Mechanical Materials Modelling - QM³ (2017-2021; Participating Applicant: Prof. Dr. Thorsten Klüner)
- Research Traing Group 1765: SCARE - System Correctness under Adverse Conditions (2012-2021)
- Research Traing Group at the SFB/TRR 51: Roseobacter (2010-2021)
- The ecology of molecules (EcoMol) (2016-2021)
- Migrationsgesellschaftliche Grenzformationen [de] (2016-2020)
- MINT-Lernen in informellen Räumen [de] (2016-2020)
- Research Traing Group 1608: Self-Making: Practices of Subjectivation in Historical and Interdisciplinary Perspective (2010-2019)
- Dimensionen der Sorge (2014-2019)
- Safe Automation of Maritime Systemse (SAMS) (2014-2018)
- Nano Energy Research (2014-2018)
- Interdisciplinary approach to functional biodiversity research (IBR) (2014-2018)
- Cultures of Participation (2014-2018)
- SFB/TRR 31 The active auditory system (2005-2017)
- PhD program OLCRYPT (2014-2017)
- Helene Lange Kolleg: Queer Studies und Intermedialität: Kunst - Musik – Medienkultur [de] (2013-2016)
- Helene Lange Kolleg: Identitätskonstruktionen junger Erwachsener in einer postsozialistischen Transformationsgesellschaft: der Fall Belarus [de] (2013-2016)
- System integration of renewable energy (2012-2016)
- Signals & Cognition (2012-2016)
- Lernprozesse im Übergangsraum (LÜP) [de] (2012-2016)
- PhD program Hearing (2009-2013)
- PhD program Neurosenses (2009-2013)
- Promotionsprogramm Erinnerung – Wahrnehmung – Bedeutung. Musikwissenschaft als Geisteswissenschaft (2009-2013)
- Promotionsprogramm Fachdidaktische Strukturierung (ProfaS) (2009-2013)
- GK TrustSoft - Vertrauenswürdige Software-Systeme (2004-2009)
- International Graduate School for Neurosensory Science and Systems (2000-2009)
- Promotionsprogramm Didaktische Rekonstruktion (ProDID) (2000-2008)