
Lab Head

Prof. Christine Köppl

+49 (0)441 798-3563

+49 (0)441 798-193563


Postal address

Carl von Ossietzky University
School of Medicine and Health Sciences,
Department for Neuroscience,
Carl von Ossietzky Strasse 9-11
26129 Oldenburg

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PLEASE NOTE: due to copyright regulations, most of the links below refer to the webpages of the respective journal - CLICK ON PAGE NUMBERS. If you find that you do not have access, we are happy to supply a PDF-copy for personal use upon request.

Complete Publication List of Prof. Geoffrey A. Manley (separate list)


Steenken F, Beutelmann R, Oetjen H, Köppl C, Klump GM (2024) Auditory perception and neural representation of temporal fine structure are impaired by age but not by cochlear synaptopathy. bioRxiv preprint

Bergevin C, Whiley R, Wit H, Manley GA, van Dijk P (2024) Auditory cellular cooperativity probed via spontaneous otoacoustic emissions. bioRxiv preprint

Kuokkanen PT, Kraemer I, Köppl C, Carr CE, , Kempter R (2024) Single neuron contributions to the auditory brainstem EEG. bioRxiv preprint

Aralla R, Pauley C, Köppl C (2024) The neural representation of binaural sound localization cues across different subregions of the chicken’s inferior colliculus. J Comp Neurol 532:e25653

Steenken F, Pektaş A, Köppl C (2024) Age-related changes in olivocochlear efferent innervation in gerbils. Front Synaptic Neurosci 16:1422330.

Manley GA (2024) Conditions Underlying the Appearance of Spontaneous Otoacoustic Emissions in Mammals. J Assoc Res Otolaryngol:in press.

Bovee S, Klump GM, Köppl C, Pyott SJ (2024) The Stria Vascularis: Renewed Attention on a Key Player in Age-Related Hearing Loss. Int J Mol Sci 25:5391.

Heeringa AN (2024) Single-unit data for sensory neuroscience: Responses from the auditory nerve of young-adult and aging gerbils. Sci Data 11:411.

Castaño-González K, Köppl C, Pyott SJ (2024) The crucial role of diverse animal models to investigate cochlear aging and hearing loss. Hear Res 445:108989.

Manley GA, Maat B, Begall S, Malkemper P, Caspar KR, Leif M, van Dijk P (2024) Otoacoustic emissions in African mole-rats. Hear Res 445:108994.

Bovee S, Klump GM, Pyott SJ, Sielaff C, Köppl C (2024) Cochlear ribbon synapses in aged gerbils. Int J Mol Sci 25:2738.

Carr CE, Wang T, Kraemer I, Capshaw G, Ashida G, Köppl C, Kempter R, Kuokkanen PT (2024) Experience-Dependent Plasticity in Nucleus Laminaris of the Barn Owl. J Neurosci 44:e0940232023.


Manley GA (2023) The history of lizard auditory research. In: Ketten D, Coffin A, Popper AN, Fay RR (Eds) A History of Discoveries on Hearing. New York, Springer. pp 113-149.

Heeringa AN, Jüchter C, Beutelmann R, Klump GM, Köppl C (2023) Altered neural encoding of vowels in noise does not affect behavioral vowel discrimination in gerbils with age-related hearing loss.  Front Neurosci 17:1238941.

Heeringa AN, Teske F, Ashida G, Köppl C (2023) Cochlear aging disrupts the correlation between spontaneous rate and sound level coding in auditory nerve fibers. J Neurophysiol 130:736-750.

Köppl C, Klump G (2023) Schwerhörigkeit im Alter: Was steckt dahinter? Biospektrum 29:341–344.

Manley GA (2023) Evolution of Diversity in the Auditory Papillae of Reptiles. Diversity 15:730


Steenken F, Oetjen H, Beutelmann R, Carney LH, Köppl C, Klump GM (2022) Neural processing and perception of Schroeder-phase harmonic tone complexes in the gerbil: Relating single-unit neurophysiology to behavior. Eur J Neurosci 56:4060-4085

Manley, GA (2022) Otoacoustic Emissions in Non-Mammals. Audiol Res 12:260–272.

Steenken F, Bovee S, Köppl C (2022) Immunolabeling and Counting Ribbon Synapses in Young Adult and Aged Gerbil Cochleae. JoVE 182:e63874.

Krumm B, Klump GM, Köppl C, Beutelmann R, Langemann U (2022) Chickens have excellent sound localization ability. J Expt Biol 255.

Köppl C (2022): Avian Hearing. In: Sturkie’s Avian Physiology, seventh ed (Scanes CG, Dridi, S, eds), Elsevier, pp. 159-177.

Heeringa AN, Köppl C (2022) Auditory nerve fiber discrimination and representation of naturally-spoken vowels in noise. eNeuro 9(1).

