Prof. Dr. Heinz Welsch
Head of Institute
Prof. Dr. Heinz Welsch
Profofessor emeritus Dr. Heinz Welsch Email:
Previous Positions
Senior Research Fellow, University of Cologne (1986-1996)
Research Fellow, University of Bonn (1982-1985)
Habilitation, University of Cologne 1996
PhD in Economics (Dr. rer.pol.), University of Cologne 1984
Master in Economics (Diplom-Volkswirt), University of Bonn 1980
Areas of Interest
Environmental and Resource Economics
Subjective Well-Being
Articles in Refereed Journals
Poverty is a Public Bad: Panel Evidence from Subjective Well-Being Data, Review of Income and Wealth, DOI: 10.1111/roiw12350 (with P. Biermann).
Organic Food and Human Health: An Instrumental Variables Approach, Health Economics & Outcome Research 3 (2017), Issue 3, DOI 10.4172/2471-268X.1000141.
Pan-European Patterns of Environmental Concern: The Role of Proximity and International Integration, Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences 7 (2017), 473-489, DOI 10.1007/s13412-017-0441-x (with J. Kühling).
Energy Affordability and Subjective Well-Being: Evidence for European Countries, The Energy Journal 38 (2017), 159-176 (with P. Biermann).
Measuring Renewable Energy Externalities: Evidence from Subjective Well-Being Data, Land Economics 93 (2017), 109-126 (with C. von Möllendorff).
Electricity Externalities, Siting, and the Energy Mix: A Survey, International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics 10 (2016), 57-94.
Green Status Seeking and Endogenous Reference Standards, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 18 (2016), 625-643 (with J. Kühling). DOI: 10.1007/s10018-015-0134-1
Macroeconomic Performance and Institutional Change: Evidence from Subjective Well-Being Data, Journal of Applied Economics XIX (2016), 193-218 (with. J. Kühling).
Measuring Nuclear Power Plant Externalities Using Life Satisfaction Data: A Spatial Analysis for Switzerland, Ecological Economics, 126 (2016), 98-111 (with P. Biermann).
How Has the Crisis of 2008-2009 Affected Subjective Well-Being? Evidence from 25 OECD Countries, Bulletin of Economic Research 68 (2016), 34-54 (with J. Kühling). DOI: 10.1111/boer.12042
Affective States and the Notion of Happiness, Journal of Happiness and Well-Being 4 (2016), 101-114 (with J. Kühling).
ICT and the Demand for Energy: Evidence from OECD Countries, Environmental and Resource Economics 63 (2016), 119-146 (with P. Schulte and S. Rexhäuser). DOI: 10.1007/s10640-014-9844-2
Income Comparison, Income Formation, and Subjective Well-Being: New Evidence on Envy versus Signaling, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 59 (2015), 21-31 (with J. Kühling). DOI: 10.1016/j.socec.2015.09.004
Well-Being Effects of a Major Natural Disaster: The Case of Fukushima, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 116 (2015), 500-517 (with K. Rehdanz, D. Narita and T. Okubo).
Macroeconomic Preferences by Income and Education Level: Evidence from Subjective Well-Being Data, Review of Economics and Finance 5 (2015), 15-32 (with J. Kühling).
Fukushima and the Preference for Nuclear Power in Europe: Evidence from Subjective Well-Being Data, Ecological Economics 108 (2014), 171-179 (with P. Biermann).
Electricity Supply Preferences in Europe: Evidence from Subjective Well-Being Data, Resource and Energy Economics 38 (2014), 38-60 (with P. Biermann).
Environment, Well-Being, and Experienced Preference, International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics 7 (2013), 205-239 (with S. Ferreira).
Adaptation and Mitigation in Global Pollution Problems: Economic Impacts of Productivity, Sensitivity, and Adaptive Capacity, Environmental and Resource Economics 52 (2012), 49-64 (with U. Ebert).
Life-Cycle and Cohort Effects in the Valuation of Air Quality: Evidence from Subjective Well-Being Data, Land Economics 88 (2012), 300-325 (with T. Menz).
