
Department of Health Services Research  (» Postal address)

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Original works

  • Happe, L., Sgraja, M., Quinten, V., Förster, M., & Diekmann, R. (2024). Requirement Analysis of Different Variants of a Measurement and Training Station for Older Adults at Risk of Malnutrition and Reduced Mobility: Focus Group Study. JMIR aging, 7, e58714. doi:
  • Happe L, Sgraja M, Hein A, Quinten V, Diekmann R. Usability and feasibility of a tablet-based e-coach for older adults in rehabilitation units to improve nutrition and physical activity: a prospective pilot study. BMC Geriatr 2023, 23: 578. IF 4.1 (2022)
  • Brinkmann A, Kowalski C, Lau S, Meyer O, Diekmann R, Hein A. Chair squat performance as a potential predictor of nurses’ physical capabilities in ergonomic patient transfers. Scientific Reports 2023, 13(1): 1-10. IF 4.996 (2021)
  • Pauls A, Bauer JM, Diekmann R, Fudickar S, Hein A, Hellmers S, Lau S, Meyer J, von Holdt K, Koppelin F. Motivationsgründe und Vorstellungen über eine zukünftige Beteiligung älterer Menschen im Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprozess von Gesundheitstechnologien-eine Mixed Methods-Studie. Das Gesundheitswesen 2023, 85:895-903. IF 1.1 (2022)
  • Büker L, Quinten V, Hackbarth M, Hellmers S, Diekmann R, Hein A. How the Processing Mode Influences Azure Kinect Body Tracking Results. Sensors 2023, 23(2): 878. IF 3.9 (2022)
  • Röhl JH, Hellmers S, Diekmann R, Hein A. Concept of an Observation-driven Android Robot-Patient with individualized Communication Skills. 2022 9th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference for Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob): 1-7.
  • Diekmann R, Hellmers S, Lau S, Heinks A, Elgert L, Bauer JM, Zieschang T, Hein A. Are vertical jumps able to predict 24‑month follow‑up functional geriatric assessment in a healthy community‑dwelling older cohort? Aging Clinical and Experimental Research. 2022, 34(11): 2769-2778. IF 4.481 (2021)
  • Hellmers S, Brinkmann A, Fifelski-von Böhlen C, Lau S, Diekmann R, Hein A. Posture and Mechanical Load Assessment during Patient Transfers. SN Computer Sciences 2022, 3: 375.
  • Brinkmann A, Fifelski-von Böhlen C, Kowalski C, Lau S, Meyer O, Diekmann R, Hein A Providing physical relief for nurses by collaborative robotics. Scientific Reports 2022; 12: 8644. IF 4.997 (2021)
  • Elfert P, Berndt J, Dierkes L, Eichelberg M, Rösch N, Hein A, Diekmann R. A Novel Digital Nutrition Diary for Geriatric Patients at High Risk of the Frailty Syndrome. Nutrients 2022, 18;14(3):400. IF 6.706 (2021)
  • Fudickar S, Pauls A, Lau S, Hellmers S, Gebel K, Diekmann R, Bauer JM, Hein A, Koppelin F. Measurement System for Unsupervised Standardized Assessments of Timed Up and Go and 5 Times Chair Rise Test in Community Settings – A Usability Study. Sensors 2022, 19;23(3):731. IF 3.847 (2021)
  • Happe L, Hein A, Diekmann R. Iterative Development and Applicability of a Tablet-Based e-Coach for Older Adults in Rehabilitation Units to Improve Nutrition and Physical Activity: A Usability Study. JMIR Human Factors 2022, 9(1): e31823.
