Assessing credits earned abroad

Transferring credit acquired during stay abroad

You can transfer academic credit in your subject area earned abroad. With regards to transferring credit, it is important that you do considerable research before beginning your stay abroad. You should consider:

  • What subjects are offered at the institution of your choice?
  • What courses can you take abroad, and how can you have them counted toward your studies in Oldenburg?

An ERASMUS stay abroad requires a ‘learning agreement’, which is an agreement concerning the courses you will take at your host university abroad. It should simplify the process of having your academic credit from abroad recognized after you return. This agreement requires the agreement both of the appropriate programme coordinator in Oldenburg as well as at the university you wish to attend.  


    You have the opportunity to have modules and examinations taken at a foreign university counted towards your degree in Oldenburg. You should be sure to obtain the approval of your academic advisor (Fachstudienberater) some time before you begin your semester(s) abroad.At the end of your stay abroad, you will be issued a transcript of records (Notenbescheinigung) showing your grades from the modules and/or exams you took at your host university. In order to have your credit recognized at the University of Oldenburg, you need to have a certificate of equivalency (Gleichwertigkeitsbescheinigung) signed by the instructor in Oldenburg who is responsible for the corresponding subject. This should then be submitted to the Examinations Office (Prüfungsamt) in Oldenburg. The task of determining equivalency lies with the respective examinations committee (Prüfungsausschuss).In order to facilitate the transfer of credit acquired abroad, ‘block recognition’ may be applied to suitable credits brought from certain partner universities. These include the following:




Växjö Universitet (known as Linnaeus University after 1 January 2010)


If you require further information concerning study abroad in the context of a bachelor’s degree, please contact Claude Schuster.

ERASMUS cooperative agreements in Faculty II (bachelor’s and master’s)


In principle, you can spend one or two semesters abroad, beginning in your second, third, or fourth semester. The timing is very important, as you will have to incorporate this into your course, and ideally start planning as early as possible. You have the opportunity to trade modules, for example, by choosing to take a specialisation module (Spezialisierungsmodul) instead of a foundation module (Basismodul) that can be taken abroad at a later point in time. You may find it easier to take foundation modules as opposed to specialization modules while abroad, as this will give you more choice and freedom to arrange your studies at your host university. It is important to begin planning as early as possible, ideally at the beginning of your first semester in the master’s programme, if not earlier.

It is also possible to go abroad in the fourth semester of a master’s course, and you can even write your master’s thesis while abroad. In order to get credit for the required module in research methods (colloquium), you can take courses at your host university that are thematically suited to your thesis, and then have the credit transferred.

You should in any case inform yourself and explore your options as early as possible. It is also important to make sure that your lecturers and contact people in the Examinations Office (Prüfungsamt) agree concerning course content and trading modules.

Britta Stigge can provide you with more information on studying abroad as part of your master’s programme.

ERASMUS cooperative agreements in Faculty II (bachelor’s and master’s)

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