
Publications 2023

Monographs and Edited Volumes

GEHRING, W.: Englischunterricht analysieren und gestalten. Eine Einführung. Bad Heilbrunn: Verlag Julius Klinkhardt/utb, 2023.

Articles and Book Chapters

BUTLER, Martin: "Serial (Hi)Stories: The American West on TV." Public History Weekly 11.6 (2023). Online: 

-----: „Great Depression“ als Metapher. Zum gegenwartsdiagnostischen Potential der Krisenrhetorik der 1930er Jahre." Till Huber, Immanuel Nover (eds.): Ästhetik des Depressiven. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2023, 225-238.

CICHOLEWSKI, Alena: "'Something Here Is Completely, Horribly, Unnaturally Wrong': Uncanny Vegetation in Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff’s Aurora Rising." Melanie Duckworth, Annika Herb (eds.): Storying Plants in Australian Children’s and Young Adult Literature. Cham: Palgrave, 2023, 207-227.

-----: "Challenging Heroic Narratives of Polar Exploration in Indie Video Games." Games and Culture (2023).

-----: "Empathy as an Answer to Challenges of the Anthropocene in Asian American Young Adult Science Fiction." Exchanges: The Interdisciplinary Research Journal 10.2 (2023), 5-25. 

GENEVSKA-HANKE, D.: "Investigating overt subjects in topic continuity: An online study on the effects of language dominance and length of residence in late L1-attrition." BUCLD 46 Proceedings. Boston, MA: Cascadilla Press, 2022, 216-229.

-----: "Subject realization in Bulgarian, a consistent null-subject language: theoretical issues and empirical facts." G. Dalmi, E. Tsedryk (eds.) Null Subjects in Slavic and Finno-Ugric. Licensing, Structure and Typology. Studies in Generative Grammar. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2022, 177-204. 

GREVE, Julius, Zoe Bursztajn-Illingworth (eds.): Poetic Voice and Materiality, Cluster of ASAP/J (2023). Online:

HAMANN, C., D. Genevska-Hanke: "Overt and null subjects in Bulgarian: Comparing monolingual adults and children to child heritage speakers in Germany in their use of Bulgarian." The Language Learning Journal (2023).

-----:, S. Chilla: "Sprachliche Heterogenität als Herausforderung und Chance für den Inklusiven Fremdsprachenunterricht." Zeitschrift für Fremdsprachenforschung 32.1 (2021), 105-126.

-----:, S. Chilla, P. Prévost, L. Abed Ibrahim, S. Ferré, C. dos Santos, R. Zebib, L. Tuller: "The influence of different first languages on L2 LITMUS-SRT in French and German: a crosslinguistic approach." In S. Armon-Lotem, K.K. Grohmann (eds.), LITMUS in action: Comparative studies across Europe, TILAR. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

-----:, D. Genevska-Hanke: "Overt and null subjects in Bulgarian: Comparing monolingual adults and children to child heritage speakers in Germany in their use of Bulgarian." The Language Learning Journal, Taylor and Francis (2023).

-----:, D. Öwerdieck, L. Abed Ibrahim: "Studying a bilingual population’s production and comprehension of relative clauses longitudinally: Preliminary results." In D. Dionne, L.-A. Vidal Covas (eds.): Proceedings of the 45th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press, 2021, 612-625.

-----:, L. Abed Ibrahim (eds.): "Special Issue of Languages: Bilingualism and Language Impairment." Languages. Basel: MDPI, 2022. Online:

HINDERS, S.: "(Pod)casting a Bridge: Lolita Podcast and Its Reading Practices." Current Objectives of Postgraduate American Studies 23.2 (2023), 64-79.

RAMSAY, Rachel and Students: "Dissecting the Gaze in Selected British Asian Films." MAI Feminism & Visual Culture 11 (2023). Online:

SCHLECHTWEG, Marcel, Härtl, Holden: "Expressions of quotation: Explorations on the boundary between use and mention." Special Issue of Linguistics 61.2 (2023).

-----: Ruigendijk, Esther, Grandon, Bénédicte: "Processing of noun plural marking in German-speaking children: An eye-tracking study." Journal of Child Language (2023), 1-28.

-----: Peters, Jörg, Frank, Marina: "L1 variation and L2 acquisition: L1 German /eː/-/ɛː/ overlap and its effect on the acquisition of L2 English /ɛ/-/æ/." Frontiers in Psychology 14 (2023), 1-13.

-----: Härtl, Holden: "Quotation marks and the processing of irony in English: Evidence from a reading time study." Linguistics 61.2 (2023), 355-390.

