The compatibility of work/study and family often falls or stands with good and reliable childcare. Due to the pluralization of life plans from families, different needs develop in the area of childcare, which are increasingly not covered by the offer of regular care. For this reason, the Family service at the University of Oldenburg is constantly trying to develop the range of further supplementary childcare.
If you have any questions about childcare, please do not hesitate to contact the Family service of the University of Oldenburg. We support you in finding the right form of care for your child and put you in touch with the right contact persons. However, we are not responsible for allocating places.
Holiday care - Easter 2023
Dear Sir/Madam,
Dear colleagues,
Dear students,
during the Easter holidays, from 27.03. - 06.04.2023, holiday care service for 3 to 12-year-old children will be offered on the Wechloy campus in the parent-child rooms (W02B 02-296).
Holiday care service can be booked by the week, for full or half days.
The deadline for registration for care during the Easter holidays is 27.02.23.
More information:
To register:
Holiday care service Easter
There will also be holiday care service in summer, from 10.07. - 11.08.23 and in autumn, from 16.10.-27.10.23. Place of implementation is the campus Haarentor or Wechloy.
Registrations are already possible:
Holiday care service Summer
Holiday care service Autumn
With best regards
The Family Service Team of the University of Oldenburg
The Childcare Marketplace
Are you looking for private childcare in the form of babysitting or homework help?
The Family Service’s childcare marketplace (Betreuungsbörse) is a platform where students and employees can advertise their services and availability for childcare in the form of babysitting and homework help throughout the University. This way, fellow students and employees with children who are looking for support can find suitable childcare (babysitting/homework help).
Parents and caregivers who are interested in using this service can find more information here.
To register, please click here.
Day care Campus-Krabben (0-3 years, Großtagespflege)
Welcome to the Campus-Krabben!
The day care Campus-Krabben is a facility of the University of Oldenburg and is operated by the Familienservice Weser-Ems e.V.
Up to 8 children, from the age of six months to entering kindergarten at the age of three, can be cared for at the same time. The facility is located on the Haarentor campus and is aimed exclusively at children of employees of the University of Oldenburg.
The care offer takes place from Monday to Friday. The care times can be agreed with the family service Weser-Ems.
Further information:
The pedagogical concept can be found here.
Ms. Wellnitz (pedagogical director) from Familienservice Weser-Ems will be happy to provide you with further information and any questions you may have. Contact:
Information on the day care center and the registration process can also be found on the Weser-Ems family service website.
Day nursery (0-3 years, Krippe)
A regular childcare place in the day nusery (Krippe) helps to reconcile work/study and family. Children of students and employees of the University of Oldenburg are given preferential consideration when allocating a place in the day nursery of the Studentenwerk.
However, it should also be noted here that the child must be resident in Oldenburg and that all day nursery places are allocated through the central allocation procedure of the city of Oldenburg in January for the coming kindergarten year in August. However, registration can also be made on another date. The chances of getting a place in a day nursery increase if you register in January.
You can find more information on the registration process at the City of Oldenburg under child day care.
Day nurseries (Krippe) in the university environment
The Uni Campus day nursery run by the Studentenwerk Oldenburg is located directly on the Harentor campus, Uhlhornsweg. This has three crèche groups with half-day and full-day offers.
In the Huntemannstraße day nursery there are 29 places for children under the age of 3 in a morning and an all-day group.
The day nursery Kükersweg of the student self-help - day-care center e.V. (Wechloy) offers a crèche group for 1-3 year olds.
Here, too, registration takes place via the central allocation procedure of the city of Oldenburg.
Day nurseries centers in Oldenburg
The allocation of places for day nurseries in the city of Oldenburg takes place in a central allocation procedure. To participate in the allocation process, parents register their child for one or more institutions from January 1st to January 31st. Up to three wishes can be taken into account. (First choice, second choice and third choice).
Day nurserie places are allocated between February 15th and April 30th. Please note that places are not allocated in the order in which registrations are received, but based on other factors, such as the age of the child.
You can find the link to register here.
Many day nurseriy centers offer viewing opportunities for interested parties in December and January. Take the opportunity to get to know the facilities better in advance.
The child day nursery service office will help you find and register for a place in a day care center and will advise you free of charge. Contact information you find here.
Childminder & Family day care (0-3 years, Kindertagespflege)
In Germany there are two official, state-regulated options for children from 0 to 3 year old ones: parents can take their children either to a childminder (Tagesmutter) or to a day nursery (Krippe).
The care provided by a childminder is referred to as family day care (Kindertagespflege).
Family day care is a childcare service for children aged 0 to 14, but is primarily suitable for children aged 0 to 3 years. For older children, this form of care can, under certain circumstances, be in addition to attending a daycare center or attending an all-day primary school.
Family day care for children is a care offer with a family character since only 5 children are cared for by one childminder. This ensures a high degree of security and reliability in the relationship with the caregiver. The childminder supports the development of the children in a safe environment with offers suitable for children and a well-structured daily routine. (City of Oldenburg 2019)
The city of Oldenburg's child day care service office will advise you free of charge and individually about the childcare options for your child and will put you in touch with day care providers.
For more information click here.
Kindergarten (3-6 years)
A regular childcare place in the kindergarten helps to reconcile work/study and family. Children of students at the University of Oldenburg and the Jade University of Applied Sciences are given preferential consideration when allocating a childcare place in the day-care centers of the Studentenwerk.
However, it should also be noted here that the child must be domiciled in Oldenburg and that all daycare places are allocated through the central allocation procedure of the city of Oldenburg in January for the coming kindergarten year in the summer from august.
You can find more information on the registration process at the City of Oldenburg under child day care.
Kindergärten in the university environment
The Uni Campus day care center ( Uni Kita Campus) run by the Studentenwerk Oldenburg is located directly on the Harentor campus, Uhlhornsweg. This has a kindergarten group with half-day and full-day offers.
The day-care center Kükersweg (Kita Küpkersweg) of the student self-help - day-care center e.V. (Wechloy) offers three kindergarten groups with half-day and full-day offers.
The registration takes place via the central allocation procedure of the city of Oldenburg.
Kindergarten in Oldenburg
The allocation of a kindergarten place in the city of Oldenburg takes place in a central allocation procedure. To participate in the allocation process, parents register their child for one or more institutions from January 1st to January 31st. Up to three wishes can be taken into account. (First choice, second choice and third choice).
Daycare places are allocated between February 15th and April 30th. Please note that places are not allocated in the order in which registrations are received, but based on other factors, such as the age of the child.
You can find the link to register here.
Many day-care centers offer viewing opportunities for interested parties in January. Take the opportunity to get to know the facilities better in advance.
The child day care service office will help you find and register for a place in a day care center and will advise you free of charge. Contact information you find here.
Are you new in Oldenburg and have children, who have to go to school?
The school entry counseling of the the city center of Oldenburg will gladly support you.
They inform you about the German school system and how to register for a school, for example:
• Which schools are there in Oldenburg?
• Which education programs can be helpful when learning the German language, for example language courses, learning support and counselling centres?
• How do I register my child at a school:
• Do I need to make an appointment for the
• Which documents does the school need?
Vistit them for consultation!
The consultation can be used without previous date arrangement during the open consultation times. If you need a translation, please make an appointment.
Dorothea Jäger
Phone: +49 441 235-2948
Information in German/English/Kurdish/Russian/Arabic/French you find here.