Manley Publications


Manley GA (2024) Conditions Underlying the Appearance of Spontaneous Otoacoustic Emissions in Mammals. J Assoc Res Otolaryngol 25:303-311.

Manley GA (2023) Evolution of Diversity in the Auditory Papillae of Reptiles. Diversity 15:730

Manley GA (2023) The history of lizard auditory research. In: Ketten D, Coffin A, Popper AN, Fay RR (Eds) A History of Discoveries on Hearing. New York, Springer. pp 113-149.

Manley, GA (2022) Otoacoustic Emissions in Non-Mammals. Audiol Res 12:260–272.

Martin, P., Manley, G.A. (2021) Auditory processing by the cochlea. In: Kandel, E., Jessell, T.M., Siegelbaum, S.A., Mack, S., Koester, J. Principles of Neural Science, sixth ed. Columbus, OH., McGraw-Hill, 594-624 .

Luo, Z.-X., Manley, G.A. (2020) Origins and Early Evolution of Mammalian Ears and Hearing Function. In: Grothe, B., Fritzsch, B. The Senses: A Comprehensive Reference, Vol. 2, Second edition. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 207-252. (Also published as: Reference Module in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology.

Manley, G.A. (2020) The Hearing of Lizards and Snakes. In: Grothe, B., Fritzsch, B. Eds.) The Senses: A Comprehensive Reference, Vol.2, Second Edition. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 149-162. (Also published as: Reference Module in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology.

Manley GA (2019) How does Nature construct an ear? Canadian Audiologist 6 (2).

Köppl C, Manley GA (2018) A Functional Perspective on the Evolution of the Cochlea. In: Function and Dysfunction of the Cochlea (Petit C, Richardson G, eds). Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med a033241.

Manley GA (2018) Travelling waves and tonotopicity in the inner ear: a historical and comparative perspective. J Comp Physiol A. 204:773-781.

Manley GA, Lukashkin AN, Simoes P, Burwood GWS, Russell IJ (2018) The Mammalian Ear: Physics and the Principles of Evolution. Acoustics Today 14:8-16.

Manley, G.A., Gummer, A.W., Popper, A.N., Fay, R.R. (2017) Understanding the Cochlea. New York, Springer. Buy this book in Europe / in the UK / in the USA.

Manley GA (2017) The cochlea: What it is, where it came from and what is special about it. In: Understanding the cochlea (Manley GA, Gummer AW, Popper AN, Fay RR, eds), Springer Handbooks of Auditory Research. New York: Springer Science & Business Media, pp. 17-32

Manley GA, Gummer AW (2017) Major Advances in Cochlear Research. In: Understanding the cochlea (Manley GA, Gummer AW, Popper AN, Fay RR, eds), Springer Handbooks of Auditory Research. New York: Springer Science & Business Media, pp. 1-15.

Manley GA (2017) Comparative auditory neuroscience: Understanding the evolution and function of ears. JARO 18:1-24

Manley GA (2017) The mammalian Cretaceous cochlear revolution. Hear Res 352:23-29.

Manley GA (2017) The foundations of high-frequency hearing in early mammals. J Mammal Evol 25:155-163

Manley GA, Köppl C, Christensen-Dalsgaard J, Wilson M (2017) Evolutionary trends in land vertebrate hearing organs. In: Evolution of Nervous Systems, 2nd ed (Kaas J, ed), Vol 1 The Nervous Systems of non-mammalian Vertebrates (Striedter G, ed), Elsevier, pp. 277-290.

Manley GA (2015) Aural History. Invited Feature Article. The Scientist 29:36-42.

Manley GA (2014) Fundamentals of hearing in amniote vertebrates. In: Perspectives on Auditory Research (Popper AN, Fay RR, eds), Springer Handbooks of Auditory Research. New York: Springer Science & Business Media, pp. 321-341.

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Köppl C, Manley GA 2014) Unique Contributions from Comparative Auditory Research. In: Insights from Comparative Hearing Research (Köppl C, Manley GA, Popper AN, Fay RR, eds), Springer Handbooks of Auditory Research. New York: Springer Science & Business Media, pp. 1-12.

Christensen-Dalsgaard J, Manley GA (2014) The Malleable Middle Ear: an Underappreciated Player in the Evolution of Hearing in Vertebrates. In: Insights from Comparative Hearing Research (Köppl C, Manley GA, Popper AN, Fay RR, eds), Springer Handbooks of Auditory Research. New York: Springer Science & Business Media, pp. 157-191.

Manley GA, Köppl C, Sienknecht U (2014) The remarkable ear of geckos and pygopods. In: Insights from Comparative Hearing Research (Köppl C, Manley GA, Popper AN, Fay RR, eds), Springer Handbooks of Auditory Research. New York: Springer Science & Business Media, pp. 111-131.

Manley GA (2013)  Mosaic Evolution of the Mammalian Auditory Periphery. Advances in experimental medicine and biology 787:3-9.

Manley GA, Sienknecht U (2013) The evolution and development of middle ears in land vertebrates. In: The Middle Ear: Science, Otosurgery, and Technology (Puria S, Popper AN, Fay RR, eds), pp. 7-30. Vol. 46 Springer Handbook of Auditory Research. New York: Springer Verlag.

