Job-related mobility – employment arrangements, intimate relationships and family


Prof. Dr. Michael Feldhaus

Department of Social Sciences  (» Postal address)

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Project Group

This project is a joint cooperation between the University of Hamburg and the University of Oldenburg.

Contact Persons:

Prof. Dr. Michael Feldhaus, University Oldenburg

Prof. Dr. Stefanie Kley, University Hamburg

Dr. Monika Schlegel, University Oldenburg

Job-related mobility – employment arrangements, intimate relationships and family

Job-related mobility – employment arrangements, intimate relationships and family

In the last decades job-related demands with respect to mobility and flexibility have increased. Daily or weekly commuting as further working conditions (kind of professional activities, working hours, shift work, charges, weekend work) determine the respective employment arrangements of women and men. Previous research shows a lack of analysis of the resulting exchange processes for the private sector. Little is known about the question of how job-related mobility and given working conditions are concretely integrated in partnership and family life. Which advantages and disadvantages arise for employees who are occupationally very mobile? What are the impacts of job-related mobility on intimate relationships and family life? What expectations and needs with regard to employment, partnership and family life do these people have and how do they try to realize them? To answer these questions the project is based on a mixed-method-design. We used representative quantitative data of the German family panel (for further information see Additionally selected survey persons have given qualitative interviews. 



Stenpaß, A., & Kley, S. (2020). It’s getting late today, please do the laundry: The influence of long-distance commuting on the division of domestic labor. Journal of Family Research.

Feldhaus, Michael und Schlegel, Monika (2018): Berufsmobilität und das Arrangement der Lebensbereiche in Familien. In: BIOS – Zeitschrift für Biographieforschung, Oral History und Lebensverlaufsanalysen, 1-2018, 150-176.

Feldhaus, Michael und Schlegel, Monika (2013): Job-related circular mobility and the quality of intimate relationships. In: Comparative Population Studies - Zeitschrift für Bevölkerungswissenschaft, 38, S. 315-340.

Feldhaus, Michael und Schlegel, Monika (2015): Living Apart Together and Living Together Apart: Impacts of Partnership-Related and Job-Related Circular Mobility on Partnership Quality. In: Aybek, Can, Huinink, Johannes und Muttarak, Raya (Hg): Spatial Mobility, Migration, and Family Dynamics. Dordrecht. Springer: S. 115-139.

Feldhaus, Michael (im Erscheinen): Does Commuting Behaviour has an Impact on Partnerships and Parent-Child Relations? In: Walper, Sabine und Wendt, Verena (Hg.): Research on Partnership Relations. Dordrecht. Springer.

Huinink, Johannes und Feldhaus, Michael (2012): Fertilität und räumliche Mobilität. In: Comparative Population Studies - Zeitschrift für Bevölkerungswissenschaft, 37, S. 463-490.

Kley, Stefanie (2010): Multilokalität als Strategie zur Nutzung von Chancen, in: Soeffner, Hans-Georg (Hg.): Unsichere Zeiten: Herausforderungen und gesellschaftliche Transformationen, Verhandlungen des 34. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften: CD-Rom.

Kley, Stefanie (2012): Gefährdet Pendelmobilität die Stabilität von Paarbeziehungen? Einflüsse von Erwerbskonstellationen und Haushaltsarrangements in Ost- und Westdeutschland auf die Trennungswahrscheinlichkeit von Paaren, Zeitschrift für Soziologie, Jg. 41(5): S. 356-374.

Kley, Stefanie (2015): The Impact of Job-related Mobility and Migration Intentions on Union Dissolution. In: Can Aybek, Johannes Huinink, Raya Muttarak (Hg.): Spatial Mobility, Migration, and Living Arrangements. Dordrecht. Springer: S. 139-158.

Kley, Stefanie (2014): Räumliche Mobilität. In: Niephaus, Yasemin / Kreyenfeld, Michaela / Sackmann, Reinhold (Hg.): Handbuch Bevölkerungssoziologie, Springer. Online first:

Rüger, Heiko, Schier, Michaela, Feldhaus, Michael und Ries, Tammy (2014): Einstellungen zur Akzeptanz räumlicher Distanz in erwerbsbedingt multilokalen Lebensformen. In: Zeitschrift für Familienforschung, 26, S. 121-144.

Rüger, Heiko, Feldhaus, Michael, Becker, Katharina und Schlegel, Monika (2011): Vergleichende Analysen zu berufsbezogener Mobilität in Deutschland: Formen, Verbreitung und Relevanz im Kontext der Partnerschafts- und Familienentwicklung In: Comparative Population Studies - Zeitschrift für Bevölkerungswissenschaft, 36, S. 193-220.


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