-----: Härtl, Holden: "Quotation as an interface phenomenon." Linguistics 61.2 (2023), 275-284.

-----: Corbett, Greville G.: "Is morphosyntactic agreement reflected in acoustic detail? The s duration of English regular plural nouns." English Language and Linguistics 27.1 (2023), 67-92.

-----: Härtl, Holden: "Phrases inside words." Peter Ackema, Sabrina Bendjaballah, Eulalia Bonet & Antonio Fabregas (eds.): Wiley Blackwell companion to morphology. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell, 2023.

-----: "Optimizing English pronunciation of German students online and with Praat." Maria-del-Mar Súarez & Walaa M. El-Henawy (eds.): Optimizing online English language learning and teaching (English Language Education 31). Cham: Springer, 2023, 273-296.


Publications 2022

Monographs and Edited Volumes

ABED IBRAHIM, L., C. Hamann (eds.): Bilingualism and Language Impairment. Basel: MDPI, 2022 (Special Issue of Languages).

FUCHS, M., S. Rabitsch, S. L. Brandt (eds.): Fantastic Cities: American Urban Spaces in Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2022.

WURR, J. Literary Neo-Orientalism and the Arab Uprisings: Tensions in English, French and German Language Fiction. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2022.

Articles and Book Chapters

ABED IBRAHIM, L., C. Hamann, D. Öwerdieck: "Studying a bilingual population’s production and comprehension of relative clauses longitudinally: Preliminary results. " Danielle Dionne, Lee-Ann Vidal Covas (eds.): Proceedings of the 45th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. Somerville: Cascadilla Press, 2021, 612-625.

-----: C. Hamann, S. Chilla, P. Prévost, S. Ferré, C. dos Santos, R. Zebib, L. Tuller: "The influence of different first languages on L2 LITMUS-SRT in French and German: a crosslinguistic approach. " Kleanthes Grohman, Sharon Armon-Lotem (eds.): LITMUS in action: Comparative studies across Europe, TILAR. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 2021.

-----: S. Chilla, I. Hertel: "Special Needs Assessment in Bilingual School-Age Children in Germany. " Languages 7.1 (2021), 4.

AUGUSCIK, A., S. Broders: "Introduction: Limits of Knowledge – Knowledge of Limits: The Productiveness of Ignorance, Non-Knowledge, and Agnotology." Anglistik: International Journal of English Studies 33.2 (2022), 77-88.

BUTLER, Martin, und Rahel Puffert. "Wie wäre Lehrer*innenbildung zu verantworten? Und welche, und wo? Ein autoethnografischer Dialog". In: Migrationsgesellschaft - Rassismus - Bildung. Festschrift für Paul Mecheril. Herausgegeben von: David Füllekruss, Veronika Kourabas, Daniel Krenz-Dewe, Radhika Natarajan, Vanessa Ohm, Matthias Rangger, Katharina Schitow, Saphira Shure, Noelia Streicher. Beltz Verlag, 2022. S. 284-300.

-----: M. Fuchs (eds.): Science and Popular Audio-Visual Media. Tübingen: Narr, 2022 (Special Issue of Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik).

-----: M. Fuchs: "Introduction: Science and Popular Audio-Visual Media." Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik 47.2 (2022), 171-187.

CICHOLEWSKI, A.: "Exploring Racialization as Technology for Oppression in Stephanie Saulter’s Gemsigns (2013). " European Journal of American Culture  41.3 (2022), 255-266.

-----: "In Conversation with Alena Cicholewski." The Exchanges Discourse - A Podcast about Early Career Publishing in Academia (2022). Online:

-----: "Nature strikes back?! Birds as Agents/Victims in Malinda Lo’s Adaptation Duology (2012-2013)." The Anthropocene and More-Than-Human World Writing Workshop Series (2022). Online:

-----: "’A place where everybody is a legendary hero… and a total dork’: Representing the American nerd community as an antidote to loneliness in G. Willow Wilson’s Ms. Marvel comics (2014-2019)." Exchanges: The Interdisciplinary Research Journal 9.3 (2022), 46-61.

FUCHS, M., A. Marini: "The Disease Becomes the Host: Cattle Decapitation’s Pandemic Discourse from Song to Music Video. " Popular Culture Review 33.2 (2022), 77-112.

-----: S. Lahm: "Imagining Digital Cities: Freedom and (Non)Human Agency in Representations of Virtual Realities." Stefan Rabitsch, Michael Fuchs, Stefan L. Brandt (eds.): Fantastic Cities: American Urban Spaces in Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2022, 194-210.