Press release by the University of Oldenburg, related to this work


Patrick SC, Assink JD, Basille M, Clusella-Trullas S, Clay TA, den Ouden O, Joo R, Zeyl JN,  Benhamou S, Christensen-Dalsgaard J, Evers L, Fayet AL, Köppl C, Malkemper EP, Martín López LM, Padget O, Phillips RA, Prior M, Smets P, van Loon E (2021) Infrasound as a Cue for Seabird Navigation. Front Ecol Evol: 9:740027.

Steenken F, Heeringa AN, Beutelmann R, Zhang L, Bovee S, Klump GM, Köppl C (2021) Age-related decline in cochlear ribbon synapses and its relation to different metrics of auditory-nerve activity. Neurobiol Aging 108:133-145.

Caus Capdevila MQ, Sienknecht UJ, Köppl C (2021) Developmental maturation of presynaptic ribbon numbers in chicken basilar-papilla hair cells and its perturbation by long-term overexpression of Wnt9a. Dev Neurobiol 81:817-832.

Manley GA (2021) An evolutionary approach to middle-ear prostheses. Hear Res 400:108144.

Martin, P., Manley, G.A. (2021) Auditory processing by the cochlea. In: Kandel, E., Jessell, T.M., Siegelbaum, S.A., Mack, S., Koester, J. Principles of Neural Science, sixth ed. Columbus, OH., McGraw-Hill, 594-624.


Luo, Z.-X., Manley, G.A. (2020) Origins and Early Evolution of Mammalian Ears and Hearing Function. In: Grothe, B., Fritzsch, B. The Senses: A Comprehensive Reference, Vol. 2, Second edition. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 207-252. (Also published as: Reference Module in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology.

Manley, G.A. (2020) The Hearing of Lizards and Snakes. In: Grothe, B., Fritzsch, B. Eds.) The Senses: A Comprehensive Reference, Vol.2, Second Edition. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 149-162. (Also published as: Reference Module in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology.

Thiele N, KJ Hildebrandt, Köppl C (2020) Gene delivery to neurons in the auditory brainstem of barn owls using standard recombinant adeno-associated virus vectors. Curr Res Neurobiol 1:100001.

Zeyl JN, den Ouden O, Köppl C, Assink J, Christensen-Dalsgaard J, Patrick S, Clusella-Trullas S (2020) Infrasonic hearing in birds: a review of audiometry and hypthesized structure-function relationships. Biol Rev 95:1036-1054

Reijntjes DOJ, Köppl C, Pyott SJ (2020) Volume gradients in inner hair cell-auditory nerve fiber pre- and postsynaptic proteins differ across mouse strains. Hear Res 390

Wit HP, Manley GA, van Dijk P (2020) Modeling the characteristics of spontaneuous otoacoustic emissions in lizards. Hearing Res 385.

Engler S, Köppl C, Manley GA, de Kleine E, van Dijk P (2020) Suppression tuning of spontaneous otoacoustic emissions in the barn owl (Tyto alba). Hearing Res 385.

Heeringa AN, Zhang L, Ashida G, Beutelmann R, Steenken F, Köppl C (2020) Temporal coding of single auditory nerve fibers is not degraded in aging gerbils. J Neurosci 40:343-354.

Aralla R, Ashida G, Köppl C (2020) Binaural responses in the auditory midbrain of chicken (Gallus gallus). Eur J Neurosci 51:1290-1304


Christensen-Dalsgaard J, Manley GA (2019) Sound localization by the internally coupled ears of lizards:
From biophysics to biorobotics. J Acoust Soc Am 146:4718–4726.

Krumm B, Klump GM, Köppl C, Langemann U (2019) The barn owls’ Minimum Audible Angle. PLoS ONE 14(8): e0220652.

Köppl C (2019) Internally coupled middle ears enhance the range of interaural time differences heard by the chicken. J Expt Biol: 222.

Manley GA (2019) How does Nature construct an ear? Canadian Audiologist 6 (2).

Barone CM, Douma S, Reijntjes DOJ, Browe BM, Köppl C, Klump G, Park TJ, Pyott SJ (2019) Altered cochlear innervation in developing and mature naked and Damaraland mole rats. J Comp Neurol: 527:2302-2316.

Heeringa AN, Köppl C (2019) The aging cochlea: Towards unraveling the functional contributions of strial dysfunction and synaptopathy. Hear Res 376:111-124.



Thiele N, Köppl C (2018) Gas Anaesthesia Impairs Peripheral Auditory Sensitivity in Barn Owls (Tyto alba). eNeuro 5(5) e0140-18.2018 1–14.

Köppl C, Wilms V, Russell IJ, Nothwang HG (2018) Evolution of endolymph secretion and endolymphatic potential generation in the vertebrate inner ear. Brain Behav Evol 92:1-31.

