PhD-Day 2021

The Doctoral Students' Day 2021 took place online on 17.11.2021. A short review can be found on this homepage.


The keynote address in 2021 will be given by Prof. Dr. Liezel Frick, Faculty of Education, Stellenbosch University, South Africa "It takes two to tango: building a constructive student-supervisor relationship".

Welcome and introduction of the participating institutions

10:00 - 11:00 Uhr

Welcome and introduction of the participating institutions by Prof. Dr. Annett Thiele (Vice President for Young Academics and Equal Opportunities) and the organisers.

Parallel Sessions 11.00 - 12.00 hrs

"Legal Framework Conditions of Supervision Relationships and of Bi-national Doctorates or Cooperations".

11:00 - 12:00 Uhr - Vortrag und Diskussion mit Imke Degering, Rechtsreferat

Your doctoral regulations - the recipe for a successful doctorate!

Using the example of questions of supervision and binational doctorates, we will take a clarifying look at the supposed (in)depths of the legal regulations. In this way, you will take with you a closeness to and confidence in your personal doctoral recipe, which will guide you chronologically through your doctoral project and show you your obligations, but also your rights.

Imke Degering is a lawyer in the UOL's legal department and is responsible for drafting and amending doctoral regulations.

"Springboard to Science - Pathways after the PhD".

11:00 - 12:00 Uhr - offene Sprechstunde mit Simone Brühl, Zentrale Studien- und Karriereberatung (ZSKB)

A successful career in science needs to be well planned. In the open consultation hour, we reflect on the pros and cons of a career in science, sharpen your profile based on your academic career portfolio, define your next steps or go through your application documents together.

"What opportunities do I have to turn my research results into a business idea?"

11:00 - 12:00 Uhr - Offene Sprechstunde mit Franziska Kinzel, EXIST Potentiale, Referat Forschung und Transfer

From 11 a.m. to 12 p.m., the Research and Transfer Department is offering an open consultation hour on the topic of "What options do I have for turning my research results into a business idea? We will present various funding programmes for spin-offs from science and academia and can explain in a joint discussion which funding programme would suit a specific research topic. Appointments can then be made for individual consultations.

"Welcome Service for International PhDs

11:00 - 12:00 Uhr - Offene Sprechstunde mit Christiane Rochner und Linda Book, International Office

The International Office informs about welcome and support services for International PhDs, including event / networking offers.

"Doctoral Students' Representative Council"

11:00 - 12:00 Uhr - Vortrag und offene Sprechstunde mit Mitgliedern der Promovierendenvertretung

Your doctorate is always presenting you with new challenges and sometimes you feel like you're alone? Are you looking for like-minded people and a way to network?

We, the doctoral student representation, offer a contact point for these and all other questions that may arise in the context of a doctorate. We represent the interests of doctoral students in the various university committees, offer regular exchange meetings and events for doctoral students, and work with you to find the right answers to questions about your doctorate. If you would like to find out more about us, come along to our presentation. Afterwards, you can discuss current topics and personal concerns about your doctorate in an open atmosphere.

We look forward to meeting you!

Keynote 12:00 - 13:30

"It takes two to tango: building a constructive student-supervisor relationship".

12:00 - 13:30 Uhr - Keynote mit Prof. Dr. Liezel Frick, Centre for Higher and Adult Education Stellenbosch University, South Africa

"Tango is serious and takes discipline. it must be studied hard to be done well. it is elegant, formal, passionate and intimate. it is about power and vulnerability. it is both dance and metaphor. and to its captives becomes a magnificent obsession" ~ Janny Scott

Dancing the tango is an apt metaphor for doing a PhD. It is a serious business that takes discipline and concerted study to master. The partners - candidates and supervisors - have to master the intricate steps of the dance and improvise according to the music, knowing that each partner brings unique qualities to the partnership. So when we consider what a PhD candidate-supervisor relationship, there is no one-size-fits-all approach that will work for everyone everywhere all of the time. It requires an artful interplay between power and vulnerability in which both candidates and supervisors play an active role in shaping the relationship. In this keynote, I will be focusing on the active role candidates can play to establish and maintain successful relationships with their supervisors, and how their roles change and shift during the PhD.