Population Aging and Carbon Emissions in OECD Countries: Accounting for Life-Cycle and Cohort Effects, Energy Economics 34 (2012), 842-849 (with T. Menz)
Are Pro-Environmental Consumption Choices Utility Maximizing? Evidence from Subjective Well-Being Data, Ecological Economics 72 (2011), 75-87 (with J. Kühling).
Who Benefits from Labor Market Institutions? Evidence from Surveys of Life Satisfaction, Journal of Economic Psychology 33 (2011), 112-124 (with C. Ochsen).
Optimal Environmental Taxes and Standards: Implications of the Materials Balance, Ecological Economics 70 (2011), 2454-2460 (with U. Ebert).
The Social Costs of Unemployment: Accounting for Unemployment Duration, Applied Economics 43 (2011), 3999-4005 (with C. Ochsen).
Optimal Response Functions in Global Pollution Problems Can be Upward-Sloping: Accounting for Adaptation, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 13 (2011), 129-138 (with U. Ebert).
The Magic Triangle of Macroeconomics: How Do European Countries Score?, Oxford Economic Papers 63 (2011), 71-93.
Population Aging and Environmental Preferences in OECD Countries: The Case of Air Pollution, Ecological Economics 69 (2010), 2582-2589 (with T. Menz).
Pro-Environmental Behavior and Rational Consumer Choice: Evidence from Surveys of Life Satisfaction, Journal of Economic Psychology 31 (2010), 405-420 (with J. Kühling).
Determinants of Pro-Environmental Consumption: The Role of Reference Groups and Routine Behavior, Ecological Economics 69 (2009), 166-176. (with J. Kühling).
How Do Europeans Evaluate Income Distributions? An Assessment Based on Happiness Surveys, Review of Income and Wealth 55 (2009), 803-819 (with U. Ebert).
Implications of Happiness Research for Environmental Economics, Ecological Economics 68 (2009), 2735-2742.
Using Happiness Data for Environmental Valuation: Issues and Applications, Journal of Economic Surveys 23 (2009), 385-406 (with J. Kühling)
Resource Abundance and Internal Armed Conflict: Types of Natural Resources and the Incidence of ‘New Wars’, Ecological Economics 67 (2008), 503-513.
Resource Dependence, Knowledge Creation, and Growth: Revisiting the Natural Resource Curse, Journal of Economic Development 33 (2008), 45-70.
Armington Elasticities for Energy Policy Modeling: Evidence from Four European Countries, Energy Economics 30 (2008), 2252-2264.
The Welfare Costs of Corruption, Applied Economics 40 (2008), 1839-1849.
Economic Convergence and Life Satisfaction in the European Union, Journal of Socio-Economics 37 (2008), 1153-1167 (with U. Bonn).
The Social Costs of Civil Conflict: Evidenvce from Surveys of Happiness, Kyklos 61 (2008), 320-340.
Emissions Trading between Russia and the European Union: A CGE Analysis of Potentials and Impacts, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 9 (2008), 1-24 (with R. Lokhov).
Environmental Taxation and Induced Structural Change in an Open Economy: The Role of Market Structure, German Economic Review 9 (2008), 17-40 (with C. Böhringer and A. Löschel).
Macroeconomics and Life Satisfaction: Revisiting the “Misery Index”, Journal of Applied Economics X (2007), 237-251.
Environmental Emissions and Production Economics: Implications of the Materials Balance, American Journal of Agricultural Economics 89 (2007), 287-293 (with U. Ebert).
Environmental Welfare Analysis: A Life Satisfaction Approach, Ecological Economics 62 (2007), 544-551.
Cross-National Income Distribution in the European Union: Divergence or Convergence?, Applied Economics Letters 14 (2007), 183-186 (with U. Bonn).
A Qualitative Dynamical Modelling Approach to Capital Accumulation in Unregulated Fisheries, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 30 (2006), 2613-2636 (with K. Eisenack and J. Kropp).
Environment and Happiness: Valuation of Air Pollution Using Life Satisfaction Data, Ecological Economics 58 (2006), 801-813.
Armington Elasticities and Induced Intra-Industry Specialization: The Case of France, 1970 - 1997, Economic Modelling 23 (2006), 556-567.
