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Petra Wilts

+49 (0)441 798-2181

V03 M-3-320

Social Media


Dear visitors to our social media profiles,

The social media activities of the University of Oldenburg are additional information offerings and are intended to facilitate direct dialog. We are therefore pleased when users participate with comments, opinions and questions. This works best with a friendly tone. Please treat other users as you would like to be treated yourself. And please remember that you are dealing with people and not virtual personalities. Don't hide behind anonymity, but use your real name if possible and don't write anything that you can't identify yourself with.

As a general rule, everyone has the right to their own opinion as long as it does not violate the law or is inappropriate. Not welcome are

  • Insults, degradation and slurs in any form
  • Discrimination and defamation of other users and social groups based on their religion, origin, nationality, disability, income, sexual orientation, age or gender
  • Incitement to violence against persons, institutions or companies
  • Racism and hate propaganda
  • Overt historical revisionism and conspiracy theories
  • Pornography and obscenities
  • The publication of addresses, email addresses and telephone numbers
  • Violations of the rights of third parties (persons, institutions, organizations, companies)
  • The publication of private correspondence (letters, emails and the like)
  • Calls for campaigns, demonstrations and rallies of any political nature
  • Foreign language contributions (except in English)
  • Links to external websites and comments that do not serve to expand on the posted topic
  • Comments that are incomprehensible in terms of content or language
  • Comments that are merely intended to provocatively disrupt the objective exchange of arguments
  • Quotations without citing a source or the author
  • Uncommentary posting of quotes and text excerpts of any kind
  • Misuse of the comment function as advertising space for websites or services
  • The commercial or private offering of goods or services

If these rules are violated, we reserve the right to delete posts or comments, to block users and, in extreme cases, to report a possible violation directly to the site operator.

Comments on our posts do not reflect our opinion, but solely the opinion of the respective user: Each user is responsible for the posts and links they publish.

You can find additional information on data protection in our university's privacy policy (under "Social Media"):

Thank you for your attention.

University of Oldenburg, School VI Medicine and Health Sciences

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