
Anna Sarah Krämer

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Student Initiatives

Student engagement plays a decisive role at the University of Oldenburg and sustainability and climate protection initiatives and projects in particular are often initiated and co-designed by students. The topic is addressed within the university committees as well as by voluntary initiatives and groups.

Student sustainability initiatives and actors

The Sustainability Department of the AStA is working on structurally anchoring sustainability principles at all levels of the university. This includes, among other things, the establishment of a central sustainability office, co-designed by students, to coordinate sustainable development towards a climate-neutral university, the accreditation of the university as a FairTrade University or the establishment of a campus garden, a Fairteiler for food and the operation of the AStA Land.

Under the motto "Think. Act. Transform. the NachDenkstatt offers a transdisciplinary working platform in which actors and experts from science and practice work together with students on various sustainability-relevant topics. The core of the initiative is a three-day workshop conference, in which socially relevant approaches to previously defined problems are to be found together, which are scientifically sound and at the same time practical. Furthermore, the NachDenkstatt is embossed by a creative and inclusive framework programme.

Students for future are students from various colleges and universities in German-speaking countries. Based on scientific findings, they recognise the climate crisis as an existential and globally massively unjust threat to people and societies worldwide. They are fighting for a future worth living for all and for climate justice. That is why they are part of Fridays for Future and are also international, non-partisan, autonomous and decentralised.

sneep stands for "student network for ethics in economics and practice" and as a student network forms an interface between science, economics and politics. The association has set itself the goal of stimulating critical discourse on ethical and sustainable economics in theory and practice. As a multidisciplinary network of students, trainees, doctoral candidates and young professionals, sneep wants to bring sustainability and ethics more into business and science. sneep wants to encourage people to think outside the boundaries of classical economics and thus show possibilities for economic activity in the 21st century.

Foodsharing is an initiative against the waste of food and groceries. It is about saving food that would otherwise end up in the rubbish. A Fairteiler is a place where everyone is allowed to bring food and take it from there free of charge. The open-air fair divider at our university was created in cooperation with Foodsharing and the University of Oldenburg and is available for everyone to pick up food, such as fruit and vegetables and baked goods, or to share food that you can no longer use yourself. In addition, the Fairteiler is regularly supplied with rescued food by food savers.

Students can come to the bicycle workshop free of charge with a defective bicycle (but also other things) and repair them themselves. Tools, small parts (normal shop prices) and used parts are offered there. The bicycle self-help workshop is run by students interested in bicycles who try to help with repairs as best they can. In addition, bikes, cargo and children's trailers or a cargo bike can be rented there at cost price.

A campus garden is being planted on a 100m2 area on the Haarentor campus under the auspices of the AStA and as part of a seminar in the winter term 2021/22. This will not only make the campus more ecological, but also give many students the opportunity to garden when their own living situation does not allow it. The garden is planned, planted and maintained jointly.

The AStA Land is a student garden in the immediate vicinity of the Wechloy and Haarentor campuses. This is an open urban gardening project, financed by the AStA of Oldenburg University. On the AStA land, students have the opportunity to take over a patch sponsorship. There is also the possibility to work on patches in small groups.

The Fairtrade Steering Group accompanies the application process of the university to become a Fairtrade University .

In the AStA computer workshop, laptops, computers, mobile phones and the like can be repaired under expert supervision. Students can learn how to repair their own equipment under supervision and guidance. In addition, students can hand in their equipment that can no longer be repaired and see if some individual parts can be recycled. Equipment can be borrowed there as a temporary solution.

The NABU university group is newly founded and aims to promote the protection and conservation of nature right on our doorstep. We want to become active together among people interested in nature and work for the care of biotopes, the preservation of biodiversity and for a sustainable approach to our environment. Practical nature conservation is very important to us!

The ReparierBar will start in the winter semester 23/24 and is a central contact point for all students. It is a place to go for repairs of all kinds: clothing, textiles, bicycles, electrical appliances, computers, mobile phones, household appliances, furniture and much more can be repaired there. In addition to repairs, there will also be space for culture. In future, every 2nd Friday of the month from 4 pm.

PELIKAN is a local group of the Plural Economics Network and Rethinking Economics. The group organizes a regular reading group and other educational events on the topics of economics, sustainability, social justice, etc. We also work within the university to promote diverse, future-oriented teaching in economics.

Other student initiatives and groups

The Unikino Gegenlicht is a student project consisting of a colourful mix of students and non-students that offers extraordinary film screenings every Wednesday at the university. All those interested in film, design, technology and programme orga or nerds to the clueless are always welcome to help shape the Unikino.

CAMPUSRADIO Oldenburg takes on the challenge of making radio for all those who listen to the radio, but also for everyone else. Since 2013, the initiative has been cooperating with the local radio station Oldenburg Eins. Twice a month, on Thursdays from 6 p.m., it broadcasts a radio programme that is discussed, planned and produced with dedication, creativity and a lot of love. For all those who cannot tune in live on the broadcast days, there is also a podcast.

The theatre workshop offers all students the opportunity to enter the Oldenburg University Theatre. The basics of acting and staging are taught. In addition to improvisation exercises, the students take short scenes from plays and work on various realisations. The OUT is aimed at actors and actresses and anyone who would like to try their hand at lighting and stagecraft, costume, make-up, directing and assistant directing. A play is then put on stage at the beginning of the following semester.

Students at Work (formerly HIB) was set up to open up trade unions more to students. Two student employees work for Students at Work with the support of the Cooperation Centre University Trade Unions, the DGB member unions ver.di, IG Metall, IG BCE and GEW and the DGB Youth. Trade unions fight for the improvement of working and living conditions, also for students.

The AStA newspaper Die kleine Weltbühne is a student newspaper edited and published by the AStA and written by interested students. It is published every two to three months with a different theme, which, however, is always intended to address everyday student life and life at and with the university. All students of the Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg are cordially invited to submit an article. There is also a Podcast.

Arbeiterkind encourages pupils from families without university experience to be the first in their family to study. The volunteers got involved to inform pupils about the possibility of studying and to support them on their way from entering university to successfully graduating and starting a career. The volunteers are for the most part students or first-generation academics themselves and report from their own experience about their educational advancement and encourage as personal role models.

CARLO is a student consultancy where you can get involved and develop yourself. CARLO not only covers Oldenburg, but also Emden, Wilhelmshaven and Groningen, and offers the unique opportunity to develop your network with the social commitment at CARLO and yourself.

The Astronomy-AG is a student-organised project at the Carl-von-Ossietzky University Oldenburg, which has existed since 1992. Twice a month (on the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month) we meet for our seminar-like events. In addition, we use the telescopes of the university to make our own observations and vividly experience what is happening high above our heads.

Are you interested in physics and from the Oldenburg region? Do you want to get to know the research and innovation centres of Northern Germany? Would you like to get involved with the latest research areas and make new contacts? Then this is the right place for you! The jDPG offer an exciting range of excursions, lectures and events related to physics.

The Student Legal Consulting (SLC) is the student legal advice service at Carl von Ossietzky University. It consists of students from various degree programmes in economics and law and was founded in 2015. The initiative supports students with many legal questions and problems and offers neutral and unbiased advice. Other people such as students, pensioners, unemployed people, refugees and the like can also make use of the service.

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