Fischer BJ, Wydick J, Köppl C, Peña JL (2018) Multidimensional stimulus encoding in the auditory nerve of the barn owl. J Acoust Soc Am 144:2116-2127.

Kuokkanen PT, Kraemer A, Kempter R, Köppl C, Carr CE (2018) Auditory brainstem response wave III is correlated with extracellular field potentials from nucleus laminaris of the barn owl. Acta Acustica 104:874-877..

Köppl C, Manley GA (2018) A Functional Perspective on the Evolution of the Cochlea. In: Function and Dysfunction of the Cochlea (Petit C, Richardson G, eds). Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med a033241.

Manley GA (2018) Travelling waves and tonotopicity in the inner ear: a historical and comparative perspective. J Comp Physiol A. 204:773-781.

Zhang L, Engler S, Koepcke L, Steenken F, Köppl C (2018) Concurrent gradients of ribbon volume and AMPA-receptor patch volume in cochlear afferent synapses on gerbil inner hair cells. Hear Res 364:81-89

Epp B, Manley GA, van Dijk P (2018) The mechanisms underlying multiple lobes in SOAE suppression tuning curves in a transmission line model of the cochlea. In: To the Ear and Back Again - Advances in Auditory Biophysics. Eds. C Bergevin, S Puria. AIP Conf.Proc. Vol. 1965, pp 090005-1 - 090005-5, Melville, New York

Manley GA, Wartini A, Schwabedissen G, Siegl E (2018) Spontaneous otoacoustic emissions in teiid lizards. Hear Res 363:98-109

Manley GA, Lukashkin AN, Simoes P, Burwood GWS, Russell IJ (2018) The Mammalian Ear: Physics and the Principles of Evolution. Acoustics Today 14:8-16.

Kuokkanen P, Ashida G, Kraemer A, McColgan T, Funabiki K, Wagner H, Köppl C, Carr CE, Kempter R (2018) Contribution of action potentials to the extracellular field potential in the nucleus laminaris of barn owl. J Neurophysiol 119:1422-1436




Krumm B, Klump G, Köppl C, Langemann U (2017): Barn owls have ageless ears. Proc R Soc B 284: 20171584.

Press Release by University Oldenburg

Munnamalai V, Sienknecht UJ, Duncan RK, Scott MK, Thawani A, Fantetti KN, Atallah NM, Biesemeier DJ, Song KH, Luethy K, Traub E, Fekete DM (2017) Wnt9a can influence cell fates and neural connectivity across the radial axis of the developing cochlea. J Neurosci 37:8975-8988.

Manley GA (2017) The cochlea: What it is, where it came from and what is special about it. In: Understanding the cochlea (Manley GA, Gummer AW, Popper AN, Fay RR, eds), Springer Handbooks of Auditory Research. New York: Springer Science & Business Media, pp. 17-32

Manley GA, Gummer AW (2017) Major Advances in Cochlear Research. In: Understanding the cochlea (Manley GA, Gummer AW, Popper AN, Fay RR, eds), Springer Handbooks of Auditory Research. New York: Springer Science & Business Media, pp. 1-15.

Manley GA (2017) Comparative auditory neuroscience: Understanding the evolution and function of ears. JARO 18:1-24

Manley GA (2017) The mammalian Cretaceous cochlear revolution. Hear Res 352:23-29.

Manley GA (2017) The foundations of high-frequency hearing in early mammals. J Mammal Evol 25:155-163

Carr CE, Christensen-Dalsgaard J, Edds-Walton P, Köppl C, Tang Y, Young B, Willis KL (2017) Evolutionary Trends in Hearing in Nonmammalian Vertebrates. In: Evolution of Nervous Systems, 2nd ed (Kaas J, ed), Vol 1 The Nervous Systems of non-mammalian Vertebrates (Striedter G, ed), Elsevier, pp. 291-308.

Manley GA, Köppl C, Christensen-Dalsgaard J, Wilson M (2017) Evolutionary trends in land vertebrate hearing organs. In: Evolution of Nervous Systems, 2nd ed (Kaas J, ed), Vol 1 The Nervous Systems of non-mammalian Vertebrates (Striedter G, ed), Elsevier, pp. 277-290.


Wilms V, Köppl C, Söffgen C, Hartmann A-M, Nothwang HG (2016) Molecular bases of K+ secretory cells in the inner ear: shared and distinct features between birds and mammals. Sci Reports 6:34203.

Palanca-Castan N, Laumen G, Reed D, Köppl C (2016) The binaural interaction component in barn owl (Tyto alba) presents few differences to mammalian data. JARO 17:577-589.

Manley GA, Pim van Dijk (2016) Frequency selectivity of the human cochlea: Suppression tuning of spontaneous otoacoustic emissions. Hearing Research 336:53-62.