Manley, G.A. (2012a) Vertebrate hearing: Origin, Evolution and Functions. In: Barth, F.G., Giampieri-Deutsch, P., Klein, H.-D. (Eds.) Sensory Perception: Mind and Matter. Vienna, New York, Springer-Verlag, pp. 23-40. ISBN 978-3-211-99750.

Manley, G.A. (2012b) Evolutionary paths to mammalian cochleae. JARO 13, 733-743.

Manley, G.A., Narins, P.M. and Fay, R.R. (2012) Experiments in comparative hearing: Georg von Békésy and beyond. Hear. Res. 293, 44-50.

Manley, G.A., Fuchs, P.A. (2011) Recent advances in comparative hearing. Hear. Res. 273, 1-6.

Manley, G.A. (2011) Lizard auditory papillae: An evolutionary kaleidoscope. Hear. Res. 273, 3–8.

Manley, G.A. (2010a) An evolutionary perspective on middle ears. Hear. Res. 263, 3–8.

Manley, G.A., Köppl, C. (2008) What have lizard ears taught us about auditory physiology? Hearing Research, 238, 3-11.

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Manley, G.A. and Brownell W. (2008) Future directions in the study of active processes and otoacoustic emissions. In: Active processes and otoacoustic emissions in Hearing; Springer Handbook of Auditory Research Vol. 30. Manley, G.A., Fay, R.R. and Popper, A. (eds) New York, Springer-Verlag ISBN: 978-0-387-71467-7. pp. 461-471.

Manley, G.A., Van Dijk, P. (2008) Otoacoustic emissions in amphibians, lepidosaurs and archosaurs. In: Active processes and otoacoustic emissions in Hearing; Springer Handbook of Auditory Research Vol. 30. Manley, G.A., Fay, R.R. and Popper, A. (eds) New York, Springer-Verlag ISBN: 978-0-387-71467-7. pp. 211-260.

Cooper, N., Pickles, J.O., Manley, G.A. (2008) Traveling waves, second filters and physiological vulnerability: A short history of the discovery of active processes in hearing. In: Active processes and otoacoustic emissions in Hearing; Springer Handbook of Auditory Research Vol. 30. Manley, G.A., Fay, R.R. and Popper, A. (eds) New York, Springer-Verlag ISBN: 978-0-387-71467-7. pp. 39-62.

Manley, G.A., Ladher, R. (2007) Phylogeny and Evolution of ciliated mechano-receptor cells. In: The Senses: A Comprehensive Reference. Edited by R.R. Hoy, G. M. Shepherd, A. I. Basbaum, A. Kaneko and G. Westheimer. Elsevier, pp. 1-34. ISBN 10: 0126394822; ISBN 13: 9780126394825.

Manley, G.A. (2005) Viele Wege führen nach Rom: Die Evolution des Gehörs der Wirbeltiere. 31. Jahrestagung für Akustik, DAGA, München, pp. 67-70.

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Manley, G.A. (2004b) Advances and perspectives in the study of vertebrate ear evolution. In: Evolution of the Vertebrate Auditory System, Manley, G.A., Popper, A. and Fay, R.R. (eds) New York, Springer-Verlag. Pp. 360-368.

Gleich, O., Fischer, F.P., Köppl, C., Manley, G.A. (2004) Hearing organ evolution and specialization: Archosaurs. In: Evolution of the Vertebrate Auditory System, Manley, G.A., Popper, A. and Fay, R.R. (eds) New York, Springer-Verlag. Pp. 224-255.

Manley, G.A. (2004a) The lizard basilar papilla and its evolution. In: Evolution of the Vertebrate Auditory System, Manley, G.A., Popper, A. and Fay, R.R. (eds) New York, Springer-Verlag. Pp. 200-223.

Manley, G.A., Clack, J.A. (2004) An outline of the evolution of vertebrate hearing organs. In: Evolution of the Vertebrate Auditory System, Manley, G.A., Popper, A. and Fay, R.R. (eds) New York, Springer-Verlag. Pp. 1-26.

Coffin, A., Kelley, M., Manley, G.A., Popper, A.N. (2004) Evolution of Sensory Hair Cells. In: Evolution of the Vertebrate Auditory System, Manley, G.A., Popper, A. and Fay, R.R. (eds) New York, Springer-Verlag. Pp. 55-94.

Manley, G.A. (2002) Evolution of structure and function of the hearing organ of lizards. J. Neurobiology 53, 202-211.

Manley, G.A. (2001) Evidence for an active process and a cochlear amplifier in non-mammals. J. Neurophysiology 86, 541-549.

Manley, G.A. (2000c) Cochlear mechanisms from a phylogenetic viewpoint. Proc Nat Acad Sci (USA) 97: 11736-11743.

Manley, G.A. (2000b) The hearing organs of lizards. In: Comparative Hearing: Birds and Reptiles, Springer Handbook of Auditory Research, eds: Dooling, R., Popper, A.N., Fay, R.R. pp. 139-196.

