Prof. Dr. Georg Martin Klump
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PD Dr. Thomas Friedl
Publications by PD Dr. Thomas W. P. Friedl
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Publications in journals
- Edler AU, Friedl TWP (2012). Age-related variation in carotenoid-based plumage ornaments of male Red Bishops Euplectes orix. J Ornithol 153: 413-420
- Friedl TWP, Groscurth E (2012). A real-time PCR protocol for simple and fast quantification of blood parasite infections in evolutionary and ecological studies and some data on intensities of blood parasite infections in a subtropical weaverbird. J Ornithol 153: 239-247
- Edler AU, Friedl TWP (2011). Carotenoid-based plumage colouration in red bishops (Euplectes orix) - signalling presence rather than quality? Behaviour 148: 1372-1392
- Edler R, Goymann W, Schwabl I, Friedl TWP (2011). Experimentally elevated testosterone levels increase courtship behaviour and territoriality but decrease acquired immune response in Red Bishops Euplectes orix. Ibis 153: 46-58
- Edler AU, Friedl TWP (2010). Plumage colouration, age, testosterone and dominance in male red bishops (Euplectes orix): a laboratory experiment. Ethology 116: 806-820
- Edler AU, Friedl TWP (2010). Individual quality and carotenoid-based plumage ornaments in male red bishops (Euplectes orix): plumage is not all that counts. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 99: 384-397
- Metz M, Klump GM, Friedl TWP (2009). Male nest-building behaviour and mating success in the Red Bishop (Euplectes orix). Behaviour 146: 771-794
- Edler R, Friedl TWP (2008). Within-pair young are more immunocompetent than extra-pair young in mixed-paternity broods of a polygynous weaverbird. Animal Behaviour 75: 391-401
- Metz M, Klump GM, Friedl TWP (2007). Temporal changes in demand for and supply of nests in red bishops (Euplectes orix): dynamics of a biological market. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 61: 1369-1381
- Metz M, Geberzahn N, Hansen LH, Klump GM, Friedl TWP (2007). Effects of behavioural time budgets and nest-building efficiency on male reproductive performance in red bishops (Euplectes orix). Journal of Ornithology 148: 145-155
- Friedl TWP (2006). Individual male calling pattern and male mating success in the European treefrog (Hyla arborea): Is there evidence for directional or stabilizing selection on male calling behaviour? Ethology 112: 116-126
- Friedl TWP, Klump GM (2005). Sexual selection in the lek-breeding European treefrog (Hyla arborea): body size, chorus attendance, random mating, and good genes. Animal Behaviour 70: 1141-1154
- Friedl TWP, Edler R (2005). Stress-dependent trade-off between immunological condition and reproductive performance in the polygynous red bishop (Euplectes orix). Evolutionary Ecology 19: 221-239
- Friedl TWP, Klump GM (2005). Extrapair fertilizations in the Red Bishop (Euplectes orix): do females follow conditional extrapair strategies? Auk 122: 57-70
- Edler R, Klump GM, Friedl TWP (2004). Do blood parasites affect reproductive performance in male red bishops (Euplectes orix)? A test of the Hamilton-Zuk hypothesis. Ethology Ecology & Evolution 16: 315-328
- Friedl TWP (2004). Breeding success in a Red Bishop (Euplectes orix) colony in the Eastern Cape, South Africa, and its relation to nest site characteristics. Ostrich 75: 95-105
- Friedl TWP (2004). Breeding behaviour of the Red Bishop (Euplectes orix): a synthesis and new observations. Vogelwarte 42: 178-190
- Friedl TWP (2002). The effect of rainfall on the breeding behaviour in the red bishop, Euplectes orix. Ostrich 73: 181-184
- Friedl TWP, Klump GM (2002). Extra-pair paternity in the red bishop (Euplectes orix): is there evidence for the good-genes hypothesis? Behaviour 139: 777-800
- Friedl TWP, Klump GM (2002). The vocal behaviour of male European treefrogs (Hyla arborea): implications for inter- and intrasexual selection. Behaviour 139: 113-136
- Friedl TWP, Klump GM (2000). Nest and mate choice in the red bishop (Euplectes orix): female settlement rules. Behavioral Ecology 11: 378-386
- Friedl TWP, Klump GM (1999). Determinants of male mating success in the red bishop (Euplectes orix). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 46: 387-399
- Friedl TWP, Klump GM (1997). Some aspects of population biology in the European treefrog, Hyla arborea. Herpetologica 53: 321-330
- Friedl TWP (1993). Intraclutch egg-mass variation in geese: A mechanism for brood reduction in precocial birds? Auk 110: 129-132
Thomas Friedl