  • Happe L, Hein A, Diekmann R. What do geriatric rehabilitation patients and experts consider relevant? Requirements for a digitalised e-coach for sustainable improvement of nutrition and physical activity in older adults – a qualitative focus group study. BMC Geriatrics 2021, 21:712. IF 4.070 (2021)
  • Wojzischke J, Bauer JM, Hein A, Diekmann R. The Relevance of Obesity for Activities of Daily Living in Geriatric Rehabilitation Patients. Nutrients 2021; 13(7):2292. IF 6.706 (2021)
  • Friedrich B, Bauer JM, Hein A, Diekmann R. Detecting Impending Malnutrition of (pre-) frail Older Adults in Domestic Smart Home Environments. Nutrients 2021; 13(6):1955. IF 6.706 (2021)
  • Happe L, Lau S, Koschate J, Diekmann R, Hein A, Zieschang T. Machbarkeit und Akzeptanz videobasierter Physiotherapie. Neues Versorgungsangebot für ältere Menschen während der COVID-19-Pandemie. Z Gerontol Geriatr 2021; 54(4): 346–352. IF 1.292 (2021)
  • Brinkmann A, Fifelski C, Lau S, Kowalski C, Meyer O, Diekmann R, Hein A. Quantification of Lower Limb and Spine Muscle Activity in Manual Patient Handling – A Case Study. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2020 (26); 272:249-252. IF 0.678 (2021)
  • Brinkmann A, Fifelski C, Lau S, Kowalski C, Meyer O, Diekmann R, Isken M, Fudickar S, Hein A. Thee AAL/Care Laboratory – A Healthcare System for Caregivers. Nanomaterials and Energy 2020. IF 0.15 (2021)
  • Diekmann R, Hellmers S, Elgert L, Fudickar S, Heinks A, Lau S, Bauer JM, Zieschang T, Hein A. Minimizing comprehensive geriatric assessment to identify deterioration of physical performance in a healthy community-dwelling older cohort – longitudinal data of the AEQUIPA Versa study. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research 2021 Mar;33(3):563-572. IF 4.481 (2021)
  • Fudickar S, Hellmers S, Lau S, Diekmann R, Bauer JM, Hein A. Measurement System for Unsupervised Standardized Assessment of Timed "Up & Go" and Five Times Sit to Stand Test in the Community-A Validity Study. Sensors (Basel) 2020 May 15; 20(10): 2824. IF 3.576 (2020)
  • Hellmers S, Fudickar S, Lau S, Elgert L, Diekmann R, Bauer JM. Hein A, Measurement of the Chair Rise Performance of Older People Based on Force Plates and IMUs. Sensors. 2019, 19 (6): 1370. IF 3.275 (2019)
  • Hellmers S, Lau S, Diekmann R, Dasenbrock L, Kromke T, Bauer JM, Fudickar S, Hein A, Evaluation of Power-Based Stair Climb Performance via Inertial Measurement Units. Proc. Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, Cham. 2019, pp. 238-261.
  • Kiesswetter E, Colombo MG, Meisinger C, Peters A, Thorand B, Holle R, Ladwig KH, Schulz H, Grill E, Diekmann R, Schrader E, Stehle P, Sieber CC, Volkert D. Malnutrition and related risk factors in older adults from different health care settings: an enable study. Public Health Nutrition 2020; Feb;23(3):446-465. IF 4.022 (2020)
  • Hellmers S, Izadpanah B, Dasenbrock L, Diekmann R, Bauer JM, Hein A, Fudickar. Towards an Automated Unsupervised Mobility Assessment for Older People Based on Inertial TUG Measurements. Sensors 2018, Oct. 2;(10). IF 3.031 (2018)
  • Elfert P, Eichelberg M, Tröger J, Britz J, Alexandersson J, Bieber D, Bauer J, Teichmann S, Kuhn L.K., Thielen M, Sauer J, Münzberg A, Rösch N, Woizischke J, Diekmann R, Hein A, DiDiER – Digitized Services in Dietary Counselling for People with Increased Health Risks Related to Malnutrition and Food Allergies. IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), Heraklion, Greece, 2017, 100-104.