Burden Sharing in a Greenhouse: Egalitarianism and Sovereignty Reconciled, Applied Economics 38 (2006), 981-996 (with C. Böhringer).
Is There a "Real Divergence" in the European Union? A Comment, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 17 (2006), 259-265 (with U. Bonn).
Kleines Land in Großer Welt: Der Beitrag Deutschlands, Österreichs und der Schweiz zur ökonomischen Literatur am Beispiel des Ausschusses für Umwelt- und Ressourcenökonomie, Schmollers Jahrbuch 126 (2006), 109-120.
International Emissions Trading and Induced Carbon-Saving Technological Change: Effects of Restricting the Trade in Carbon Rights, Environmental and Resource Economics 33 (2006), 169-198 (with P. Matschoss).
Technology, Trade, and Income Distribution in West Germany: A Factor Share Analysis, 1976-1994, Journal of Applied Economics VIII (2005), 321-345 (with C. Ochsen).
Adaptation of Tastes to Constraints, Theory and Decision 57 (2005), 379-395.
The Determinants of Aggregate Energy Use in West Germany, Energy Economics 27 (2005), 93-111 (with C. Ochsen).
Environmental Fiscal Reform in Germany: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 6 (2004), 197-219 (with V. Ehrenheim).
Corruption, Growth, and the Environment: A Cross-Country Analysis, Environment and Development Economics 9 (2004), 663-693.
Skill Intensity and Export Growth in West German Manufacturing, Applied Economics Letters 11 (2004), 513-515.
Contraction and Convergence of Carbon Emissions: An Intertemporal Multi-Region CGE Analysis, Journal of Policy Modeling 26 (2004), 21-39 (with C. Böhringer).
Meaningful Environmental Indices: A Social Choice Approach, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 47 (2004), 270-283 (with U. Ebert).
Freedom and Rationality as Predictors of Cross-National Happiness Patterns: The Role of Income as a Mediating Variable, Journal of Happiness Studies, 4 (2003), 295-321.
Auswirkungen und Perspektiven der ökologischen Steuerreform in Deutschland: Eine modellgestützte Analyse, Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik 4 (2003), 223-238 (with S. Bach, M.Kohlhaas, B. Meyer, B. Praetorius).
Energy Costs, Endogenous Innovation, and Long-Run Growth, Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik/Journal of Economics and Statistics 222/4 (2002), 490-499 (with K. Eisenack)
The Effects of Environmental Fiscal Reform in Germany: A Simulation Study, Energy Policy 30/9 (2002), 803-811 (with S. Bach, M. Kohlhaas, B. Meyer, B. Praetorius).
Preferences over Prosperity and Pollution: Environmental Valuation Based on Happiness Surveys, Kyklos ,Vol. 55 (2002), 473-495.
Dismantling of Nuclear Power in Germany: Sectoral and Macroeconomic Effects, Energy Policy 29/4 (2001), 279-289 (with C. Ochsen).
The Determinants of Production-Related Carbon Emissions in West Germany, 1985-1990: Assessing the Role of Technology and Trade, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 12/4 (2001), 425-455.
Domestic Fiscal Policy in a Monetary Union: What are the Spillovers?, Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik/Journal of Economics and Statistics 220/3 (2000), 327-342.
Energy-Capital-Labor Substitution and the Economic Effects of CO2 Abatement: Evidence for Germany, Journal of Policy Modeling 22 (2000), 641-660 (with C. Kemfert).
