Interview with Prof. Sicco Scherjon

Within this programme, medical graduates are offered the opportunity to obtain a doctoral degree at the School of Medicine and Health Sciences of the UOL as well as at the Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen (further information about the program at: In Groningen, the MD/PhD programme and the Junior Scientific Masterclass (JSM) have been an important part in the promotion of early career researchers for many years.

In this interview from May 23 2022, Professor Scherjon gives an insight into the programme in Groningen. He emphasizes how he himself has always combined clinical work with research in his professional career and explains the origins and structure of the programme in Groningen. Professor Scherjon discusses the advantages of the MD/PhD program as well as the Joint MD/PhD programme and reports on students' and supervisors' experiences. He concludes by giving advice to future MD/PhD students and encourages students to apply for the programme.

Click here for the interviewClick here for a written summary

Prof. Sicco Scherjon, Obstetrician-Gynaecologist, Chair of the Junior Scientific Masterclass (JSM) and Member of the MD/PhD Assessment Committee at the UMCG

Note: The programme’s structure in Groningen differs from the programme at the UOL due to the Bachelor's/Master's system in the Netherlands. In Oldenburg, research is integrated into the study course through the Longitudinal Research Curriculum (LFC), which introduces medical students to research at an early stage. However, it is important to distinguish the LFC from the MD/PhD programme. The Joint MD/PhD Programme, unlike the LFC, represents the opportunity to acquire an internationally recognised doctorate and to gain additional research experience. The MD/PhD can only be started after graduation and prepares young scientists for a career between clinical practice and research. All medical students are encouraged to apply up to one year before or after graduation.    

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