Summer Schools

Diversitas Summer Schools 2012 / 2015



DIVERSITAS (DIVERsity Studies International Teaching And Scholarship Network) is a trilateral, interdisciplinary research and study network connecting scholars from the University of the Witwatersrand (Johannesburg, South Africa), the University of Mumbai (India), the Centre for Advanced Studies (CASII) (Bhuj, India) and Oldenburg University (Germany). The aim of this network is to establish a sustainable exchange of perspectives, ideas, and programs across the three different continents of Africa, Asia, and Europe. The network’s thematic focus lies on Diversity Studies, that is to say the scholarly inquiry into the complex ways ethno-racial identity is shaped, performed, and perceived within a global context. Summer School 2012 The 2012 MA Summer Course "Transcultural Spaces / Hybrid Selves", organized by and held at the School of Linguistics and Cultural Studies (Fakulty III) at Oldenburg University, as well as the accompanying workshop, function as a first, important step towards developing specific and achievable project-oriented goals. For more information on the summer school in 2012 please click here. Summer School 2015 In Febrauary 2015, the workshop series took place at the University of Mumbai having the title "Transcontinental Trialogues in Critical Diversity Studies". The series of workshops and its critical exploration of diversity from a transcontinental perspective was organized around five thematic clusters, the purpose of which was to allow participating students to choose a specific focus depending on their individual research biographies and interests. Within the set time span of the workshop series, they had  the opportunity to take part in an intensive interdisciplinary dialogue on different aspects and topics of Critical Diversity Studies. Moreover, in order to engage with the local context, the programme included  two excursions. The thematic clusters were: Migrations and Diasporas; Knowledges and Epistemologies; Identities, Memory and Social Cohesion; Media, Representation and Language; Space, Place and Histories. To read more about the programme of the 2015 summer school, please click here. To learn more about DIVERSITAS in general, please visit the network's homepage here.

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