Gleich, O., Manley, G.A. (2000) The hearing organ of birds and Crocodilia. In: Comparative Hearing: Birds and Reptiles, Springer Handbook of Auditory Research, eds: Dooling, R., Popper, A.N., Fay, R.R., pp. 139-196.70-138.

Köppl, C., Manley, G.A. and Konishi, M. (2000) Auditory processing in birds. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 10: 474-481.

Manley, G.A. (2000a) Do non-mammals have a cochlear amplifier? In: Recent Developments in Auditory Mechanics, eds: Wada, H., Takasaka, T., Ohyama, K., Ikeda, K., Koike, T. Singapore, World Scientific Press. pp. 499-505.

Manley, G.A., Köppl, C. (1998) Phylogenetic development of the cochlea and its innervation. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 8: 468-474.

Manley, G.A. (1997) Diversity in hearing-organ structure and the characteristics of spontaneous otoacoustic emissions in lizards. In: Diversity in Auditory Mechanics, ER Lewis, GR Long, RF Lyon, PM Narins and CR Steele, Eds., World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore. p. 32-38.

Manley, G.A. (1996) Ontogeny of frequency mapping in the peripheral auditory system of birds and mammals: a critical review. Auditory Neurosci 3: 199-214.

Manley, G.A. (1995a) The avian hearing organ: a status report. In: Manley, G.A., Klump, G.M., Köppl, C, Fastl, H. and Oeckinghaus, H. (eds) Advances in Hearing Research, World Scientific Publishers, Singapore.p. 219-229.

Manley G.A. and Köppl, C (1992) A comparison of peripheral tuning measures: primary afferent tuning curves versus suppression tuning curves of spontaneous and distortion-product otoacoustic emissions. In: Auditory Physiology and Perception, Eds: Cazals Y, Demany L, Horner K. (Pergamon Press, Oxford, N.Y.) pp. 151-158.

Köppl C, Manley G.A. (1992) Functional consequences of morphological trends in the evolution of lizard hearing organs. In: The Evolutionary Biology of Hearing, Eds: Fay, R R, Popper, A N, Webster, D B. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, N.Y. pp. 489-509.

Manley G.A., Gleich O (1992) Evolution and specialization of function in the avian auditory periphery. In: The Evolutionary Biology of Hearing, Eds: Fay, R R, Popper, A N, Webster, D B. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, N.Y. pp. 561-580.

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Manley G.A. (1990) Peripheral hearing mechanisms in reptiles and birds. Springer-Verlag. (MONOGRAPH, 288 pages)

Manley, G.A., Gleich, O., Kaiser, A., Brix, J. (1989) Functional differen­tia­tion of sensory cells in the avian auditory periphery, J Comp Physiol A 164:289-296.

Manley G.A., Gleich O, Brix J, Kaiser A (1988) Functional parallels between hair-cell populations of birds and mammals. In: Duifhuis H, Horst J.W., Wit H.P. (eds). Basic Issues in Hearing. Academic Press, London, pp 64-71.

Manley G.A., Brix J, Gleich O, Kaiser A, Köppl C, Yates G (1988) New aspects of comparative peripheral auditory physiology. In: Syka J, R.B.Masterton (eds) Auditory Pathway - Structure and Function. Plenum Press, London, N.Y. pp. 3-12.

Manley G.A. (1986) The evolution of the mechanisms of frequency selectivity in vertebrates. In: Moore B, Patterson R (eds) Auditory Frequency Selectivity. Plenum Press, N.Y., London. pp. 63-72.

Manley G.A. (1983b) Auditory-nerve fibre activity in mammals. In: Lewis B (ed) Bioacoustics. Academic Press, London. pp. 207-232.

Manley G.A. (1983a) The Hearing Mechanism. In: Hinchcliffe R (ed) Medicine in Old Age - Hearing and Balance. Churchill Livingstone, London. pp. 44-73.

Zwicker E, Manley G.A. (1982) Schallrezeption am Beispiel der Säugetiere und des Menschen. In: Hoppe W, Lohmann W, Markl H, Ziegler H (eds) Biophysik - Ein Lehrbuch, 2. deutsche Auflage, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg. pp. 696-707.

Ibid. (1983) The auditory system of mammals and man. In: Hoppe W, Lohmann W, Markl H, Ziegler H (eds) Biophysics. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg. pp. 671-682.

Manley G.A. (1978) Cochlear frequency sharpening - a new synthesis. Acta Oto-laryngol (Stockh.) 85:167-176.

Manley G.A. (1973) A review of some current concepts of the functional evolution of the ear in terrestrial vertebrates. Evolution 26:608-621.

Manley G.A. (1971) Some aspects of the evolution of hearing in vertebrates. Nature 230:506-509.

Journal publications

Bergevin C, Whiley R, Wit H, Manley GA, van Dijk P (2024) Auditory cellular cooperativity probed via spontaneous otoacoustic emissions. bioRxiv preprint

Manley GA, Maat B, Begall S, Malkemper P, Caspar KR, Leif M, van Dijk P (2024) Otoacoustic emissions in African mole-rats. Hear Res 445:108994.