Manley GA (2015) Aural History. Invited Feature Article. The Scientist 29:36-42.

Palanca-Castán N, Köppl C (2015) Change in the coding of interaural time difference along the tonotopic axis of the chicken nucleus laminaris. Front Neural Circ 9:43

Hagstrum JT, Manley GA (2015) Releases of surgically deafended homing pigeons indicate that aural cues play a significant role in their navigation system. J Comp Physiol A 201:983-1001.

Palanca-Castán N, Köppl C (2015) In vivo recordings from low-frequency nucleus laminaris in the barn owl. Brain Behav Evol85:271-286.

Sienknecht UJ (2015) Current concepts of hair cell differentiation and planar cell polarity in inner ear sensory organs. Cell Tissue Res 361:25-32.

Bergevin C, Manley GA, Köppl C (2015) Salient features of otoacoustic emissions are common across tetrapod groups and suggest shared properties of generation mechanisms. PNAS 112:3362-3367

Köppl C (2015): Avian Hearing. In: Sturkie’s Avian Physiology, sixth ed (Scanes CG, ed), Elsevier, pp. 71-111.


Fontaine B, Köppl C, Peña JL (2014) Reverse correlation analysis of auditory-nerve fiber responses to broadband noise in a bird, the barn owl. JARO 16:101-119.

Fontaine B, MacLeod KM, Lubeijko ST, Steinberg LJ, Köppl C, Peña JL (2014) Emergence of band-pass filtering through adaptive spiking in the owl's cochlear nucleus. J Neurophysiol 112: 430–445.

Geven LI, Köppl C, de Kleine E, van Dijk P (2014): Plasticity in tinnitus patients: a role for the efferent auditory system? Otol Neurotol 35:796-802.

Manley GA (2014) Fundamentals of hearing in amniote vertebrates. In: Perspectives on Auditory Research (Popper AN, Fay RR, eds), Springer Handbooks of Auditory Research. New York: Springer Science & Business Media, pp. 321-341.

McColgan T, Shah S, Köppl C, Carr C, Wagner H (2014) A functional circuit model of interaural time difference processing. J Neurophysiol 112:2850-2864.

Sienknecht UJ, Köppl C, Fritzsch B (2014): Evolution and development of hair cell polarity and efferent function in the inner ear. Brain Behav Evol 83:150-161.

Köppl C, Manley GA 2014) Unique Contributions from Comparative Auditory Research. In: Insights from Comparative Hearing Research (Köppl C, Manley GA, Popper AN, Fay RR, eds), Springer Handbooks of Auditory Research. New York: Springer Science & Business Media, pp. 1-12.

Christensen-Dalsgaard J, Manley GA (2014) The Malleable Middle Ear: an Underappreciated Player in the Evolution of Hearing in Vertebrates. In: Insights from Comparative Hearing Research (Köppl C, Manley GA, Popper AN, Fay RR, eds), Springer Handbooks of Auditory Research. New York: Springer Science & Business Media, pp. 157-191.

Corfield JR, Kubke MF, Köppl C (2014) Emu and Kiwi: The ear and hearing in paleognathous birds. In: Insights from Comparative Hearing Research (Köppl C, Manley GA, Popper AN, Fay RR, eds), Springer Handbooks of Auditory Research. New York: Springer Science & Business Media, pp. 263-287.

Manley GA, Köppl C, Sienknecht U (2014) The remarkable ear of geckos and pygopods. In: Insights from Comparative Hearing Research (Köppl C, Manley GA, Popper AN, Fay RR, eds), Springer Handbooks of Auditory Research. New York: Springer Science & Business Media, pp. 111-131.

Sienknecht U (2014) Origin and development of hair cell orientation in the inner ear. In: Insights from Comparative Hearing Research (Köppl C, Manley GA, Popper AN, Fay RR, eds), Springer Handbooks of Auditory Research. New York: Springer Science & Business Media, pp. 69-110.


Carr C, Shah S, Ashida G, McColgan T, Wagner H, Kuokkanen PT, Kempter R, Köppl C (2013) Maps of ITD in the Nucleus Laminaris of the Barn Owl. In: Basic Aspects of Hearing: Physiology and Perception (Moore BCJ, Patterson RD, Winter IM, Carlyon RP, Gockel HE, eds), pp 215-222. New York: Springer Science+Business Media.

Manley GA (2013)  Mosaic Evolution of the Mammalian Auditory Periphery. Advances in experimental medicine and biology 787:3-9.

van Dijk P, Manley GA (2013) The effects of air pressure on spontaneous otoacoustic emissions of lizards. JARO 14:309-319.

