
Andrea Klahsen

Office of the Board  (» Postal address)

OECO 1-155 (» Adress and map)

+49 441 798-4320  (F&P

A co-operation between the Climate Protection Management, the Workplace Health Management and the Student Health Management.

Register for the "Stadtradeln

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The University of Oldenburg has had a team taking part in the "Stadtradeln" for years. Most recently, it took first place in Oldenburg in the 2022 campaign period. This year, too, the University will be represented by a team in the sporting competition from 6 to 26 September.

That's what it's about

"Stadtradeln" is an international cycling competition organised by the Climate Alliance, the largest network of cities, municipalities and districts for climate protection. The aim is to cycle as many everyday journeys as possible in a climate-friendly way for 21 days.

In doing so, "Stadtradeln" wants to arouse enthusiasm for cycling with fun and healthy locomotion and bring the topics of bicycle use and bicycle traffic planning more strongly into the municipal parliaments. Participants cover as many kilometres as possible by bicycle in three weeks, whether for business or pleasure. The most cycling-active municipalities as well as the most active teams and cyclists at local level will be awarded.

As the University of Oldenburg, we are of course taking part - not least to climb the top step of the podium in Oldenburg's team comparison in the university's anniversary year.

This is how registration works

You can now register free of charge to take part in the competition on the campaign website of "Stadtradeln". Select the team "University of Oldenburg" here (Link to the team). Within this team, you can again create a sub-team if you want to compete together with your work group or as a student body, for example.

Every kilometre you cycle during the three-week campaign period can be entered online in the km book or directly via the "city cycling" app track. There you can also enter the kilometres manually without location services.

For further questions, you are welcome to look up the rules of the game directly on the "Stadtradeln" page. There you will also find a detailed FAQ that will hopefully answer all your other questions.

Accompanying programme

Opening of the bicycle parking facility with bicycle coding (09.09. - 11.00 a.m.)

  • Date: Monday, September 09
  • Time: 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
  • Location: Bicycle parking facility in front of building A1

The two-storey bicycle parking facility on Uhlhornsweg will be opened with a colorful supporting program to coincide with the start of city cycling.

  • Bicycle coding (ADFC Oldenburg)
  • Support with bike repairs through
  • Wheel of fortune and poster show (University Climate Protection Management)
  • Information on the health benefits of cycling (Student Health Management)
  • Presentation of the university's accompanying program for city cycling (Corporate Health Management)
  • Information on the construction of the bicycle parking facility (Department 4)

What is bicycle coding?

With bicycle coding, your bicycle is given a clearly visible individual number.

In many cases, this helps to deter potential thieves. If your bike is stolen, it makes it easier to identify you as the owner when it is recovered. The ADFC Oldenburg carries out the coding. You can find out which documents you need to bring here.

Joint university bike tour (09.09. -4.30 p.m.)

  • Date: Monday, 9 September
  • Time: 16.30 Departure (Duration: approx. 55 minutes)
  • Place: Starting point at Mensavorplatz Haarentor
  • Who for: Students and employees (and anyone else who wants to come along)
  • Access: Registration is requested
  • Level: Slow

To ring in the "Stadtradeln" (city cycling) together, we cordially invite you to join us for a short bike ride around the university and the surrounding area. You can find a FAQ about the event further down on this page. For organizational reasons, we kindly ask you to register using the registration form below.

Postcode breakfast (14.09. - 9.00 a.m.)

  • Date: Tuesday, 17 September
  • Time: 9.00 a.m. (Duration: 60 minutes)
  • Location:
  • Who for: All university members
  • Access: After registration

The “Postcode Breakfast” offers the opportunity to get to know fellow students and colleagues from academia and administration who live in the same zip code area and regularly travel to the university from there in a relaxed atmosphere. It does not matter which means of transport is regularly used to get there.  In addition to the personal exchange, the event offers space to form carpools, pass on tips on good cycling routes or arrange research project brainstorming sessions on the train. As a Fairtrade University, we offer you fair trade tea and coffee as well as light refreshments.