Manley GA (2021) An evolutionary approach to middle-ear prostheses. Hear Res 400:108144.

Wit HP, Manley GA, van Dijk P (2020) Modeling the characteristics of spontaneuous otoacoustic emissions in lizards. Hearing Res 385:107840.

Engler S, Köppl C, Manley GA, de Kleine E, van Dijk P (2020) Suppression tuning of spontaneous otoacoustic emissions in the barn owl (Tyto alba). Hearing Res 385:107835.

Christensen-Dalsgaard J, Manley GA (2019) Sound localization by the internally coupled ears of lizards:
From biophysics to biorobotics. J Acoust Soc Am 146:4718–4726

Manley GA, Wartini A, Schwabedissen G, Siegl E (2018) Spontaneous otoacoustic emissions in teiid lizards. Hear Res 363:98-109

Manley GA, Pim van Dijk (2016) Frequency selectivity of the human cochlea: Suppression tuning of spontaneous otoacoustic emissions. Hearing Research 336:53-62.

Hagstrum JT, Manley GA (2015) Releases of surgically deafended homing pigeons indicate that aural cues play a significant role in their navigation system. J Comp Physiol A 201:983–1001.

Bergevin C, Manley GA, Köppl C (2015) Salient features of otoacoustic emissions are common across tetrapod groups and suggest shared properties of generation mechanisms. PNAS 112:3362-3367

van Dijk P, Manley GA (2013) The effects of air pressure on spontaneous otoacoustic emissions of lizards. JARO 14:309-319.

Wit, H.P., van Dijk, P., Manley, G.A. (2012) A model for the relation between stimulus frequency and spontaneous otoacoustic emissions in lizard papillae. J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 132, 3273-3279.

Manley, G.A., Lieser, M., Berthold, P. (2011) Studies of infrasound production and perception by the Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus): a reply to Freeman and Hare. J. Ornithol. 152, 817-818.

Manley, G.A., Jones, T.A. (2011) The development and evolution of a tonotopic organization in the cochlea. Hear. Res. 277, 1-3.

Manley, G.A., Kraus, J.E.M. (2010) Exceptional high-frequency hearing and matched vocalizations in Australian pygopod geckos. J. Exp. Biol. 213, 1876-1885.

Manley, G.A. (2010c) The origin and evolution of high-frequency hearing in (most) mammals. Hear. Res. 270: 2–3

Manley, G.A. (2010b) Evolutionary principles: How to approach the origin of labyrinth structures. Ann. Otol. Rhinol. Laryngol. 119: 716-718.

Walsh, S.A., Barrett, P.M., Milner, A.C., Manley, G.A., Witmer, L.M. (2009) Inner ear anatomy is a proxy for deducing auditory capability and behaviour in reptiles and birds. Proc. Roy. Soc. B. 276, 1355-1360.

Manley, G.A. (2009) Spontaneous Otoacoustic Emissions in lizards: a comparison of the skink-like lizard families Cordylidae and Gerrhosauridae. Hear. Res. 255, 58-66.

Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., Manley, G.A. (2008) Acoustical coupling of lizard eardrums. J. Assoc. Res. Otolaryngol. 9, 407-416.

Lieser, M., Berthold, P., Manley, G.A. (2006) Infrasound in the flutter jumps of the capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus): apparently a physical by-product. J. Ornithol. 147, 507-509.

Manley, G.A. (2006a) Spontaneous otoacoustic emissions from free-standing stereovillar bundles of ten species of lizard with small papillae. Hear. Res. 212, 33-47.

Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., Manley, G.A. (2005) Directionality of the lizard ear. J. Exp. Biol. 208, 1209-1217.

Manley, G.A., Kirk, D.L. (2005) BAPTA-induced frequency shifts in vivo suggest a calcium-dependent motility source in auditory hair cells of the Bobtail lizard. Audiol. Neurotol. 10, 248-257.

Lieser, M., Berthold, P., Manley, G.A. (2005) Infrasound in the capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus).. J. Ornithol. 146, 395-398.

Gleich, O., Dooling, R.J., Manley, G.A. (2005) Hearing in Dinosaurs. Natur­wissenschaften 92, 595-598.

Manley, G.A. (2004c) Spontaneous otoacoustic emissions in monitor lizards. Hear. Res. 189, 41-57.

Köppl, C., Forge, A., Manley, G.A. (2004) Low density of membrane particles in auditory hair cells of lizards and birds suggests an absence of somatic motility. J. Comp. Neurol. 479, 149-155.

Manley, G.A., Sienknecht, U., Köppl, C. (2004) Calcium modulates the frequency and amplitude of spontaneous otoacoustic emissions in the bobtail skink. J. Neurophysiol. 92: 2685-2693.

Manley, G.A., Kirk, D., Köppl, C., Yates, G.K. (2001) In-vivo evidence for a cochlear amplifier in the hair-cell bundle of lizards. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA. 98, 2826-2831.

van Dijk, P., Manley, G.A. (2001) Distortion-product otoacoustic emissions in the tree frog Hyla cinerea. Hearing Research 153, 14-22.