Förderung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses: Zur Produktivität volkswirtschaftlicher Fachbereiche in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz, Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften 119 (1999), 455-473 (with V. Ehrenheim)
Coal Subsidization and Nuclear Phase-out in a General Equilibrium Model for Germany, Energy Economics 20 (1998), 203-222
The Carbon Tax Game: Differential Tax Recycling in a Two-Region General Equilibrium Model of the European Community, Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv 132 (1996), 356-377
Optimal Greenhouse Gas Emissions under Various Assessments of Climate Change Ambiguity, Environmental and Resource Economics 8 (1996), 129-140 (with O. Eismont)
Recycling of Carbon/Energy Taxes and the Labor Market: A General Equilibrium Analysis for the European Community, Environmental and Resource Economics 8 (1996), 141-151
Joint vs. Unilateral Carbon/Energy Taxation in the European Union: Results from a General Equilibrium Model, Konjunkturpolitik 42 (1996), 361-383
Greenhouse Gas Abatement under Ambiguity, Energy Economics 17 (1995), 91-100
A General-Equilibrium Analysis of European Carbon/Energy Taxation: Model Structure and Macroeconomic Results, Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften 115 (1995), 275-303 (with F. Hoster)
Incentives for Forty-Five Countries to Join Various Forms of Carbon Reduction Agreements, Resource and Energy Economics 17 (1995), 213-238
Incomplete International Agreements to Reduce CO2 Emissions: The Case of Price Discrimination, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 27 (1994), 254-258
An Equilibrium Framework for Global Pollution Problems, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 25 (1993), S64-S79
A CO2 Agreement Proposal with Flexible Quotas, Energy Policy 21 (1993), 748-756
Economic Approaches to International Agreements for Carbon Dioxide Containment, International Journal of Global Energy Issues 5 (1993), 114-123
A Pricing System for Air Quality Management, Ecological Economics 5 (1992), 15-49
A Note on Lindahl Taxes when Public Goods are Inputs to Household Production, Journal of Economics/Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie 56 (1992), 99-105
On Externalities Related to the Use of Exhaustible Resources, Journal of Economics/Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie 51 (1990), 177-195 (with F. Stähler)
Cost-Effective Control Strategies for Energy-Related Transboundary Air Pollution in Western Europe, The Energy Journal, 11 (1990), 87-104
Habit Persistence and the Structure of International Commodity Trade: A Demand System Analysis for Nine Industrialized Countries, Empirical Economics 14 (1989), 21-42
The Reliability of Aggregate Energy Demand Functions: An Application of Statistical Specification Error Tests, Energy Economics 11 (1989), 285-292
A Cost Comparison of Alternative Policies for Sulphur Dioxide Control: The Case of the British Power Plant Sector, Energy Economics 10 (1988), 287-297
An Aggregate Import Demand Model for Long-Term Projections, Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik 203 (1987), 372-389
A Factor Demand Model with Quasi-Fixed Factors and Rational Expectations, Journal of Economics/Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie 46 (1986), 123-142 (with E. Weissenberger und G. Müller-Brockhausen)
Exchange Rate Determination for Interdependent Economies, Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie/Journal of Economics 45 (1985), 373-393 (with W. Krelle)
Articles in Other Journals
Zwischen Green Growth und De-Growth: Wachstum und Nachhaltigkeit, Ökologisches Wirtschaften 3/2012, 33-34 (with F. Beckenbach and B. Wagner).
The Importance of Role Models for Sustainable Behavior, Ökologisches Wirtschaften, 2/2010, 30-33 (with Marco Lehmann-Waffenschmidt and Reinhard Pfriem).
European Policy on Air Pollution: Effects on Life Satisfaction, Journal of European Affairs 2 (2004), 17-19.
Overlapping-Generations-Modelle als Instrumente zur Bewertung langfristiger Politikstrategien, Zeitschrift für angewandte Umweltforschung 14 (2001), 217-225 (with A. Schwarze).
CO2-Steuern, Beschäftigung und funktionale Einkommensverteilung, Zeitschrift für angewandte Umweltforschung 12 (1999), 30-40
Modelle einer aufkommensneutralen Energiepreiserhöhung und ihre wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen, Teil I: Modelle der Energiebesteuerung und Kompensation, Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft 19 (1995), 47-58 (with M. Kohlhaas)
Modelle einer aufkommensneutralen Energiepreiserhöhung und ihre wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen, Teil II: Auswirkungen der Energiebesteuerung und Kompensation, Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft 19 (1995), 121-142 (with M. Kohlhaas)
CO2-Taxes and Duties, Energy and Environment 6 (1995), 159-166 (with W. Schulz)
Meßtechnik und Umweltpolitik: Ein Beitrag zur Instrumentendiskussion, Zeitschrift für Umweltpolitik und Umweltrecht 17 (1994), 181-206.
