

Prof. Dr. Karl-Wilhelm Koch

Deputy Directors

Prof. Dr. Christine Köppl

Prof. Dr. Jutta Kretzberg



Postal address

Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
VI. School of Medicine and Health Sciences
Department of Neuroscience
D-26111 Oldenburg

Visiting address

Campus Wechloy
Carl-von-Ossietzky-Straße 9-11
D-26129 Oldenburg

Campus map online

Campus map for printing

Department of Neuroscience

Department of Neuroscience

Welcome in the Department of Neuroscience

The Department of Neuroscience focuses on neurosensory science and neurodegenerative processes. The main emphasis is laid on hearing and vison, which are studied  along the entire sensory pathways from signal transduction to perception. These issues are adressed at the molecular, cellular, physiological and systems level using biochemical, anatomical and physiological methods, imaging, modelling and behavioral experiments.

Dysfunction in vision and hearing represent the most common sensory impairments with a huge impact on the quality of life. They have also become a central issue in our aging society, as the risk to suffer from a decline in function of these senses considerably increases in the elderly. Comprehensive insights into the basic processes of the sensory perception as well as in the mechanisms leading to derogation of these senses are therefore necessary for the development of new therapeutic approaches and towards healthy aging.

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