
The research strategy of the School of Medicine and Health Sciences builds on the specific strengths of the research environment in Oldenburg. The aim is to promote research innovation chains on faculty level.
Promising research ideas, activities and projects are continuously promoted and supported with regard to their implementation in collaborative foci, special topic areas, joint projects and structured project applications at different levels.
Research foci and research networks
Research at Faculty VI School of Medicine and Health Sciences is supported by an interlocking of natural science and clinical departments. The departments' divisions contribute to the university's guiding theme of Man and Technology with the research foci of neurosensory and hearing research as well as health care research.
Structurally, research is supported by two research centres and coordinated third-party funding programmes. more...
Research infrastructure / Biomedicum
Biomedical research increasingly requires state-of-the-art research infrastructure and expertise in various disciplines. The Biomedicum of the University of Oldenburg provides a portal for scientists of the Schhol of Medicine and Health Sciences to gain rapid access to existing research infrastructures and expertise. more...
Research funding
Research in the faculty is financially supported by the faculty´s research pool (Forschungspool) in the form of material funding as well as support for young scientists in the early to established career phases up to habilitation. more...
Promoting young talent
Students interested in science are given the opportunity to gain an insight into research and gain initial experience early on in their studies. Structured support programmes and career opportunities enable scientists to develop from doctoral studies to appointment to a chair. more...