-----: S. Rabitsch: "‘Out there hunting monsters’: Manifest Destiny, the Monstrosity of the American West, and the Gothic Character of American History." Dorian J. Alexander, Michael Goodrum, Philip Smith (eds.):  Drawing the Past, Volume I: Comics and the Historical Imagination in the United States. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2022, 228-251.

-----: S. Rabitsch: "Introduction." Stefan Rabitsch, Michael Fuchs, Stefan L. Brandt (eds.): Fantastic Cities: American Urban Spaces in Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2022, 3-31.

-----: "‘A serious man versus nature moment’: Aquatic Monsters, Deep Time, and Climate Change." Popular Culture Review 33.1 (2022), 103-136.

-----: "‘I don’t need your help! I’m a scientist!’ Biotechnology, Digital Visual Effects, and (the Lack of) Human Control of Life in Zoo." New Horizons in English Studies 7 (2022), 101-115. Online.

-----: "De-Extinction: A Gothic Masternarrative for the Anthropocene." Justin D. Edwards, Rune Graulund, Johan Höglund (eds.): Dark Scenes from Damaged Earth: The Gothic Anthropocene. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2022, 26-44.

-----: "Pornography." Leimar Garcia-Siino, Sabrina Mittermeier, Stefan Rabitsch (eds.): The Routledge Handbook of Star Trek. New York: Routledge, 2022, 281-285.

-----: "Richard Fallon: Reimagining Dinosaurs in Late Victorian and Edwardian Literature: How the ‘Terrible Lizard’ Became a Transatlantic Cultural Icon. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021." Arbeiten aus Anglistik & Amerikanistik 47.1 (2022), 153-158.

-----:  "Capturing the Shark: White (Eco-)Masculinity and the Pursuit of Science in the Docuseries Expedition Great White." Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik 47.2 (2022), 243-258.

GEHRING, W.: "Vom English Classroom zum plurilingualen Klassenzimmer. Mehrsprachigkeit im Englisch-Unterricht." Unterricht gestalten (2022) Online:

GREVE, J.: "Hip Hop Naturalism: A Poetics of Afro-Pessimism." Ecozon@ 13 (2022), 73-88. Online.

HAMANN, C., L. Abed Ibrahim, D. Öwerdieck: "Studying a bilingual population’s production and comprehension of relative clauses longitudinally: Preliminary results." Danielle Dionne, Lee-Ann Vidal Covas (eds.): Proceedings of the 45th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. Somerville: Cascadilla Press, 2021, 612-625.

-----: L. Abed Ibrahim, S. Chilla, P. Prévost, S. Ferré, C. dos Santos, R. Zebib, L. Tuller: "The influence of different first languages on L2 LITMUS-SRT in French and German: a crosslinguistic approach." Kleanthes Grohman, Sharon Armon-Lotem (eds.): LITMUS in action: Comparative studies across Europe, TILAR. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 2021.

-----: S. Chilla: "Sprachliche Heterogenität als Herausforderung und Chance für den Inklusiven Fremdsprachenunterricht." Zeitschrift für Fremdsprachenforschung 31.1 (2021), 105-126. 

KECK, M.: "Agnes Hoffmann: Landschaft im Nachbild: Imaginationen von Natur in der Literatur um 1900 bei Henry James und Hugo von Hofmannsthal. Baden-Baden: Rombach Wissenschaft, 2020." Arcadia 57.2 (2022), 366-371. 9060.

-----: "Psyche and Pygmalion: The Heart’s Desires Revised in Louisa May Alcott’s A Marble Woman." European Journal of American Studies 17.3 (2022). Online:

-----: "Women’s Complicity, Resistance, and Moral Agency: Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale and The Testaments." Gender Forum 82 (2022), 12-33. Online:

-----: "Aquatic Insights from Roger Deakin’s Waterlog." Robert Boschman, Sonya L. Jakubec (eds.): Signs of Water: Community Perspectives on Water. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 2022, 37-58.

-----: "Of Birds and Men: Lessons from Mark Cocker’s Crow Country." Maria Moss, Micha Gerrit Philipp Edlich, Andreas Hübner (eds.): Multispecies Futures: New Approaches to Teaching Human-Animal Studies. Berlin: Neofelis, 2022.

-----: "With Second Sight and Afro-pessimism: The Im/Possibility of Black Utopia in Martin R. Delany’s Blake; or, The Huts of America." Bernard Montoneri (ed.): Science Fiction and Anticipation: Utopias, Dystopias and Time Travel. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2022, 67-89.