Manley GA, Sienknecht U (2013) The evolution and development of middle ears in land vertebrates. In: The Middle Ear: Science, Otosurgery, and Technology (Puria S, Popper AN, Fay RR, eds), pp. 7-30. Vol. 46 Springer Handbook of Auditory Research. New York: Springer Verlag.

Sienknecht U (2013) Developmental origin and fate of middle ear structures. Hear Res 301:19-26.


Corfield J, Kubke MF, Parsons S, Köppl C (2012) Inner-ear morphology of the New Zealand kiwi (Apteryx mantelli) suggests high-frequency specialization.
JARO 13:629-639.

Köppl C (2012) Auditory Neuroscience: How to Encode Microsecond Differences
Current Biology 22:R56-R58.

Manley GA (2012) Vertebrate hearing: Origin, Evolution and Functions. In: Barth, F.G., Giampieri-Deutsch, P., Klein, H.-D. (Eds.) Sensory Perception: Mind and Matter. Vienna, New York, Springer-Verlag, pp. 23-40.

Manley GA, Narins PM, Fay RR (2012) Experiments in comparative hearing: Georg von Békésy and beyond. Hearing Research 293:44-50.

Manley GA (2012) Evolutionary paths to mammalian cochleae. JARO 13:733-743.

Wit HP, van Dijk P, Manley GA (2012) A model for the relation between stimulus frequency and spontaneous otoacoustic emissions in lizard papillae. J Acoust Soc Amer 132:3273-3279.


Cooper N, Manley GA (2011) Comparative Auditory Mechanics: From Species to Species and From Base to Apex—A Moderated Discussion. In: Shera, C.A., Olson, E.S. (Eds.) What fire is in mine ears: Progress in Auditors Mechanics. Melville, N.Y.: American Institute of Physics, AIP conference proceedings. pp. 701-706.

Corfield J, Kubke MF, Parsons S, Wild JM, Köppl C (2011) Evidence for an Auditory Fovea in the New Zealand Kiwi (Apteryx mantelli). PLoS ONE 6(8):e23771.

Köppl C (2011) Birds - same thing but different? Convergent evolution in the avian and mammalian auditory systems provides informative comparative models Hear Res 273:65-71.

Manley GA, Fuchs PA (2011) Recent advances in comparative hearing. Hearing Research 273:1-6.

Manley GA (2011) Lizard auditory papillae: An evolutionary kaleidoscope. Hearing Research 273:59-64.

Manley GA, Lieser M, Berthold P (2011) Studies of infrasound production and perception by the Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus): a reply to Freeman and Hare. J Ornithol 152:817-818.

Manley GA, Jones TA (2011) The development and evolution of a tonotopic organization in the cochlea. Hearing Research 277:1-3.

Sienknecht U, Anderson BK, Parodi, RM, Fantetti KN, Fekete DM (2011) Non-cell-autonomous planar cell polarity propagation in the auditory sensory epithelium of vertebrates. Dev Biol 352:27-39.

Köppl C (2011) Evolution of the octavolateral efferent system. In: Auditory and Vestibular Efferents (Ryugo D, Popper AN, Fay RR, eds), pp. 217-260.
Vol. 38 Springer Handbook of Auditory Research. New York: Springer Verlag.


Manley GA (2010) An evolutionary perspective on middle ears. Hearing Research 263:3–8.

Manley GA (2010) Evolutionary principles: How to approach the origin of labyrinth structures. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 119:716-718.

Manley GA (2010) The origin and evolution of high-frequency hearing in (most) mammals. Hearing Research 270:2–3.

Manley GA, Kraus JEM (2010) Exceptional high-frequency hearing and matched vocalizations in Australian pygopod geckos. J Exp Biol 213:1876-1885.


Köppl C (2009) Evolution of sound localisation in land vertebrates. Current Biology 19:R635-R639.

Köppl C, Iwasa KH, Sul B (2009) Big and powerful: A model of the contribution of bundle motility to mechanical amplification in hair cells of the bird basilar papilla. In: Concepts and Challenges in The Biophysics of Hearing (Cooper NP, Kemp DT, eds), pp 444-450. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing.

Neubauer, H, Köppl C, Heil, P (2009) Spontaneous activity of auditory-nerve fibers in the barn owl (Tyto alba): analyses of interspike interval distributions. J Neurophysiol 101:3169-3191.

Sienknecht U, Fekete D (2009) Mapping of Wnt, Frizzled, and Wnt-Inhibitor gene expression domains in the avian otic primordium. J Comp Neurol 517:751-764.

Wibowo E, Brockhausen J, Köppl C (2009) Efferent innervation to the auditory basilar papilla of scincid lizards. J Comp Neurol 516:74–85.


Köppl C, Carr CE (2008) Maps of interaural time difference in the chicken's brainstem nucleus laminaris. Biol Cybern 98:541–559.

