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Student examination administration in Stud.IP

Frequently asked questions for the Examinations Office

As a general rule:
If you have any questions at all about the organization of your exams, please contact the person responsible for your major subject in the Academic Examinations Office.

1. Before registering for the exam

1.1 Where can I find the exam regulations (Prüfungsordnung) that apply to me?

The Bachelor’s Degree Examination Regulations are the most important foundation for your chosen course of study. You will find them online on theExaminations Office ( website under the degree and subject(s) you have chosen to study as well as in your personal Stud.IP account under Studium > Meine Veranstaltungen > Studienmodulübersicht below in the left column.

When you enrol, the current examination regulations of your first semester apply to you.
Due to changing requirements, the examination regulations may change for students in the course of their studies. Transitional regulations are necessary when changing examination regulations. Transitional regulations ensure that changes do not lead to an extension of the study period.

1.2 How can I register for a module examination?

Each module is concluded with a module examination. You will find a list of current examination times and locations at Stud.IP under the menu item Mein Studium/Meine Prüfungen. You must register for module examinations within the deadline given in Stud.IP. For supervised written examinations, you must generally register online via Stud.IP at least one week before the date of the examination using a TAN number.

  • You can register for module examinations that are not available for online registration using the form Anmeldung für eine Modulprüfung. You will find this form on the website of the Examinations Office under your subject of study. After filling in the form, you should hand it in to examiner on the day of the examination.

If you cannot register online for an examination listed in Stud.IP (e. g. when taking modules from Master‘s degrees), please apply directly to your contact at the Examinations Office.

N. B. you cannot register for an examination after the registration deadline has expired.

1.3 What should I do if I have not received a TAN List, or if I’ve lost it?

The user service of the IT service on level 1 of the central library can provide you with a new TAN list. As soon as a new TAN form is generated, any existing TANs on the previous list will become invalid. You will need to show personal proof of identity as well as your student identification card.

You will receive your first TAN list, containing 50 TANs, by post at the start of your study. You can generate a new TAN list online in the learning administration system Stud.IP under Degree programme > My exams via the menu item ‘TAN-generation’ by entering one of the TANs from the previous list. As soon as a new TAN form is generated, any remaining TANs on the previous list become invalid.

Alternatively, if you are unable to come to Oldenburg, send a black and white copy of your ID card to via your UOL email address and ask for a new TAN form.
Please note: A mail from another email account will not be accepted!

1.4 I am having problems registering online for an exam. Who can I ask for help?

As a rule, you can register online for an exam up to a week before the date of the exam. If you encounter technical problems while registering, please contact

If you wish to register online for an exam which is not listed in Stud.IP, please apply directly to your contact at the Examinations Office (e.g. when taking modules from Master’s degrees).

1.5 Where can I find the current exam dates and locations?

You will find a list of current exam dates and locations in Stud.IP under the menu item Studium - Meine Studienleistungen/-daten - Meine Prüfungen.

1.6 Special arrangements to make up for disadvantages affecting coursework or examinations due to disability, chronic illness or care responsibilities (children, relatives).

Disability / chronic illness

Students requesting special arrangements to make up for disadvantages due to a disability or chronic illness should contact the disability representative or the counselling centres for students with disabilities as early as possible. The University of Oldenburg and the student service organisation offer a wide range of advice, tips and information in all study-related social matters. Counselling for students with disabilities or chronic illnesses is open to all students who feel they are disabled or chronically ill.

 The contact persons are

Wiebke Hendeß (Student Service Organisation Oldenburg)

+49 441 - 798-2797 

Martin Podszus (University of Oldenburg) 

+49 441 - 798-2012


The right to special arrangements to make up for disadvantages is often anchored in law. Students can request special arrangements to make up for disadvantages in the form of help with organising or performing their coursework or for examinations. The following applies to special arrangements to make up for disadvantages during examinations: Students must describe how and to what extent their disability/impairment makes examinations harder for them and how this results in disadvantages compared to fellow students.

For organisational reasons, students who require special arrangements to make up for disadvantages in examination situations due to a disability or chronic illness must contact the Academic Examinations Office in good time before the examination in order to clarify the formalities. The application form below must be used to apply for such special arrangements. The application must identify the required test modifications and justify their necessity. The health impairment and its concrete effects with respect to the applicant's examinations must be documented by appropriate evidence. Only students who acknowledge their own impairments and describe the effects in a plausible manner can request special arrangements to make up for disadvantages. In order for an application for special arrangements to make up for disadvantages to be examined, the justifications, evidence and supporting documents required in each case must be available.

