University of Oldenburg Ammerländer Heerstraße 114-118 D-26129 Oldenburg Germany
Postal address
University of Oldenburg D-26111 Oldenburg Germany
Public transport to/from the university
Bus connection
The lines mentioned here connect the university locations with the ZOB (main railway station) and the main transfer point "Lappan" (city centre). Timetables can be downloaded as a PDF.
The Haarentor campus (Ammerländer Heerstraße/Uhlhornsweg, see map) is served by lines 306 "Universität", 310 "Wehnen/Famila-Center" and 324 "Infanterieweg".
The Wechloy campus (Carl von Ossietzky-Straße, see map) is served by lines 306 "Universität" and 310 "Wehnen/Famila-Center".