Die Lenkungswirkung von CO2-Abgaben: Ein Vergleich unterschiedlicher Ausgestaltungsformen für den Bereich der öffentlichen Stromversorgung, Zeitschrift für angewandte Umweltforschung 6 (1993), 54-66
Umweltschutz und Wohlfahrtsmessung: Zur Funktion und Bedeutung der Umwelt im Wirtschaftsprozeß, Zeitschrift für Umweltpolitik und Umweltrecht 15 (1992), 269-298
Inequality Aspects of Alternative CO2 Agreement Designs, OPEC Review 16 (1992), 23-36
Wirtschaftlicher Umweltschutz in der Energiewirtschaft, Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis, Heft 6/1991, 572-583 (with W. Schulz).
Ökonomische Ansätze zur Gestaltung energiebezogener Klimaschutzabkommen, Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft 15 (1991), 238-247
Kosten der SO2-Minderung unter alternativen umweltpolitischen Strategien: Ergebnisse eines Simulationsmodells des westeuropäischen Kraftwerkssektors, Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft 13 (1989), 51-59
Erschöpfbare Energieressourcen und die sozialen Kosten der Elektrizitätserzeugung, Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft 13 (1989), 208-214
Strategien zur SO2-Minderung für den westeuropäischen Kraftwerkssektor, Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft 12 (1988), 42-48
Preiselastizitäten der Importnachfrage nach fossilen Brennstoffen im internationalen Vergleich, Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft 11 (1987), 130-135
Books and Book Chapters
Some Lessons from Happiness Economics for Environmental Sustainability, in: H. Brockmann, J. Delhey (eds.), Human Happiness and the Pursuit of Maximization: Is More Always Better?, Dordrecht 2013, 149-163.
WENKE2 - Wege zum nachhaltigen Konsum, Marburg 2010 (ed., with I. Antoni-Komar, M. Lehmann-Waffenschmidt, R. Pfriem).
Effektivität, Fairness und Effizienz in der internationalen Klimapolitik: Contraction and Convergence mit handelbaren Emissinsrechten, in: J. Weimann (Hrsg.), Jahrbuch Ökologische Ökonomik 6 - Diskurs Klimapolitik, Marburg 2009 (with C. Böhringer).
Population Aging and Environmental Emissions: The Case of Carbon Dioxide, in: D. Duffy and A. Shinnick (eds.), Public Goods, Public Policy and Taxation: A European Perspective, Berlin 2009 (with T. Menz).
Information Technologies in Environmental Engineering Berlin, Heidelberg 2007 (ed., with J. Marx Gomez, M. Sonnenschein, M. Müller, C. Rautenstrauch).
Integration von Lernkurven in Energiesystem- und CGE-Modelle, in: Energiemodelle zu Innovation und moderner Energietechnik - Analyse exogenen und endogenen technischen Fortschritts in der Energiewirtschaft, Forum für Energiemodelle und Energiewirtschaftliche Systemanalysen in Deutschland (ed.), Münster 2007, (with K. Schumacher, M. Kohlhaas, K. Siraki, H.-J. Wagner, S. Vögele, V. Krey, P. Markewitz, D. Martinsen), 215-232.
Technologischer Fortschritt in LEAN_2000, in: Ansätze zur Modellierung von Innovation in der Energiewirtschaft, Methodenworkshop des Forum für Energiemodelle und Energiewirtschaftliche Systemanalysen in Deutschland am 13.10.2004 im Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Arbeit (Proceedings), Ingo Ellersdorfer und Ulrich Fahl (eds.), Berlin 2005 (with K. Schumacher and M. Kohlhaas).
Constructing Meaningful Sustainability Indices, in: C. Böhringer and A. Lange (eds.), Applied Research in Environmental Economics, Heidelberg 2005.
Corruption, Pollution and Economic Development, Chapter 28 in: Transparency International (ed.), Global Corruption Report 2005, London, Ann Arbor 2005.
The Role of Technology and Trade for West German Income Distribution, in: C. Dreger and G. Hansen (eds.), Advances in Macroeconometric Modeling, Baden-Baden 2004 (with C. Ochsen).