Manley, G.A., Kirk, D. (2001) The influence of injected ac and dc current on spontaneous otoacoustic emissions in the bobtail lizard. J. Assoc. Res. Otolaryngol. 3, 200-208.

Köppl, C., Wegscheider, A., Gleich, O., Manley, G.A. (2000) A quantitative study of cochlear afferent axons in birds. Hearing Research 139: 123-143.

Yates, G.K., Manley, G.A. and C. Köppl. (2000) Rate-intensity functions in the emu auditory nerve. J Acoust Soc Amer 107:2143-2154.

Manley G.A., Köppl C, Sneary M. (1999) Reversed tonotopic map of the basilar papilla in Gekko gecko. Hearing Research 131: 107-116.

Manley G.A., Taschenberger G. and Oeckinghaus H. (1999) Influence of contralateral acoustic stimulation on distortion-product and spontaneous otoacoustic emissions in the barn owl. Hearing Research 138: 1-12.

Taschenberger, G. and Manley, G.A. (1998) General characteristics and suppression tuning properties of the distortion-product otoacoustic emission 2f1-f2 in the barn owl. Hearing Research 123: 183-200.

Köppl, C., Gleich, O., Schwabedissen, G., Siegl, E., Manley, G.A. (1998) Fine structure of the basilar papilla of the Emu: Implications for the evolution of avian hair-cell types. Hearing Research 126: 99-112.

van Dijk, P., Manley, G.A. and Gallo, L. (1998) Correlated amplitude fluctuations of spontaneous otoacoustic emissions in five lizard species. J Acoust Soc Amer 104: 1559-1564.

Manley, G.A., Köppl, C., Yates, G.K. (1997) Activity of primary auditory neurones in the cochlear ganglion of the Emu Dromaius novaehollandiae: Spontaneous discharge, frequency tuning and phase locking. J Acoust Soc Amer 101, 1560-1573.

Köppl, C., Manley, G.A. (1997) Frequency representation in the emu basilar papilla. J Acoust Soc Amer 101: 1574-1584.

Manley, G.A., Gallo, L. (1997) Otoacoustic emissions, hair cells and myosin motors. J Acoust Soc Amer 102:

Taschenberger, G., Manley, G.A. (1997) Spontaneous otoacoustic emissions in the barn owl. Hearing Research 110: 61-76

Manley G.A., Meyer, B., Fischer, F.P., Schwabedissen, G., Gleich, O. (1996) Surface morphology of the basilar papilla of the tufted duck Aythya fuligula and the domestic chicken Gallus gallus domesticus. J Morphol 227: 3.0.CO;2-6">1-15

Manley G.A., Gallo, L. and Köppl, C. (1996) Spontaneous otoacoustic emissions in two gecko species, Gekko gecko and Eublepharis macularius. J Acoust Soc Amer 99: 1588-1603.

van Dijk, P., Manley, G.A., Gallo, L., Pavusa, A., Taschenberger, G. (1996) Statistical properties of spontaneous otoacoustic emissions in one bird and three lizard species. J Acoust Soc Amer 100: 2220-2227.

Kaiser, A., Manley G.A.. (1996) Brainstem connections of the Macula lagenae in the chicken. J Comp Neurol 374: 3.0.CO;2-7 _blank>108-117

Authier S, Manley G.A. (1995) A model of frequency tuning in the basilar papilla of the Tokay gecko, Gekko gecko. Hearing Research, 82: 1-13

Manley G.A. (1995b) The lessons of middle-ear function in non-mammals: improving middle-ear prostheses. J Roy Soc Med 88: 367-368.

Kettembeil S, Manley G.A., Siegl E. (1995). Distortion-product otoacoustic emis­sions and their anaesthesia sensitivity in the European Starling and the Chicken. Hearing Research 86: 47-62.

Gleich, O., Dooling, R.J., Manley, G.A., Klump, G.M., Strutz, J (1995) Hinweise für eine kontinuierliche Haarzell-Regeneration bei einem Singvogel mit erblich bedingter, cochleärer Hörstörung. HNO 43: 287-293.

Taschenberger, G., Gallo, L. and Manley G.A. (1995) Filtering of distortion-product otoacoustic emissions in the inner ear of birds and lizards. Hearing Research 91: 87-92.

Köppl C, Manley G.A. (1994) Spontaneous otoacoustic emissions in the bobtail lizard. II: Interactions with external tones. Hearing Research 72: 159-170

Manley G.A., Köppl C (1994) Spontaneous otoacoustic emissions in the bobtail lizard. III: Temperature effects. Hearing Research 72: 171-180

Gleich O , Manley G.A., Mandl A , Dooling R. (1994) The basilar papilla of the canary and the zebra finch: a quantitative scanning electron microscopic description. J Morphol 221: 1-24

Fischer FP, Eisensamer B, Manley G.A. (1994) The cochlear and lagenar ganglia of the chicken. J Morphol 220: 71-83

Gleich, O, Dooling, R.J. and Manley, G.A. (1994) Inner-ear abnormalities and their functional consequences in Belgian Waterslager Canaries (Serinus canarius). Hearing Research 79: 124-136