  • Bauer JM, De Castro A, Bosco N, Romagny C, Diekmann R, Benyacoub J, Vidal K. Influenza vaccine response in community-dwelling German prefrail and frail Individuals. Immunity & Aging 2017; 14:17. IF 4.019 (2017)
  • Pohlhausen S, Uhlig K, Kiesswetter E, Diekmann R, Heseker H, Volkert D, Stehle P, Lesser S. Energy and protein intake, anthropometrics, and disease burden in elderly home-care receivers – A cross-sectional study in Germany (ErnSiPP), J Nutr Health, Aging 2016 ;20(3):361-8. IF 2.772 (2016)
  • Veronese N, Cereda E, Solmi M, Fowler SA, Manzato E, Maggi S, Manu P, Abe E, P, Hayashi K, Allard J, Arendt B, Beck AM, Chan M, Audrey YJP, Lin WY, Hsu H-S, Lin C-C, Diekmann R, Kimyagarov S., Miller M, Cameron I, Pitkälä KH, MD, Lee J, JWoo J, Nakamura K, Smiley D, Umpierrez G, Rondanelli M, Sund-Levander M, Valentini L, Schindler K, Törmä J, Volpato S, Zuliani G, Wong M, Lok K, Kane JM, Sergi G, Correll CU, Inverse Relationship Between Body Mass Index and Mortality in Older Nursing Home Residents: A Meta-analysis of 19,538 Elderly Subjects, Obes Rev. 2015 Nov;16(11):1001-15. IF 7.883 (2015)
  • Kiesswetter E, Schrader E, Diekmann R, Sieber CC, Volkert D. Varying Associations Between Body Mass Index and Physical and Cognitive Function in Three Samples of Older Adults Living in Different Settings. J Gerontol: Medical Sciences 2015, 1–7. IF 5.476 (2015)
  • Kiesswetter E, Pohlhausen S, Uhlig K, Diekmann R, Lesser S, Uter W, Heseker H, Stehle P, Sieber CC, Volkert D. Prognostic Differences of the Mini Nutritional Assessment Short Form and Long Form in Relation to 1-Year Functional Decline and Mortality in Community-Dwelling Older Adults Receiving Home Care. J Am Geriatr Soc 2014; 62:512–517. IF 4.572 (2014)
  • Bollwein J, Diekmann R, Kaiser MJ, Bauer JM, Uter W, Sieber CC, Volkert D. Distribution but not amount of protein intake is associated with frailty: a cross-sectional investigation in the region of Nürnberg. Nutrition Journal 2013,12:109. IF 2.635 (2013)
  • Diekmann R, Winning K, Bauer JM, Uter W, Stehle P, Lesser S, Bertsch T, Sieber CC, Volkert D. Vitamin D and physical function in nursing home residents – a one year observational study. Z Gerontol Geriatr 2013; 46(5):403-409. IF 1.023 (2013)
  • Diekmann R, Winning K, Uter W, Kaiser MJ, Sieber CC, Volkert D, Bauer JM. Screening for malnutrition among nursing home residents — a comparative analysis of the mini nutritional assessment, the nutritional risk screening, and the malnutrition universal screening tool. J Nutr Health, Aging 2013; 17(4):326-31. IF 2.659 (2013)
  • Kiesswetter E, Pohlhausen S, Uhlig K, Diekmann R, Lesser S, Heseker H, Stehle P, Volkert D. Malnutrition is related to functional impairment in older adults receiving home care. J Nutr Health, Aging 2013;17(4):345-50. IF 2.569 (2013)
  • Bollwein J, Volkert D, Diekmann R, Kaiser MJ, Uter W, Vidal K, Sieber CC, Bauer JM. Nutritional status according to the mini nutritional assessment (MNA®) and frailty in community dwelling older persons: a close relationship. J Nutr Health, Aging 2013; 17(4):351-356. IF 2.659 (2013)
  • Bollwein J, Diekmann R, Kaiser MJ, Bauer JM, Uter W, Sieber CC, Volkert D. Dietary Quality Is Related to Frailty in Community-Dwelling Older Adults. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2013 Apr; 68(4):483-9. IF 4.984 (2013)
  • Kaiser MJ, Bauer JM, Uter W, Donini LM, Stange I, Volkert D, Diekmann R, Drey M, Bollwein J, Tempera S, Guerra A, Ricciardi LM, Sieber CC. Prospective validation of the modified mini nutritional assessment short-forms in the community, nursing home, and rehabilitation setting. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2011 Nov; 59(11):2124-8. IF 3.737 (2011)
  • Kaiser R, Winning K, Uter W, Volkert D, Lesser S, Stehle P, Kaiser MJ, Sieber CC, Bauer JM. Functionality and mortality in obese nursing home residents - An example of 'Risk Factor Paradox'? J Am Med Direc Assoc 2010; 11(6):428-435. IF 5.325 (2017)
  • Kaiser MJ, Bauer JM, Ramsch C, Uter W, Guigoz Y, Cederholm T, Thomas DR, Anthony P, Charlton KE, Maggio M, Tsai AC, Grathwohl D, Vellas B, Sieber CC; Bai J, Donini LM, Dumartheray EW, Elkan AC, Essed NH, Gómez Ramos MJ, Heseker H, Kaiser R, Krieg MA, Kuzuya M, Langkamp-Henken B, Lesser S, Magri F, Norman K, Odlund Olin A, Overzier S, Paker-Eichelkraut S, Pauly L, Pepersack T, Pirlich M, Reinhart W, Rolland Y, Ruiz López MD, Saeglitz C, Schneider SM, Stehle P, Strathmann S, Visvanathan R, Volkert D, Winning K. Validation of the Mini Nutritional Assessment short-form (MNA-SF): A practical tool for identification of nutritional status. J Nutr, Health Aging 2009; 13(9):782-8. IF 1.712 (2009)
  • Kaiser R, Winning K, Uter W, Stehle P, Lesser S, Sieber CC, Bauer JM. Comparing two different approaches for the application of the Mini Nutritional Assessment in nursing homes: Resident interviews versus assessment by nursing staff. J Nutr, Health Aging 2009; 13(10):863-9. IF 1.712 (2009)

Reviews (peer review process)

  • Brinkmann A, Fifelski-von Böhlen C, Lau S, Hein A, Diekmann R. Relevanz der unteren Extremitäten im Kontext muskuloskelettaler Belastungen in der Pflege. Pflegewissenschaft Ausgabe 4 – 2021, 23. Jahrgang.