Trade, Technology, and Carbon Emissions: A CGE Analysis for West Germany, in: C. Böhringer and A. Löschel (eds.), Empirical Modeling of the Economy and the Environment, Heidelberg 2003.
Sour Grapes: The Influence of Constraints on Tastes, in: H.G. Nutzinger (ed.), Regulierung, Wettbewerb und Marktwirtschaft/Regulation, Competition, and the Market Economy, Göttingen 2003.
Ergebnisse der Modellgruppen - LEAN, in: Forum für Energiemodelle und Energiewirtschaftliche Systemanalysen in Deutschland (Ed.), Energiemodelle zum Kernenergieausstieg in Deutschland - Effekte und Wirkungen eines Verzichts auf Strom aus Kernkraftwerken, Heidelberg 2002 (with C. Ochsen).
Economic Effects of Nuclear Phase-Out in Germany, in: John R. Blackwood (ed.), Energy Research at the Cutting Edge, New York 2002 (with C. Ochsen); reprinted in: F. Columbus (ed.), European Economic and Political Issues, Volume 8, New York 2004.
Die ökologische Steuerreform in Deutschland: Eine modellgestützte Analyse ihrer Wirkungen auf Wirtschaft und Umwelt, Heidelberg 2001 (with S. Bach, C. Bork, M. Kohlhaas, C, Lutz, B. Meyer, B. Praetorius).
Umweltsteuern und internationaler Wettbewerb in einem multiregionalen Simulationsmodell, in: H.-W. Rengeling und H. Hof (Ed.), Instrumente des Umweltschutzes im Wirkungsverbund, Baden-Baden 2001.
Economic Effects of CO2 Abatement in Germany - The Role of Factor Substitution, in: John W. Maxwell und Jürgen von Hagen (Ed.), Empirical Studies of Environmental Policies in Europe, Dordrecht 2000 (with C. Kemfert)
Environmental Taxes and Employment, in: E. Laege, P. Schaumann (eds.), Energy Models for Decision Support - New Challenges and Possible Solutions, Stuttgart 1999
Ergebnisse der Modellgruppen - LEAN, in: Forum für Energiemodelle und Energiewirtschaftliche Systemanalysen in Deutschland (Ed.), Energiemodelle zum Klimaschutz in Deutschland - Strukturelle und gesamtwirtschaftliche Auswirkungen aus nationaler Perspektive, Heidelberg 1999
Klimaschutz als Determinante langfristiger Energiepolitik, Kapitel 15 in: I. Hensing, W. Ströbele, W. Pfaffenberger, Energiewirtschaft, München 1998
CO2 Abatement and Economic Structural Change in the European Internal Market, Heidelberg 1997 (with F. Hoster and C. Böhringer).
Steuern zur CO2-Minderung in der Europäischen Union, in: P. Gehr, C. Kost, G. Stephan (Ed.), CO2 - Eine Herausforderung für die Menschheit, Berlin/Heidelberg/New York 1997
Mehr Arbeitsplätze durch eine ökologische Steuerreform?, in: VDI (Ed.), Industriestandort Deutschland - Arbeitsplätze und Energie, VDI-Bericht Nr. 1311, Düsseldorf 1997 (with C. Böhringer)
LEAN - Modellcharakteristika und Anwendungsbeispiele, in: S. Molt, U. Fahl (Ed.), Energiemodelle in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland - Stand der Entwicklung, Jülich 1997 (with F. Hoster)
Klimaschutz, Energiepolitik und Gesamtwirtschaft: Eine allgemeine Gleichgewichtsanalyse für die Europäische Union, München 1996.
Energie und Umwelt aus volkswirtschaftlicher Sicht, in: F.-J. Hake, W. Kuckshinrichs, P. Kugeler, W. Pfaffenberger, H.-J. Wagner (Ed.), Energieforschung, Teil I, Jülich 1996
Gesamtwirtschaftliche Auswirkungen von Emissionsminderungsstrategien, in: Enquete-Kommission "Schutz der Erdatmosphäre" des 12. Deutschen Bundestages (Ed.), Studienprogramm Energie, Teilband II, Bonn 1995 (with F. Hoster)
Emission Quotas and the Participation in CO2 Reduction Agreements, in: W. Kuckshinrichs, W. Pfaffenberger, W. Ströbele (Ed.), Economics of the Greenhouse Effect, Jülich 1993
Carbon Taxation in Germany: Approaches and Prospective Effects, in: C. Carraro und D. Siniscalco (Ed.), The European Carbon Tax - An Economic Assessment, Dordrecht 1993.