Application for the granting of compensation for disadvantages in examinations (in German) [pdf]

As soon as a complete application has been submitted, it will be forwarded by the Examinations Office to the relevant examining board in compliance with data protection regulations. The final decision rests with the examining board.

Special arrangements to make up for disadvantages can be relevant for all types of coursework or examinations. They can be granted once, or for certain sections of the degree programme or also for the duration of a degree programme. Special arrangements to make up for disadvantages may not be included in the examination assessment or noted on certificates.

Care responsibilities (children, relatives) and maternity leave

Students who require special arrangements to make up for disadvantages due to care responsibilities for their own children or close relatives must contact the Academic Examinations Office in good time before the examination in order to clarify the formalities.

You can apply for special arrangements informally. The application must identify the required test modifications and justify their necessity. Care responsibilities and their concrete effects on examinations must be documented by appropriate evidence.

As soon as a complete application has been submitted, it will be forwarded by the Examinations Office to the relevant examining board in compliance with data protection regulations. The final decision rests with the examining board.

Further information on maternity leave for students

Please use AskOne for students to send us your requests!

2. After taking the exam

2.1 Recognition of study periods and examinations

If you would like to know whether study periods and examinations from e. g. a previous study can be recognised, please follow the link below for information, forms and names of contacts.

2.2 When and how is a free trial available to improve a grade or repeat a failed exam?

For Bachelor students, the free-trial regulations are based on the current Bachelor examination regulations. The details of the free-trial regulations are described in the subject-specific documentation of each degree programme.To find out whether a free trial is an option for you, please consult the subject-specific documentation for your degree programme.

Different regulations may apply for Master's students!

The Bachelor's examination regulations for the single and dual-subject Bachelor's degree programmes (Section 15 (5)) provide for two types of free trial:

  • (1) Free trial to improve a grade in the case of exams which have been passed successfully
  • (2) Free trial when an examination has not been passed

Requirements for (1)

If you have passed an examination on the first available exam date within the standard period of study, you can repeat this examination on request once within one year. The better result counts. If no repetition date is offered within the year, the next possible date applies.

Requirements for (2)

If you have failed an examination on the first available exam date within the standard period of study, the examination may, upon request, be considered as not taken.

Important notes for (1) and (2)

  • The free trial to improve a grade must always be applied for in writing. The application should be received by the Academic Examinations Office on the application form provided at least 14 days before the examination date.
  • In the case of a free trial to pass a failed examination, the application can be made informally by e-mail, by telephone or in person to the responsible clerk at the Academic Examinations Office.
  • A free trial to improve a grade is not available in the case of resits.
  • The subject-specific documentation of your degree programme may include a limitation or exclusion of free trials.
  • Students who fail an exam due to proven cheating are not entitled to a free trial.

If you have any questions on the subject of free trials, please contact your advisor at the Examinations Office.

2.3 What happens if I do not pass an exam?

In general, failed module examinations may be repeated twice. Retakes should take place by the end of the following semester at the latest.

2.4 Do I have to register for a make-up or repeat exam?

If you miss or fail a module examination e. g. due to illness, check Stud.IP to see if a repeat or rescheduled examination is offered. If not, get in touch with your contact at the Examinations Office.

3. Sickness and deregistration

3.1 Can I withdraw from an exam after I have registered for it?

You can withdraw from examinations under the following conditions:

  • You can withdraw from an examination online in Stud.IP within the registration period, and in the case of written examinations, a week before the examination at the latest.
  • If extenuating circumstances apply, such as illness, withdrawal after the registration deadline may be possible. In that case, proof will be required (e.g. a doctor‘s note if you are ill, together with the form Anzeige einer Erkrankung).

3.2 What should I do if I fall ill on day of the examination and cannot take the examination?

See a doctor as soon as possible so that he or she can confirm that you are ill. Complete the sickness form (Krankmeldungsvordruck), which you will find on the website of the Examinations Office under your degree programme. The doctors note and the form should be submitted without delay to your contact at the Examinations Office or the InfoDesk of the Student Service Centre (InfoDesk in the SSC). In the case of scheduled examinations (e. g. oral examinations and formal presentations) you must also notify the examiners.