For organizational reasons, we kindly ask you to register in advance using the form below.

lunchtime info - Ergonomic cycling (19.09. - 13.00)

  • Date: Thursday, 13 September
  • Time: 1 p.m. (Duration: 30 minutes)
  • Location: Digital
  • Who for: All university members
  • Access: Registration via Stud.IP (Information on the registration procedure can be found here)

The lunchtime info session is a staff development event format that addresses topics relating to health, prevention and work-life balance. This time: Ergonomics on the bike.

It is undisputed that cycling can make a positive contribution to health (and the environment). Cycling activates the muscles and at the same time protects the joints. It can also prevent cardiovascular diseases.

However, an unfavourable or incorrect adjustment of the bike can also lead to incorrect strain, which in turn can result in health problems. It is therefore important that the rider and the bike are optimally adjusted to each other. Bicycle expert Hermann Henning will explain exactly which points are important in this lunchtime info session.

Speaker: Hermann Henning, owner of "Die Speiche" in Oldenburg

After-work bike tour with the ADFC (25.09., 16:30)

  • Date: Wednesday, September 25
  • Time: 16:30 departure (duration: approx. 2 hours)
  • Location: Starting point at Mensavorplatz Haarentor
  • Who for: Students and employees (and anyone else who wants to come along)
  • Access : Registration is requested
  • Level: Easy

At the end of the city bike ride, it's time to get out into the fresh air, clear your head in a relaxed atmosphere and at a leisurely pace, chat and get to know nice fellow students and colleagues. The easy, varied tour is designed by the Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrradclub Oldenburg (ADFC ), whose tour guides will accompany us through the Oldenburg countryside. The pace will be adapted to the participants and there will be a break in between. After around 25 km we will be back at the Haarentor campus.

For organizational reasons, we ask you to register in advance using the form below. It is also possible to register directly on departure.

Wir sind UNIwegs - Photo exhibition 2024 (06.09. to 25.09.)

  • Date: Wednesday, September 06 - September 25
  • Time: all day
  • Place: Lecture hall building A14 (Uhlhornsweg 86)
  • Who for: All university members and interested parties

Under the motto "Wir sind UNIwegs", all students and employees of the university were invited to take part in the photo competition in spring. The competition was embedded in the supporting program for the university's 50th anniversary and encouraged participants to take a creative look at mobility options and their own mobility behavior. Participants had three categories to choose from: "Networked: Mobility connects", "Traffic: Challenges of mobility" and "On the move: Mobile in everyday life". The jury selected 15 entries from the 81 photographs received, which will now be exhibited at the Haarentor campus.

Testing the locking system at the Wechloy station

  • Date: During the city cycling campaign period
  • Location: Wechloy train stop
  • Who for: University rail commuters

Do you commute to university by train and would like to park your bike safely in Oldenburg? Secure parking spaces are available at the Wechloy train station in a collective locking system for bicycles to link cycling and rail traffic. During the city cycling campaign period, you can use the locking system for your bike free of charge. If you are interested, please send an e-mail to

Further information on the collective locking system and the digital booking process can be found here.


Registration for participation in "Stadtradeln" and for the events from the university action week are separate from each other. Registering with the university team for "Stadtradeln" does not automatically mean registering for the events, and vice versa.

Registration events

FAQ for "Saddled up" cycle tour

How demanding will the cycling tour be?

We will do a small lap for about 30-45 minutes and take it easy. After all, we just want to collect a few kilometres together and not win the Tour de France. Even if you are an inexperienced rider, you will certainly be able to keep up. During the events, we make sure that all participants keep up well and adjust the pace if necessary.

Why do I have to register?

We are personally inexperienced in organising such a cycling tour. Especially with such a large target group, it is hard to estimate what kind of response the event will meet with. We want to be as prepared as possible if about 200 people participate instead of 20. We also have to register the event with the city if there are 100 or more people.

What happens in bad weather?

This is one of the reasons why we ask you to register in advance. This way we can inform you if there are any changes to the planning. If we decide to cancel the event, we will contact you by email by 1pm at the latest.

Are the places for participation limited?

No, there is no restriction on participation. However, this is one of the reasons why we ask for registration so that we can prepare for the size of the group.

I have registered but cannot attend at short notice. What do I have to do?

It's a pity that you can't be there. It would be great if you could send us a short message to so that we can continue to get an overview of how big the group is.

(Changed: 20 Aug 2024)  | 
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