
Meik Möllers

Division 4 - Facility Management  (» Postal address)

V03 2-M 216 (» Adress and map)

+49 441 798-5400  (F&P

Energy management system

Project profile


  • "Expansion of an energy management system for the property of the University of Oldenburg and Jade University"


  • The aim of the project is the expansion and long-term operation of an energy management system to further reduce the energy consumption andCO2 emissions of the University of Oldenburg and the Jade University of Applied Sciences.


  • The University of Oldenburg and the Jade University of Applied Sciences Wilhelmshaven, Oldenburg and Elsfleth manage a total of around 300,000 m² of space in over 70 buildings as part of their joint building management programme.
  • Particularly at the Oldenburg-Wechloy and Wilhelmshaven sites, where mainly natural sciences/engineering are taught and practised in laboratories (energy-intensive building operation), energy management must be expanded and developed to improve and monitor energy consumption and energy efficiency.
  • Energy management (measurement with electronic energy meters, evaluations and implementation of energy-saving construction measures, behaviour-oriented measures and efficient building operation) is intended to reduce energy consumption in the buildings. An expansion of measuring points for the energy forms electricity, gas, heating, cooling and water is planned.


  • 2024-2026

Funded by

  • Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection based on a resolution of the German Bundestag.
  • National Climate Protection Initiative

    With the National Climate Initiative, the Federal Ministry for the Environment has been initiating and funding numerous projects that contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions since 2008. Its programmes and projects cover a broad spectrum of climate protection activities: From the development of long-term strategies to concrete assistance and investment-based funding measures. This diversity is a guarantee for good ideas. The National Climate Initiative helps to anchor climate protection on the ground. It benefits consumers as well as companies, local authorities and educational institutions.

  • Funding reference number: 67K23707
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