Manley GA, Köppl C (2008) What have lizard ears taught us about auditory physiology? Hear Res 238:3–11.

Sienknecht U, Fekete D (2008) Comprehensive Wnt-related gene expression during cochlear duct development in chicken. J Comp Neurol 510:378-395.


Carr CE, Köppl C (2007) Strategies for encoding ITD in the chicken nucleus laminaris. In: Hearing - From Sensory Processing to Perception (Kollmeier B et al., eds), pp 417-24. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.

Fekete D, Sienknecht U (2007) The Inner Ear. In: Principles of Developmental Genetics. Sally A. Moody (ed.), pp. 631-655.

Köppl C (2007) Editorial Focus: Spontaneous generation in early sensory development. J Neurophysiol 98:1843–1844.

Köppl C, Gleich O (2007) Evoked cochlear potentials in the barn owl. J Comp Physiol A 193:601–612.

Köppl C, Nickel R (2007) Prolonged maturation of cochlear function in the barn owl after hatching. J Comp Physiol A 193:613–624.

Reichenbacher B, Sienknecht U, Küchenhoff H, Fenske N (2007) Combined Otolith Morphology and Morphometry for Assessing Taxonomy and Diversity in Fossil and Extant Killifish (Aphanius, †Prolebias). J Morphol 268: 898-915.


Köppl C, Achenbach A, Sagmeister T, Schebelle L (2006) Development of micromechanically-relevant hair-cell properties: Late maturation of hair-cell orientation in the basilar papilla of birds. In: Auditory Mechanisms: Processes and Models (Nuttall, A et al., eds), pp 377-383. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing.


Köppl C, Futterer E, Nieder B, Sistermann R, Wagner H (2005) Embryonic and posthatching development of the barn owl (Tyto alba): Reference data for age determination. Dev Dyn 233:1248–1260.


Carr CE, Köppl C (2004) Coding interaural time differences at low best frequencies in the barn owl. J Physiol (Paris) 98:99-112.

Köppl C, Forge A, Manley GA (2004) Low density of membrane particles in auditory hair cells of lizards and birds suggests an absence of somatic motility. J Comp Neurol 479:149-155.

Gleich O, Fischer FP, Köppl C, Manley GA (2004) Hearing organ evolution and specialization: Archosaurs. In: Evolution of the vertebrate auditory system (Manley GA, Popper A, Fay RR, eds), pp. 224-255. Vol. 22 Springer Handbook of Auditory Research. New York: Springer Verlag.

Grothe B, Carr CE, Cassedy JH, Fritzsch B, Köppl C (2004) The evolution of central pathways and their neural processing patterns. In: Evolution of the vertebrate auditory system (Manley GA, Popper A, Fay RR, eds), pp. 289-359.
Vol. 22 Springer Handbook of Auditory Research. New York: Springer Verlag.

Manley GA, Sienknecht U, Köppl C (2004) Calcium modulates the frequency and amplitude of spontaneous otoacoustic emissions in the bobtail skink. J Neurophysiol 92:2685-2693.


Köppl C, Carr CE (2003) Computational diversity in the cochlear nucleus angularis of the barn owl. J Neurophysiol 89: 2313-2329.

Köppl C, Forge A, Manley GA (2003) No correlates for somatic motility in freeze-fractured hair-cell membranes of lizards and birds. In: Biophysics of the cochlea: from molecules to models (Gummer AW, ed), pp 185-186. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing.

Raabe T, Köppl C (2003) Bilaterally-Projecting Cochlear Efferent Neurones in the Barn Owl and the Chicken. Brain Res 986:124-131.


Köppl C (2001) Efferent axons in the avian auditory nerve. Eur J Neurosci 13: 1889-1901.

Köppl C (2001) Tonotopic projections of the auditory nerve to the cochlear nucleus angularis in the barn owl. JARO 2/1:41-53.

Manley GA, Kirk DL, Köppl C, Yates GK (2001) In-vivo evidence for a cochlear amplifier in the hair-cell bundle of lizards. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 98:2826-2831.

1996 - 2000

Köppl C, Manley GA, Konishi M (2000) Auditory processing in birds. Curr Opin Neurobiol 10:474-481.

Köppl C, Wegscheider A, Gleich O, Manley GA (2000) A quantitative study of cochlear afferent axons in birds. Hear Res 139:123-143.

Köppl C, Yates GK (2000) Intensity coding in auditory-nerve fibres of the barn owl and its relation to cochlear mechanics. In: Recent developments in auditory mechanics (Wada H, Takasaka T, Ikeda K, Ohyama K, Koike T, eds), pp. 433-439. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing.