Brix J, Fischer FP and Manley G.A. (1994) The cuticular plate of the hair cells in relation to morphological gradients of the chicken basilar papilla. Hearing Research 75: 244-256

Brix J, Manley G.A. (1994) Mechanical and electromechanical properties of the hair-cell bundles of isolated and cultured hair cells of the chicken. Hearing Research 76: 147-157

Kaiser A, Manley G.A. (1994) Physiology of putative single cochlear efferents in the chicken. J Neurophysiol 72: 2966-2979

Köppl C, Gleich O, Manley G.A. (1993) An auditory fovea in the barn owl cochlea. J Comp Physiol 171: 695-704

Manley G.A., Köppl C, Johnstone BM (1993) Acoustic distortion products in the ear canal of the bobtail lizard. I: General characteristics. J Acoust Soc Amer 93: 2820-2933

Köppl C, Manley G.A. (1993) Acoustic distortion products in the ear canal of the bobtail lizard. II: Suppression tuning characteristics. J Acoust Soc Amer 93: 2834-2844

Manley G.A., Schwabedissen G, Gleich O (1993) Morphology of the basilar papilla of the budgerigar Melopsittacus undulatus. J Morphol 218: 153-165

Köppl C, Manley G.A. (1993) Spontaneous otoacoustic emissions in the bobtail lizard. I: General characteristics. Hearing Research, 71: 157-169

Fischer F P, Miltz C, Singer I, Manley G.A. (1992) Morphological gradients in the starling basilar papilla. J Morphol 213, 225-240.

Manley G.A., Haeseler C, Brix J (1991) Innervation patterns and spontaneous activity of afferent fibres to the lagenar macula and apical basilar papilla of the chicken's cochlea. Hearing Research 56: 211-226

Runhaar G, Manley G.A., Schedler J (1991) The potassium concentration in the cochlear fluids of the embryonic and post-hatching chick. Hearing Research 56: 227-238

Manley G.A., Kaiser A, Brix J, Gleich O (1991) Activity patterns of primary auditory-nerve fibres in chickens: development of fundamental properties. Hearing Research 57: 1-15.

Manley G.A., Köppl C and Johnstone B M (1990) Peripheral auditory processing in the bobtail lizard Tiliqua rugosa: I. Frequency tuning of auditory-nerve fibres. J Comp Physiol A 167:89-99

Köppl C and Manley G.A. (1990) Peripheral auditory processing in the bobtail lizard Tiliqua rugosa: II. Tonotopic organization and innervation pattern of the basilar papilla. J Comp Physiol A 167:101-112

Köppl C and Manley G.A. (1990) Peripheral auditory processing in the bobtail lizard Tiliqua rugosa: III. Patterns of spontaneous and tone-evoked nerve-fibre activity. J Comp Physiol A 167:a target="_blank" href="">113-127

Manley G.A., Yates G K, Köppl C and Johnstone B M (1990) Peripheral auditory processing in the bobtail lizard Tiliqua rugosa: IV. Phase locking of auditory-nerve fibres. J Comp Physiol A 167:129-138

Köppl C, Manley G.A. and Johnstone B M (1990) Peripheral auditory processing in the bobtail lizard Tiliqua rugosa: V. Seasonal effects of anaesthesia. J Comp Physiol A 167:139-144

Pickles J O, Brix J, Manley G.A. (1990) Influence of collagenase on tip links in hair cells of the chick basilar papilla. Hearing Research 50: 139-143

Pickles, J.O., Brix, J., Comis, O., Gleich, O., Köppl, C., Manley, G.A., Osborne, M.P. (1989) The organization of tip links and stereocilia on hair cells of bird and lizard basilar papillae. Hearing Research 41:a target="_blank" href=" 10.1007/BF00192409">31-42

Manley G.A., Yates G, Köppl C (1988) Auditory peripheral tuning: evidence for a simple resonance phenomenon in the lizard Tiliqua. Hearing Research 33:181-190

Manley G.A., Köppl C, Konishi M (1988) A neural map of interaural intensity difference in the brainstem of the barn owl Tyto alba. J Neuroscience 8: 2665-2676 (

Gleich O, Manley G.A. (1988) Quantitative morphological analysis of the sensory epithelium of the starling and pigeon basilar papilla. Hearing Research 34: 69-85

Fischer F P, Köppl C, Manley G.A. (1988) The basilar papilla of the barn owl: A quantitative morphological SEM analysis. Hearing Research 34: 87-102

Manley G.A., Schulze M, Oeckinghaus H (1987) Otoacoustic emissions in a song bird. Hearing Research 26:257-266

Runhaar G, Manley G.A. (1987) Potassium concentration in the inner sulcus is perilymph-like. Hearing Research 29:93-103

Manley G.A., Brix J, Kaiser A (1987) Developmental stability of the tonotopic organization of the chick's basilar papilla. Science 237:655-656

Manley G.A., Leppelsack H J, Gleich O, Oeckinghaus H (1985) Activity patterns of cochlear ganglion neurones in the starling. J Comp Physiol A 157:161-181

