Path to study abroad

Study abroad opportunities during your studies in Faculty II

  • Student exchange within the ERASMUS Education Programme: You have the opportunity to spend one or two semesters at one of our ERASMUS partner institutions as part of your bachelor’s or master’s degree here in Oldenburg. You can find information here concerning detailed programme information, application deadlines, and financial support for a stay abroad, as well as departmental co-ordinators, who are responsible for particular partnerships.

  • The University of Oldenburg, the University of Bremen, and the University of Groningen offer a joint law programme under the aegis of the Hanse Law School. The bachelor’s degree can be earned in Oldenburg and Bremen, it includes a one-year, integrated stay abroad which can be spent in Groningen. All three univeristies jointly offer a one-year master's course, where a one-semester stay abroad in Groningen is mandatory.

  • Exchange with Abertay University, Dundee, Scotland:
    Bachelor’s and master’s students in Business and Law have the opportunity to study at Abertay University in Scotland. Those who stay for two semesters are exempt from tuition fees. However, those who stay for just one semester have to pay £850 in fees. Oldenburg students can opt for a double bachelor’s if they so choose. More information concerning organizing or registering for this programme can be obtained from Claude Schuster.
  • Study outside Europe:
    The University of Oldenburg has numerous cooperative agreements providing for exchanges in all faculties. Students who participate in these exchanges continue paying tuition fees to their home university. You can get more precise information (concerning deadlines and application procedures, for example) from the International Student Office.

  • Organise your own stay abroad:
    Your choice is not limited solely to Oldenburg’s partner institutions; you can of course choose to apply directly to another university on your own. However, it is important to note that many universities may require you to pay substantial tuition fees to cover your period of study. These fees often exceed the amount of money that ‘Auslandsbafög’ provides for each academic year abroad.

An overview of cooperative agreements between the University of Oldenburg and other universities can be found here.

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