CO2-Steuern und -Abgaben, in: VDI (Ed.), Klimabeeinflussung durch den Menschen: Sachstand - Energietechnische Konzepte - Umsetzung, VDI-Berichte, Nr. 1016, Düsseldorf 1992 (with W. Schulz)
Monitoring and Enforcement of Pollution Control Laws in Europe and the United States. Comment, in: R. Pethig (Ed.), Conflict and Cooperation in Managing Environmental Resources, Berlin/Heidelberg/New York 1992.
Equity and Efficiency in International CO2 Agreements, in: E. Hope und S. Strom (Eds.), Energy Markets and Environmental Issues: A European Perspective, Oslo 1992
Flexible CO2 Quotas, Abatement Efficiency, and International Income Distribution, in: International Association for Energy Economics (Ed.), Proceedings of the 15th Annual International Conference, Tours 1992.
Energiekosten, in: K. Chmielewicz und M. Schweitzer (Ed.), Handwörterbuch des Rechnungswesens, 3. Auflage, Stuttgart 1992 (with C.C. von Weizsäcker)
Institutional Arrangements for Transfrontier Air Pollution, in: H. Siebert (Ed.), Environmental Scarcity - The International Dimension, Tübingen 1991 (with C.C. von Weizsäcker).
Energie und Wirtschaftswachstum, in: D. Schmitt und H. Heck (Ed.), Handbuch Energie, Pfullingen 1990 (with C.C. von Weizsäcker und F. Stähler)
Internalisierung externer Effekte, in: Enquete-Kommission "Vorsorge zum Schutz der Erdatmosphäre" des Deutschen Bundestages (Ed.), Energie und Klima, Bd. 10 Energiepolitische Handlungsmöglichkeiten und Forschungsbedarf, Bonn/Karlsruhe 1990.
Modeling Exchange Rates and Foreign Trade of Developed Market Economies, in: W. Krelle (Ed.), The Future of the World Economy, Berlin/Heidelberg/New York 1989
Determination of Exchange Rates and Capital Flows for OECD Countries, in: A.P.Thirlwall und I. Gordon (Ed.), European Factor Mobility: Trends and Consequences, London 1989 (with W. Krelle)
Alternative Umweltstrategien für die europäische Elektrizitätswirtschaft: Zur Kontrolle grenzüberschreitender externer Effekte von SO2-Emissionen, in: H. Siebert (Ed.), Umweltschutz für Luft und Wasser, Berlin/Heidelberg/New York 1988 (with C.C. von Weizsäcker).
Simultane Bestimmung der Wechselkurse der wichtigsten Währungen, in: B.Rudolph und J. Wilhelm (Ed.), Bankpolitik, finanzielle Unternehmensführung und die Theorie der Finanzmärkte, Berlin 1988 (with W. Krelle).
Economic Structural Change and Long-Term Fluctuations in Economic Growth, in: T. Vasko (Ed.), The Long-Waves Debate, Berlin/Heidelberg/New York 1987 (with W. Krelle, R. Dobrinsky, J. Gajda, H. Roß und I. Székely).
Wohlfahrtstheorie und Wirtschaftspolitik natürlicher Ressourcen, Frankfurt/Bern/New York 1984.
Book Reviews
Happiness: A Revolution in Economics (B.S. Frey), Environmental Values 18 (2010), 529-531.
Modelling the Economy and the Environment (B. Madsen, C. Jensen Butler, J. Mortensen, A. Christensen), Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv/Review of World Economics 132 (1996), 799-801.
Economic Models And Applications of Solid Waste Management (H.W. Gottinger), Journal of Economics/Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie 55 (1992), 238-240).
Managing Foreign Exchange Risk (R.J. Herring), Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie/ Journal of Economics 45 (1985), 190-193).