Join the online keynote via BBB

Parallel Sessions 2.00 - 3.00 p.m.

Doing a doctorate with a child: Enough time? What influence do supervision and contract conditions have?

14.00 – 15.00 Uhr Input und Austausch mit Claudia Batisweiler (Familienservice)

The event with input and the subsequent opportunity for exchange is intended to appeal to PhD students with and without child(ren).

In preparation, it is requested that you invest 10 minutes reading time in the essay: ZEIT, DIE ES BRAUCHT. Care politics as time politics, by Teresa Bücker (2020), licence CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 EN.

Psychological resilience in doctoral studies. Typical stressors and coping strategies. Offers for doctoral students from BGM and PSB

14.00 – 15.00 Uhr Vortrag und Diskussion mit Maike Santelmann, Astrid Beermann und Frank Haber (BGM u. PSB)

  • Talk on Workplace Health Management and presentation of the Psychological Counselling Service for Employees by Dr. Astrid Beermann and Maike Santelmann (in German)
  • Talk "A Recipe for Resilience - How to survive and thrive as PHD-Student" by Frank Haber (in English)
  • Fragen undDiskussion mit allen Vortenden und Teilnehmern / Questions and discussion with all participants and presenters


Assistance with non-academic career planning

14.00 – 15.00 Uhr Vortrag und Diskussion mit Dr. Jasmin Overberg und Andrea Klahsen (IHJO!, Teilprojekt Karrierewege)

The Innovative Hochschule Jade-Oldenburg! (IHJO), sub-project "KarriereWege", has been supporting doctoral students from all disciplines in exploring the non-university job market in the region since 2018. In addition to contact seminars, mentoring programmes, coaching and workshops, a practical phase is one of the formats offered. In the course of the short lecture, the different formats of the sub-project as well as experiences of the past years will be presented. Afterwards, the participants will have the opportunity to ask individual questions.

Open office hours for doctoral candidates - "Research funding

14.00 – 15.00 Uhr mit Bärbel Rieckmann und Dr. Anne Clausen (Referat Forschung und Transfer)

Have you ever asked yourself: When do I start acquiring third-party funding for my own research? How do I apply for funds for conference travel? And do I even have to have been abroad if Iwant to pursue an academic career? You can discuss these and other questions on the topic of research funding with us in a relaxed exchange round.

"Doctoral Students' Representative Council"

14:00 - 15:00 Uhr - Vortrag und offene Sprechstunde mit Mitgliedern der Promovierendenvertretung

Your doctorate is always presenting you with new challenges and sometimes you feel like you're alone? Are you looking for like-minded people and a way to network?

We, the doctoral student representation, offer a contact point for these and all other questions that may arise in the context of a doctorate. We represent the interests of doctoral students in the various university committees, offer regular exchange meetings and events for doctoral students, and work with you to find the right answers to questions about your doctorate. If you would like to find out more about us, come along to our presentation. Afterwards, you can discuss current topics and personal concerns about your doctorate in an open atmosphere.

We look forward to meeting you!

Panel discussion 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.

"Next Generation Scientists - On good conditions for the doctorate as an important phase of work and life".

Podiumsdiskussion mit Prof. Dr. R. Bruder (Präsident der UOL), Prof. Dr. A. Thiele (Vizepräsidentin für Wiss. Nachwuchs und Gleichstellung der UOL), Y. Schadewell / N. Dji-Yung Pirsch (Vorsitzende bzw. stellv. Vorsitzende der Promovierendenvertretung)

Under the title "Science and Innovation System: Igniting the Next Stage of Expansion", science and business associations will publish their key demands to the new Federal Government in mid-October 2021: In order to prepare today's society for tomorrow's crises, Germany must become a "sustainable science location". But what does the science system of the next generation look like? What are the characteristics of modern doctoral funding? What course should be set at the state, federal and university levels?

These and other questions will be discussed by actors from the Graduate Academy and Graduate Schools with Prof. Dr. Ralph Bruder, Prof. Dr. Annett Thiele and representatives of the PhD students' association against the background of current conditions.

moderated by Dr. Julia Anna Matz and Rea Kodalle

Participation in the online panel discussion via BBB

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