Junior Research Group for Rehabilitation Sciences
Junior Research Group for Rehabilitation Sciences
Junior research group for Rehabilitation Sciences

Junior research group for Rehabilitation Sciences
The Junior research group for rehabilitation sciences was set up in cooperation with the Deutsche Rentenversicherung Oldenburg-Bremen on November 1st, 2016. Its research focuses on the following:
In participatory research conditions for self-determined and equal participation in society are being analyzed. In this regard, subjective perspectives of those affected and their living environments play a crucial role.
A reference model for participatory research is the International Classification of Functionality, Disability and Health (ICF) of the World Health Organization. The underlying bio-psycho-social model describes interactions between functioning and disability (body functions and structures, activities and participation) and contextual factors (environmental factors, personal factors).
Another focus of the junior research group is health services research, with a special focus on the use of rehabilitation services. In this regard, the established Behavioral Model of Health Services Use is used, which describes the utilization process and various determinants for health-related outcomes. Such a determinant can be the local health service structure, which can be outlined and evaluated using healthcare atlases. Further questions for health services research arise when considering interfaces between healthcare sectors: An early identification of rehabilitation needs requires the cooperation of those affected, general practitioners, company physicians and funding agencies. An analysis of these interfaces can reveal healthcare gaps. Therefore, central questions are examined, which relate to assessing rehabilitation needs and explaining non-utilization needed rehabilitation services.
The junior research group for rehabilitation sciences puts emphasis on considering the perspectives and needs as well as the expertise of those affected by health conditions and on involving them in different phases of the projects.