
Dr Monika Bourmer

+49 (0)441 798-4459

A01 1-120



December 2022

PhD Day at the University of Oldenburg on 7 December 2022

On 7 December 2022, the PhD Day 2022 on the topic „Career Paths after the Doctorate inside and ouside of Academia" took place at the University of Oldenburg. During the poster session held there, the doctoral candidates presented and discussed their projects with interested people. The posters presented can be downloaded in the section "Poster presentation within the SPARK college on 30 November 2022".

November 2022

Poster presentation within the SPARK doctoral programme on 30 November 2022

On 30 November 2022, a poster presentation and collaborative exchange took place at the Didaktikum of the Institute of Special Needs Education and Rehabilitation, involving the SPARK doctoral candidates and faculty members. This provided an opportunity for all participants of the programme to engage in an intensive discussion about the individual projects. Below, you can download the posters of the doctoral candidates.

October 2022

Conference of the International Network of School Attendance (INSA)

From 5-7 October, the third International Network of School Attendance (INSA) Conference was held in Egmond aan Zee, the Netherlands. Participants from nearly all around the world attended the multi-professional lectures, workshops, and discussions. Isabella Sasso also presented her poster titled "School absenteeism and dropout among students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)".

The network, which aims to improve the school situation of all children and adolescents, was founded in 2018 in Leiden, the Netherlands, by 21 academics and clinicians from various disciplines from 11 different countries.

September 2022

Conference of the Devision for Special Education of the German Educational Research Association (GERA) - "Participation - Knowledge - Communication"

This year's conference of the Devision for Special Education of the German Educational Research Association (GERA) was hosted by the Institute for Rehabilitation of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg. The conference took place from 28 to 30 September at the Francke Foundations in Halle (Saale) and was held under the theme "Participation - Knowledge - Communication". Two of our fellows made contributions to the conference with their posters.

Katharina Kuhlmann presented her research project on "Sprachentwicklungsstörungen und zusätzliche Beeinträchtigungen im Bereich der emotional-sozialen und motorischen Entwicklung“. (To download the poster, click here.)

Isabella Sasso received the 3rd place poster award for her poster „Absentismus und Drop-Out bei Schüler:innen mit Autismus Spektrum Störung im inklusiven Schulsystem“. (To download the poster, click here.)

May 2022

Spring Conference of the Working Group on Empirical Special Education Research (AESF)

On 20 and 21 May, two of our fellows participated in the Spring Conference of the Working Group on Empirical Special Education Research (AESF) in Hannover. During the poster presentation, Carolyn Lübbehusen initiated an exchange about the underlying assumptions of her doctoral project, the planned design, and the potential constructs as well as their relations. (To download the poster, click here.)

SPARK: New doctoral programme (Uni-Info January 2022)

Uni-Info January 2022: (see page 12)

SPARK: New doctoral programme

Eight doctoral cadidates will conduct research in the new university doctoral programme SPARK at Faculty I over the next three years. The abbreviation stands for „Ensuring the school participation of children and adolescents with combined impairments with special consideration of social-emotional developmental risks".

For the first time, researchers from all three institutes of the faculty are collaborating in a joint doctoral programme. In addition to the programme members from the Institute for Special Needs Education and Rehabilitation, researchers from the Institute of Educational Sciences and the Institute of Social Sciences are also involved.

The doctoral candidates are conducting joint research on eight dissertation projects with a total of 16 professors from the University of Oldenburg and one professor from the University of Hannover. The common goal is to analyze the development of children and adolescents with special educational needs and multiple risk burdens, as well as their participation in school processes. The doctoral candidates are investigating the development of children and adolescents at high risk for problematic educational and psychosocial outcomes from various perspectives. These can include unauthorized school absences, known as absenteeism, or dropping out of school without a diploma, for example. A comprehensive qualification programme accompanies the doctoral candidates throughout their doctoral studies. This includes regular research colloquia, summer schools, and participation at courses offered by the Graduate Academy, the Graduate School 3GO, and the Center for Higher Education Didactics.

The members of the council of speakers of the college are Prof. Dr. Ute Koglin, Prof. Dr. Annett Thiele, and Prof. Dr. Ulla Licandro. The research group is coordinated by Dr. Monika Bourmer.

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