Köppl C (2000) Contributions to the Chapters: "Comparative anatomy and physiology of hearing organs", "Cochlear frequency maps and their specializations in mammals and birds", "Neural processing in the brain".
In: Auditory Worlds: Sensory Analysis and Perception in Animals and Man (Manley GA, Fastl H, Kössl M, Oeckinghaus H, Klump G, eds), pp. 18-31, 35-43, 52-59, 70-75, 161-164. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH.

Yates GK, Manley GA, Köppl C (2000) Rate-intensity functions in the emu auditory nerve. J Acoust Soc Am 107:2143-2154.

Köppl C, Yates GK (1999) Coding of sound pressure level in the barn owl's auditory nerve. J Neurosci 19:9674-9686.

Manley GA, Köppl C, Sneary M (1999) Reversed tonotopic map of the basilar papilla in Gekko gecko. Hear Res 131:107-116.

Klump G, Köppl C, Gleich O, Langemann U, Dyson M (1998) Muster der Erregung im Hörsystem von Vögeln: Von den Antworten der Hörnervenfasern zur Wahrnehmung. Zeitschr Audiologie (Audiol Acoust) Suppl.I/1998 (1. DGA-Tagungsband):13-16.

Köppl C, Gleich O, Schwabedissen G, Siegl E, Manley GA (1998) Fine structure of the basilar papilla of the emu: Implications for the evolution of avian hair-cell types. Hear Res 126:99-112.

Köppl C, Klump GM, Taschenberger G, Dyson M, Manley GA (1998) The auditory fovea of the barn owl - no correlation with enhanced frequency resolution. In: Psychophysical and physiological advances in hearing (Palmer AR, Rees A, Summerfield AQ, Meddis R, eds), pp. 153-161. London: Whurr Publishers Ltd

Manley GA, Köppl C (1998) Phylogenetic development of the cochlea and its innervation. Curr Opin Neurobiol: 8:468-474.

Köppl C (1997) Phase locking to high frequencies in the auditory nerve and cochlear nucleus magnocellularis of the barn owl, Tyto alba. J Neurosci 17:3312-3321.

Köppl C (1997) Number and axon calibres of cochlear afferents in the barn owl. Auditory Neurosci 3:313-334.

Köppl C (1997) Frequency tuning and spontaneous activity in the auditory nerve and cochlear nucleus magnocellularis of the barn owl Tyto alba. J Neurophysiol 77:364-377.

Köppl C, Carr CE (1997) Low-frequency pathway in the barn owl's auditory brainstem. J Comp Neurol 378:265-282.

Köppl C, Manley GA (1997) Frequency representation in the emu basilar papilla. J Acoust Soc Am 101:1574-1584.

Köppl C, Yates GK, Manley GA (1997) The mechanics of the avian cochlea: Rate-intensity functions of auditory-nerve fibres in the emu. In: Diversity in Auditory Mechanics (Lewis ER, Long G, Lyon RF, Narins PM, Steele CR, Hecht-Poinar E, eds), pp. 76-82. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing.

Manley GA, Köppl C, Yates GK (1997) Activity of primary auditory neurones in the cochlear ganglion of the emu Dromaius novaehollandiae I: Spontaneous discharge, frequency tuning and phase locking. J Acoust Soc Am 101:1560-1573.

Manley GA, Gallo L, Köppl C (1996) Spontaneous otoacoustic emissions in two gecko species, Gekko gecko and Eublepharis macularius. J Acoust Soc Am 99:1588-1603.

1991 - 1995

Köppl C (1995) Otoacoustic emissions as an indicator for active cochlear mechanics: A primitive property of vertebrate auditory organs. In: Advances in Hearing Research (Manley GA, Klump GM, Köppl C, Fastl H, Oeckinghaus H, eds), pp. 207-218. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing.

Köppl C, Authier S (1995) Quantitative anatomical basis for a model of micromechanical frequency tuning in the Tokay gecko, Gekko gecko. Hear Res 82:14-25.

Köppl C (1994) Auditory nerve terminals in the cochlear nucleus magnocellularis: Differences between low and high frequencies. J Comp Neurol 339:438-446.

Köppl C, Manley GA (1994) Spontaneous otoacoustic emissions in the bobtail lizard. II: Interactions with external tones. Hear Res 72:159-170.

Manley GA, Köppl C (1994) Spontaneous otoacoustic emissions in the bobtail lizard. III: Temperature effects. Hear Res 72:171-180.

Köppl C (1993) Hair-cell specializations and the auditory fovea in the barn owl cochlea. In: Biophysics of Hair Cell Sensory Systems (Duifhuis H, Horst JW, van Dijk P, van Netten SM, eds), pp. 216-222. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co.

Köppl C, Gleich O, Manley GA (1993) An auditory fovea in the barn owl cochlea. J Comp Physiol A 171:695-704.

Köppl C, Manley GA (1993) Spontaneous otoacoustic emissions in the bobtail lizard. I: General characteristics. Hear Res 71:157-169.