Manley G.A., Gleich O (1984) Avian primary auditory neurons: The relationship between characteristic frequency and preferred intervals. Die Naturwiss 71:592-594

Eatock R A, Manley G.A., Pawson L (1981) Auditory-nerve fibre activity in the tokay gecko: I. Implications for cochlear processing. J Comp Physiol A 142:203-218

Eatock R A, Manley G.A. (1981) Auditory-nerve fibre activity in the tokay gecko: II. temperature effect on tuning. J Comp Physiol A 142:219-226

Zwicker E, Manley G.A. (1981) Acoustical responses and suppression-period patterns in guinea pigs. Hearing Research 4:43-52

Manley G.A. (1981) A review of the auditory physiology of the reptiles. Progr Sens Physiol 2:49-134

Manley G.A., Kronester-Frei A (1980) Organ of Corti: Observation technique in the living animal. Hearing Research 2:87-91

Manley G.A. (1979) Preferred intervals in the spontaneous activity of primary auditory neurones. Die Naturwiss 66: 582-583

Manley G.A. (1977a) Response patterns and peripheral origin of auditory nerve fibres in the monitor lizard, Varanus bengalensis. J Comp Physiol 118:249-260

Manley G.A., Robertson D (1976) Analysis of spontaneous activity of auditory neurones in the spiral ganglion of the guinea pig. J Physiol 258:323-336

Manley G.A. (1976) Auditory responses from the medulla of the monitor lizard Varanus bengalensis. Brain Research 102:329-334

Manley G.A. (1975) Function of cochlear hair cells (technical comment). Nature 255:657

Robertson D, Manley G.A. (1974) Manipulation of frequency analysis in the cochlear ganglion of the guinea pig. J Comp Physiol 91:363-375

Manley G.A., Johnstone B M (1974) Middle-ear function in the guinea pig. J Acoust Soc Amer 56:571-576

Manley G.A. (1974) Activity patterns of neurons in the peripheral auditory system of some reptiles. Brain Behav Evol 10:244-256

Manley G.A., Irvine D R F, Johnstone B M (1972) Frequency response of the bat tympanic membrane. Nature 237:112-113

Manley G.A. (1972) Frequency response of the ear of the tokay gecko. J Exp Zool 181:159-168

Manley G.A. (1972) The middle ear of the tokay gecko. J Comp Physiol 81:239-250

Manley G.A. (1972) Frequency response of the middle ear of geckos. J Comp Physiol 81:251-258

Manley G.A. (1970) Frequency sensitivity of auditory neurones in the caiman cochlear nucleus. Z vergl Physiol 66:251-256

Manley G.A. (1970) Comparative studies of auditory physiology in reptiles. Z vergl Physiol 67:363-382

Conference proceedings

Epp B, Manley GA, van Dijk P (2018) The mechanisms underlying multiple lobes in SOAE suppression tuning curves in a transmission line model of the cochlea. In: To the Ear and Back Again - Advances in Auditory Biophysics. Eds. C Bergevin, S Puria. AIP Conf.Proc. Vol. 1965, pp 090005-1 - 090005-5, Melville, New York.

Bergevin, C., Manley, G.A., Köppl, C. (2015) Otoacoustic Interrelationships of the Barn Owl. In: Mechanics of Hearing: Protein to Perception. D.P. Corey and K.D. Karavitaki (eds) American Institute of Physics. Pp. 090011-1-5.

Manley, G.A., Köppl, C., Bergevin, C. (2015) Common Substructure in Otoacoustic Emission Spectra of Land Vertebrates. In: Mechanics of Hearing: Protein to Perception. D.P. Corey and K.D. Karavitaki (eds) American Institute of Physics. Pp.090012-1-5.

Manley G.A. (2013). The coiled mammalian cochlea: Origin and evolution. In: Basic Aspects of Hearing: Physiology and Perception. Moore, BCJ, Patterson, R.D., Winter, I.M., Carlyon, R.P., Gockel, H.E. (eds) Springer Science and Business Media. Pp 3-9.

Cooper, N., Manley, G.A. (2011) Comparative Auditory Mechanics: From Species to Species and From Base to Apex—A Moderated Discussion. In: Shera, C.A., Olson, E.S.   (Eds.) What fire is in mine ears: Progress in Auditors Mechanics. Melville, N.Y.: American Institute of Physics, AIP conference proceedings. pp. 701-706.

van Dijk, P., Manley, G.A. (2009) The effect of ear canal pressure on spontaneous otoacoustic emissions: Comparison betwen human and lizard ears. In: Concepts and Challenges in the Biophysics of Hearing; Cooper, N.P., Kemp, D.T. (eds) World Scientific Publishing Company, Singapore. Pp. 196-202.

Manley G.A. (2006b) Spontaneous otoacoustic emissions in lizards, air pressure effects on them and the question of point sources and global standing waves. In: Auditory Mechanisms: Processes and Models. Nuttall, A., Ren. T., Gillespie, P., Grosh, K., de Boer, E. (eds) Singapore, World Scientific. Pp. 369-376.