  • Van Wijngaarden J, Wojzischke J, van den Berg C, Cetinuyurek-Yavuz A, Diekmann R, Luiking Y, Bauer JM. Effects Of Nutritional Interventions On Nutritional And Functional Outcomes In Geriatric Rehabilitation Patients: A Systematic Review And Meta-Analysis. J Am Dir Assoc 2020, 21(9):1207-1215. IF 4.669 (2020)
  • Wojzischke J, van Wijngaarden J, van den Berg C, Cetinyurek-Yavuz A, Diekmann R, Luiking Y, Bauer J. Nutritional status and functionality in geriatric rehabilitation patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur Geriatr Med. 2020 Apr;11(2):195-207. doi: 10.1007/s41999-020-00294-2. IF 1.26 (2020)
  • Wirth R, Diekmann R, Fleiter O, Fricke L, Kreilkamp A, Modreker MK, Marburger C, Nels S, Schaefer R, Willschrei HP, Volkert D; Arbeitsgruppe Ernährung und Stoffwechsel der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geriatrie (DGG). Refeeding-Syndrom bei geriatrischen Patienten. Eine oft übersehene Komplikation. Der Internist (Berl). 2018 Apr; 59(4):326-333. IF 0.43 (2018)
  • Diekmann R, Wojzischke J. The role of nutrition in geriatric rehabilitation. Current Opinion of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care, 2018 Jan;21(1):14-18. IF 3.570 (2018)
  • Wirth R, Diekmann R, Fleiter O, Fricke L, Kreilkamp A, Modreker MK, Marburger C, Nels S, Schaefer R, Willschrei HP, Volkert D; Arbeitsgruppe Ernährung und Stoffwechsel der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geriatrie (DGG). Refeeding syndrome in geriatric patients: A frequently overlooked complication. Z Gerontol Geriatr. 2017 Jan 9. IF 1.160 (2017)
  • Wojzischke J, Diekmann R, Bauer JM. Obesity in old age and its importance for functionality and frailty. Z Gerontol Geriatr. 2016 Oct; 49(7):573-580. IF 0.885 (2016)
  • Dasenbrock L, Berg T, Lurz S, Beimforde E, Diekmann R, Sobotka F, Bauer JM. The De Morton Mobility Index for evaluation of early geriatric rehabilitation. Z Gerontol Geriatr. 2016 Jul; 49(5):398-404. IF 0.885 (2017)
  • Bauer JM, Diekmann R. Protein and Older Persons. Clinics in Geriatric Medicine, 2015 Aug; 31(3):327-38. IF 1.525 (2015)
  • Bauer JM, Diekmann R. Protein Supplementation with Aging. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care 2015, 18:24–31. IF 4.033 (2015)
  • Diekmann R, Bauer JM. Proteinbedarf älterer Menschen. Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 2014 Feb;139(6):239-42. IF 0.287 (2014)
  • R. Diekmann, JM Bauer. Proteinbedarf älterer Menschen. Schweizer Zeitschrift für Ernährung 2013; 5(11):11.
  • Volkert D, Bollwein J, Diekmann R, Sieber CC. Die Rolle der Ernährung bei der Entstehung von Sarkopenie und Frailty. EUmschau 2011; 9:486-493. IF 0.113 (2011)
  • R. Kaiser. Pflegerische Compliance, der Schlüssel zur erfolgreichen Ernährungstherapie im Pflegeheim. Nutrition News 2009; 6(4):9-10.
  • R. Kaiser, K. Winning, C.C. Sieber, J.M. Bauer. Systematische Erfassung des Ernährungszustandes. Geriatrie Journal 2008; 3:32-37.
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