3GO Coordinator
Program ‚Schreibbegleitung’
Program ‚Nach dem Studium promovieren?!’
Structured PhDs in the Social Sciences and Humanities
Structured PhDs in the Social Sciences and Humanities
Here you will find an overview of the PhD possibilities and announcements in the Faculties I – IV. For more information, please contact the respective contact person.
Faculty I
PhD concentration “Participation-Inclusion/Exclusion”
The doctoral programs are part of the Graduate School 3GO and can be completed with a certificate after completion of the planned courses (summer schools, teaching, foreign lectures, participation in colloquia etc. for a total of 30 credits). The contents of the Program are determined by examination regulations. The PhD program is in accordance with the regulations of the Faculty I for Education and Social Sciences. Here you will find information pertaining to the examination regulations (Ordnung über Inhalte und Prüfungen des Promotionsschwerpunktes) as well as information on special requirements for admission to the doctoral programs (Ordnung über besondere Zulassungsvoraussetzungen für die Promotionsprogramme).
Phd Program | Professors | Contact |
PhD Program “Arbeit – Organisation- Wissen” (AROWI) The structured doctoral program "Arbeit - Organization - Wissen" (AROWI) at the University of Oldenburg aims to accompany social science graduates in the areas of work, organization and knowledge in the development of their PhD (doctorate degree), and to bring them closer to recent social science approaches and studies on these topics. The program deals with changes in the workforce through globalization and technology processes and the resulting effects on the labor market and social inequalities. In the field of organization, it is about the interaction of the various actors in organizations and the analysis of organizations as heterogeneous and environmentally-friendly systems. In the field of knowledge, the focus is on the relationship between knowledge and society. One, in particular regarding current information and communication technologies and their social impact. | Prof. Dr. Michael Feldhaus | Prof. Dr. Martin Heidenreich |
„Lifelong Learning and Education Management" (L3BM) The structured program "Lifelong learning and education management" (L3BM) aims at supporting graduates of the education sciences in the fields of further education, education management and teaching with digital media, as well as providing them with current studies research from these fields. In the field of continuing education, the aim is to analyze the permeability and participation in the tertiary education system. On the one hand, the focus is on the institutional and structural barriers leading to the breakdown of education and the lack of participation of underrepresented groups. On the other hand, the structures, processes and effects of educational and pedagogic interventions are examined for the participation and quality improvement in the tertiary education system. In the field of education management, the focus is on the organization, design and management of educational organizations and educational processes. In addition, organizational theoretical work related to education and public administration is supervised. In the context of learning and teaching with digital media, approaches to the conception, development and evaluation of innovative teaching-learning designs from an international, organizational and individual perspective are the focus of recent developments in educational technology.
| Prof. Dr. Yvonne Ehrenspeck-Kolasa | |
“Special Education and Rehabilitation” (SpuR The aim of the structured doctoral program "Special Education and Rehabilitation" (SpuR) is to provide graduates of special education and rehabilitation pedagogy, psychology and health sciences with the development of their doctorates, particularly in the fields of special education, the rehabilitation of people with impairments and participation , inclusion and participation in educational and health care facilities. The focus is on current studies, evidence-based research results and international perspectives on these subject areas. In the area of special education, the focus is on diagnostics and counseling as well as the development and testing of evidence-based teaching and learning methods for children and adolescents with special educational needs to promote participation in the education system. On the one hand, the focus is on the institutional and structural barriers leading to the breakdown of education and the lack of participation of underrepresented groups. On the other hand, the structures, processes and effects of educational and pedagogic interventions are pursued for the participation and quality improvement in the inclusive education system. The topic of rehabilitation / rehabilitation pedagogy is about the theorized analysis of rehabilitation and health processes of persons with a disability or handicap, as well as their (re) integration into society as well as in education and work processes. The focus is on approaches to the conception, development, consulting and evaluation of evidence-based funding and training programs against the background of participatory interdisciplinary care research. | Prof. Dr. Kerstin Bilda (Hochschule für Gesundheit Bochum) Prof. Martina Hasseler (Ostfalia Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften) Prof. Dr. Frauke Koppelin (Jade Hochschule) Prof. Dr. Heinrich Ricking |
Doctorate Center (DOZ) Special Education and Rehabilitation
PhD Program | Faculty | Lecturer | Contact |
Doctorate Center (DOZ) Special Education and Rehabilitation | Faculty I
| Prof. Dr. Ute Koglin | Martin Podszus 0441/ 7984958
DOZ Main Office: 0441/ 7982010
Faculty II
PhD Program „Transnational Economics and Law in the Information Society” (TELIS)
PhD Program | Faculty | Lecturer(s) | Contact |
„Transnational Economics and Law in the Information Society” (TELIS) | Faculty II Department of Business and Law | Prof. Dr. Hans-Michael Trautwein | Heide Elsner
PhD Program „Environmental Economics and Sustainability Management” (UNA)
PhD Program | Faculty | Lecturer(s) | Contact |
Faculty II Department of Business and Law | Prof. Dr. Bernd Siebenhüner | Heide Elsner
Faculty III
PhD Program „Culture of Gender Studies“
PhD Program | Faculty | Lecturer(s) | Contact |
„Culture of Gender Studies“ | Faculty III Institute for Culture Studies, Textile Media | Prof. Dr. Karen Ellwanger Prof. Dr. Silke Wenk |
Helene-Lange-Kolleg "Identity constructions of young adults in a post-socialist transformation society: the case of Belarus"
Graduate College | Faculty | Lecturer(s) | Contact |
"Identity constructions of young adults in a post-socialist transformation society: the case of Belarus" | Faculty III
Institute for Material Culture Institute for Slavic Studies
| Prof. Dr. Gun-Britt Kohler
A 8 1-113 0441/ 7982309 | Prof. Dr. Gun-Britt Kohler |
Faculty IV
Interdisciplinary Programs
PhD programme Gestalten der Zukunft (Shaping the future)
Subject | Faculty | Lecturer(s) | Contact | |
The PhD programme aims to critically observe and accompany the many-voiced network of ideas and expectations, of hopes and fears, including the corresponding (political) programmes and measures, which revolves around the concept, techniques, and practices of digitalisation. To this end, it reflects, informed by the humanities, cultural studies and social sciences, on society’s approach to digitalisation and, in an interdisciplinary dialogue, pursues the questions, 1. how, under what conditions, and in which social areas (politics, education, economy, health care, etc.) which blueprints of a digital future will emerge, 2. how these drafts take shape, gain acceptance, or fade away unheard in different genres and media (in party programmes, academic expertise, futurology, science fiction, etc.), 3. what influence do drafts of a digital future have on the present, e.g. in processes of political decision-making, in educational initiatives, or in measures for the solution, channelling, and defence of problems and crises that have been diagnosed and prognostically anticipated in the present | Faculties I, II, III und IV
In cooperation with Jade Hochschule, the Hanse-Wissenschafts-kolleg Delmenhorst (HWK) and 3GO. | Prof. Dr. Thomas Alkemeyer Prof. Dr. Martin Butler
| Coordination Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg |