Research Data Management
Research Data Management
Research Data Management
Our Service Desk is a facility of the Dean's Office of the Faculty VI - Medizin und Gesundheitswissenschaften. We offer consultation and IT-Services for researchers within our faculty. Further information about our responsibilities can be found in our mission statement.
The following Illustration shows the documents that typically have to be created in the planing phase of medical research projects. The areas in which we offer services are highlighted. Services from other facilities are also shown to clarify the process.
In the services section, you can find more information on the specific IT support we provide. In the FAQ section and in the glossary, you can find general information and tips on the processing of research data.
We apologise that our web pages are not fully translated yet. Most of the content is currently only available on the German version of our website.
If you have any questions regarding research data management, please contact us - we are happy to help!