Manley, G.A. (2003) The tectorial membrane stabilizes spontaneous otoacoustic emissions. In: Biophysics of the Cochlea: From Molecules to Models. Ed: Gummer AW, Dalhoff E, Nowotny M, Scherer MP. Singapore, World Scientific. pp. 480-487.

Köppl, C., Forge, A., Manley, G.A. (2003) No correlates for somatic motility in freeze-fractured hair-cell membranes of lizards and birds. In: Biophysics of the Cochlea: From Molecules to Models. Ed: Gummer AW, Dalhoff E, Nowotny M, Scherer MP. Singapore, World Scientific. pp. 185-186.

The following are contributions to the book Auditory worlds: Sensory Analysis and Perception in Animals and Man, eds: Manley, G.A., Fastl, H., Kössl, M., Oeckinghaus, H., Klump, G.M. Weinheim, Wiley-VCH. 2000

1. Manley, G.A., Design plasticity in the evolution of the amniote hearing organ, pp. 7-17.

2. Fischer, F.P, Gleich, O., Köppl, C., Manley, G.A., Anatomy of the cochlea in birds. pp. 18-31

3. Gleich, O., Köppl, C., Manley, G.A., Discharge activity of afferent fibres in the avian hearing organ. pp. 35-43.

4. Köppl, C., Manley, G.A., Anatomy of the cochlea and physiology of auditory afferents in lizards. pp. 52-59.

5. Gleich, O., Kaiser, A., Köppl, C., Manley, G.A. ,Cochlear maps in birds. pp. 70-74

6. Manley, G.A., Otoacoustic emissions in lizards. pp. 93-102.

7. Manley, G.A., Taschenberger, G. Otoacoustic emissions in birds. pp. 103-106.

Köppl, C., Klump, G.M., Taschenberger, G., Dyson, M., Manley, G.A. (1998) The auditory fovea of the barn owl – no correlation with enhanced frequency resolution. In: Psychological and Physiological Advances in Hearing, Palmer, A., Rees, A., Summerfield, A.Q., Meddis, R. London, Whurr Publ. pp. 153-159.

Köppl, C,. Yates, G.K., Manley, G.A. (1997) The mechanics of the avian cochlea: Rate-intensity functions of auditory-nerve fibres in the emu. In: Diversity in Auditory Mechanics, ER Lewis, GR Long, RF Lyon, PM Narins and CR Steele, Eds., World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore. p. 76-82.

Manley G.A., Taschenberger G (1993) Spontaneous otoacoustic emissions from a bird: a preliminary report. In: Duifhuis, H., Horst, J.W., van Dijk, P., van Netten, S. (eds) Biophysics of hair-cell sensory systems. London, World Scientific Publishing Co., pp.33 -39

Manley G.A., Köppl C, Johnstone B M (1990) Components of the 2f1-f2 distortion product in the ear canal of the bobtail lizard. In: Mechanics and Biophysics of Hearing, Eds: Dallos P, Geisler CD, Matthews JW, Ruggero M, Steele CR. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, N.Y. pp. 210-217

Pickles, J.O., Osborne, M.P., Comis, S.D., Köppl, C., Gleich, O., Brix, J., Manley, G.A. (1989) Tip-link organization in relation to the structure and orientation of stereovillar bundles. In: Wilson, J.P., Kemp, D., Mechanics of Hearing, Plenum Press, N.Y., pp. 37-44

Pickles J O, Brix J, Gleich O, Köppl C, Manley G.A., Osborne M P, Comis S D (1988) The fine structure and organization of tip links on hair cell stereovilli.In: Duifhuis H, Horst, J.W., Wit H.P. (eds). Basic Issues in Hearing. Academic Press, London, pp 56-63

Manley, G.A., Köppl, C., Yates, G.K. (1989) Micromechanical basis of high-frequency tuning in the bobtail lizard. In: Wilson, J.P., Kemp D., Mechanics of Hearing, Plenum Press, N.Y. pp. 143-150

Manley G.A. (1983c) Frequency spacing of acoustic emissions: a possible explanation. In: Webster W R, Aitken L M (eds) Mechanisms of Hearing, Melbourne, Australia. pp. 36-39

Manley G.A., Kronester-Frei A (1980) The electrophysiological profile of the organ of Corti. In: van den Brink G, Bilson F A (eds) Psychophysical, Physiological and Behavioural Studies in Hearing. Delft University Press, Delft, Netherlands. pp. 24-33

Manley G.A. (1980) Characteristics of auditory neurones in the cochlear ganglion of the starling. In: Nöhring R (ed) Acta XVII Congressus Internationalis Ornithologici. Berlin. pp. 697-700

Manley G.A., Leppelsack H J (1977) Preliminary data on activity patterns of cochlear ganglion cells in the starling, Sturnus vulgaris. In: Portmann M, Aran J-M (eds) Inner Ear Biology XIVth Workshop. INSERM, Paris. 68:127-136

Manley G.A. (1977b) Extracellular interaction between hair cells as a possible mechanism for cochlear frquency sharpening. In: Evans, E F, Wilson, J P (eds) Physiology and Psychophysics of Hearing. Academic Press, N.Y., London. pp.139-146

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