Köppl C, Manley GA (1993) Distortion-product otoacoustic emissions in the bobtail lizard. II: Suppression tuning characteristics. J Acoust Soc Am 93:2834-2844.

Manley GA, Köppl C, Johnstone BM (1993) Distortion-product otoacoustic emissions in the bobtail lizard. I: General characteristics. J Acoust Soc Am 93:2820-2833.

Köppl C, Manley GA (1992) Functional consequences of morphological trends in the evolution of lizard hearing organs. In: The Evolutionary Biology of Hearing, 1st ed. (Webster DB, Fay RR, Popper AN, eds), pp. 489-510. New York: Springer Verlag.

Manley GA, Köppl C (1992) A quantitative comparison of peripheral tuning measures: primary afferent tuning curves versus suppression tuning curves of spontaneous and distortion-product otoacoustic emissions. In: Auditory physiology and perception, 1st ed. (Cazals Y, Horner K, Demany L, eds), pp. 151-158. Oxford: Pergamon Press.

1988 - 1990

Köppl C, Manley GA (1990) Peripheral auditory processing in the bobtail lizard Tiliqua rugosa III. Patterns of spontaneous and tone-evoked nerve-fibre activity. J Comp Physiol A 167:113-127.

Köppl C, Manley GA (1990) Peripheral auditory processing in the bobtail lizard Tiliqua rugosa II. Tonotopic organization and innervation pattern of the basilar papilla. J Comp Physiol A 167:101-112.

Köppl C, Manley GA, Johnstone BM (1990) Peripheral auditory processing in the bobtail lizard Tiliqua rugosa V. Seasonal effects of anaesthesia. J Comp Physiol A 167:139-144.

Manley GA, Köppl C, Johnstone BM (1990) Peripheral auditory processing in the bobtail lizard Tiliqua rugosa I. Frequency tuning of auditory-nerve fibres. J Comp Physiol A 167:89-99.

Manley GA, Köppl C, Johnstone BM (1990) Components of the 2f1-f2 distortion product in the ear canal of the bobtail lizard. In: The Mechanics and Biophysics of Hearing (Dallos P, Geisler CD, Matthews JW, Ruggero MA, Steele CR, eds), pp. 210-218. New York: Springer Verlag.

Manley GA, Yates GK, Köppl C, Johnstone BM (1990) Peripheral auditory processing in the bobtail lizard Tiliqua rugosa IV. Phase locking of auditory-nerve fibres. J Comp Physiol A 167:129-138.

Manley GA, Köppl C, Yates GK (1989) Micromechanical basis of high-frequency tuning in bobtail lizard. In: Cochlear Mechanisms - Structure, Function and Models (Wilson JP, Kemp DT, eds), pp. 143-151. New York: Plenum Press.

Pickles JO, Brix J, Comis SD, Gleich O, Köppl C, Manley GA, Osborne MP (1989) The organization of tip links and stereocilia on hair cells of bird and lizard basilar papillae. Hear Res 41:31-42.

Pickles JO, Osborne MP, Comis SD, Köppl C, Gleich O, Brix J, Manley GA (1989b) Tip-link organization in relation to the structure and orientation of stereovillar bundles. In: Cochlear mechanisms - Structure, Functions and Models (Wilson JP, Kemp DT, eds), pp. 37-44. New York: Plenum Press.

Fischer FP, Köppl C, Manley GA (1988) The basilar papilla of the barn owl Tyto alba: A quantitative morphological SEM analysis. Hear Res 34:87-102.

Köppl C (1988) Morphology of the basilar papilla of the bobtail lizard Tiliqua rugosa. Hear Res 35:209-228.

Köppl C, Gleich O (1988) Cobalt labelling of single primary auditory neurones: An alternative to HRP. Hear Res 32:111-116.

Manley GA, Brix J, Gleich O, Kaiser A, Köppl C, Yates GK (1988) New aspects of comparative peripheral auditory physiology. In: Auditory Pathway - Structure and Function (Syka J, Masterton RB, eds), pp. 3-12. London, New York: Plenum Press.

Manley GA, Köppl C, Konishi M (1988) A neural map of interaural intensity differences in the brain stem of the barn owl. J Neurosci 8:2665-2676.

Manley GA, Yates GK, Köppl C (1988) Auditory peripheral tuning: evidence for a simple resonance phenomenon in the lizard Tiliqua. Hear Res 33:181-190.

Pickles JP, Brix J, Gleich O, Köppl C, Manley GA, Osborne MP, Comis SD (1988) The fine structure and organization of tip links on hair cell stereovilli.
In: Basic Issues in Hearing (Proceedings of the 8th international symposium on hearing) (Duifhuis H, Horst JW, Wit HP, eds), pp. 56-63. London, San Diego: Academic Press.

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