There are new functions in Stud.IP (see 'My exams') for reporting your inability to take an exam. If the time for a regular deregistration has expired, a withdrawal from the examination is only possible for a valid reason (e.g. the student's own illness). This reason must be reported to the Examinations Office immediately. A new option offered via Stud.IP is the possibility to announce your withdrawal for reasons related to illness. However, this only applies to the following types of exams: written examinations, e-exams, presentations and e-presentations.

Note the further details:

Notification of absence due to illness in Stud.IP (in German)

3.3 What happens if I fall ill during the thesis?

In that case, you should submit a medical certificate to the Examinations Office, together with an informal application to extend the period available for completing the thesis. This period will then be extended accordingly.

4. Grades and report cards

4.1 Can I have poor module marks disregarded when the overall mark is calculated?

Please note: The following regulation only applies to students who began their studies before winter semester 22/23.

This is possible for most Bachelor’s programmes. Please consult the examination regulations for your programme. If the examination regulations contain provisions for this, module marks can be disregarded up to a certain extent when the overall mark is calculated. You can specify the module or modules concerned on the form Erklärung zur Ausstellung des Bachelor-Zeugnisses und der Urkunde, which was sent to you together with the admission to the Bachelor’s thesis.

4.2 Grading of certificates

With the exception of the Bachelor’s thesis, your worst module examination grades up to 18 ECTS can be disregarded when the final grade is determined (please check your examination regulations to see if this is possible). At the end of your study, you can specify the modules concerned on the form Erklärung zur Ausstellung des Zeugnisses, which is provided on admission to the thesis.

N. B. the modules/grades to be disregarded will, however, appear on examination certificate and on the transcript of records.

The preparation of the certificates may vary. The preparation usually takes 4-8 weeks.

4.3 Grade listings in Stud.IP

If there are any inconsistencies or discrepancies regarding the grade listing in Stud.IP (menu item Meine Noten), such as missing grades, for example, get in touch with your contact at the Examinations Office. Please be patient when waiting for examination grades. Grades will be posted in your grade listing as soon as possible.

You can check Stud.IP at any time to view or print a current grade listing, which can be validated without a signature using the verification code.

5. Final Thesis

5.1 Can I deregister once I have submitted my thesis (Bachelor’s/Master’s)?

This FAQ is currently being revised.
If you have any questions on this subject, please contact the responsible clerk at the Academic Examinations Office. If you have specific questions about the modalities of re-registration, please contact the Admissions Office.

5.2 Notes on the assignment and processing of "external" theses

The following information sheet serves as information for students and lecturers who are working on or supervising an "external" thesis.

Information on the assignment and processing of theses involving companies and organisations outside the university (in German) [pdf]

5.3 I lost my graduation documents. How do I get a duplicate?

Please fill in the following application form for a duplicate and send it signed to the Academic Examinations Office.

Application for the issue of a duplicate (in German) [pdf]

Note: A duplicate can only be issued if the original has been irretrievably lost. The applicant must give an assurance to this effect. When a duplicate is created, the original becomes invalid.

5.4 Additional questions regarding Final Thesis

6. Further questions about exams

6.1 Where can I find important documents and forms?

Important documents and forms can be found at Exams

6.2 Can I take required examinations while on leave of absence?

No, you cannot take exams while on leave of absence because you will be considered ‘absent’. If you nevertheless sit exams while on leave of absence, your performance will not be recognized. The exam components will be deemed not taken.

Further, leave of absence while working on a Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis is not possible because this is an examination component. An exception can only be made upon request if examination components are taken during a study abroad. If you take the last examination component before the end of one month after the start of the course, you can deregister retroactively (not take leave of absence). In that case, your tuition fee will be refunded.

Further information:

Leave of absence

Semester contributions and payment instructions

Instructions for deregistration at the student’s request

6.3 Can I study Master’s modules during my Bachelor’s programme?

If you can prove that you have gained 120 ECTS and successfully completed all basic modules, you can register for Master’s modules up to a maximum of 30 ECTS. You will find a registration form on the following internet pages under the relevant subject:

Bachelor’s Programme

Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme

You cannot register online for the Master’s modules. To register, please apply directly to your contact at the Examinations Office.

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