KIRCHHOFER, A. "‘Not as a historian, but as a scientific observer': Notes on science in Jaspreet Singh's Helium." Sikh Formations: Religion, Culture, Theory 18.3 (2022), 309-318.

-----: "›Partizipationsarrangements‹ und ›partizipatorische Rekonzeptualisierung‹: Literaturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven für eine kritische Partizipationsforschung im Dialog der Disziplinen." Jonas Barth, Anna Henkel (eds.): Leib. Grenze. Kritik. Festschrift für Gesa Lindemann zum 66. Geburtstag. Weilerswist: Velbrück Wissenschaft, 2022, 240-254.

SCHLECHTWEG, M., D. Wegner, H. Härtl: "Optionality and the recovery of temporal information in German verb clusters." Linguistische Berichte 270 (2022), 111-168.

-----: G. Corbett: "The duration of word-final s in English: A comparison of regular-plural and pluralia-tantum nouns." Morphology 31.4 (2021), 383-407.

-----: M. Heinrichs: "The acoustics of number: Duration differences in singular-plural syncretism." Sprachwissenschaft 47.1 (2022), 77-102.

-----: "Quotation marks in advanced language acquisition: A reading time experiment on English pure quotation." Linguistik Online 118.6 (2022), 113-128.

WURR, J.: "Neo-Orientalism and the Poetics of Insecurity in Bodyguard." Sigrid Ruby, Anja Krause (eds.): Sicherheit und Differenz in historischer Perspektive/Security and Difference in Historical Perspective. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2022, 191-211.

Publications 2021

Monographs and Edited Volumes

Gehring, Wolfgang: Praxis Planung Englischunterricht. 2. überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt utb Verlag, 2021.

Greve, Julius and Knut Holtsträter (ed.): Musikalische Regionen und Regionalismen in den USA / Musical Regions and Regionalisms in the USA (Lied und populäre Kultur vol. 66). Münster u. New York: Waxmann, 2021.

Articles and Book Chapters

Auguscik, Anna, Sina Farzin, Emanuel Herold and Anton Kirchhofer: “Speculative Fiction and the Significance of Plausibility: Dystopian Science in the Critical Response to Margarete Atwood´s Oryx and Crake.” Sina Farzin, Susan M. Gaines, Roslynn D. Haynes (ed.): Under the Literary Microscope: Science and Society in the Contemporary Novel. University Park: The Pennsylvania University Press, 2021, 101-125.

Auguscik, Anna, Sonja Fücker, Anton Kirchhofer and Uwe Schimank: “A Fictional Risk Narrative and its Potential for Social Resonance: The Reception of Barbara Kingsolver´s Flight Behaviour in Reviews and Reading Groups.” Sina Farzin, Susan M. Gaines, Roslynn D. Haynes (ed.): Under the Literary Microscope: Science and Society in the Contemporary Novel. University Park: The Pennsylvania University Press, 2021, 218-247.

Auguscik, Anna: “Law on Ice: Polarizing Legal Expertise in Popular Climate Change Fiction.” Symbolism: An International Annual of Critical Aesthetics (2021): 153-173.

Auguscik, Anna: “The Death of the Archaeologist: Imagining Science, Storytelling and Self-Understanding in Contemporary Archaeofiction.” Josie Gill, Catriona McKenzie, Emma Lightfoot (ed.): Writing Remains: New Intersections of Archaeology, Literature and Science. London: Bloomsbury, 2021.

Bakker, Sylke: “Digitalisierung im bilingualen Religionsunterricht.“ Manfred L. Pirner, Jens-Peter Green, Jens Büngener (ed.): Religionsunterricht bilingual. Didaktische Perspektiven und Anregungen für die Praxis. Erlangen: FAU University Press, 2022.

Bakker, Sylke: “Lernförderliche Leistungsbewertung im bilingualen Religionsunterricht.“ Manfred L. Pirner, Jens-Peter Green, Jens Büngener (ed.): Religionsunterricht bilingual. Didaktische Perspektiven und Anregungen für die Praxis. Erlangen: FAU University Press, 2022.

Bakker, Sylke: “Unterrichtsvorbereitung und die Rolle von Materialien im bilingualen Religionsunterricht.“ Manfred L. Pirner, Jens-Peter Green, Jens Büngener (ed.): Religionsunterricht bilingual. Didaktische Perspektiven und Anregungen für die Praxis. Erlangen: FAU University Press, 2022.

Butler, Martin and Marek Jeziński: “Pop, Pandemic, Politics: On the ‚Virtual Social‘ and Ways of Engagement in Times of Crisis – A Conversation Across Borders and Disciplines.” Rock Music Studies 8 (2021): 26-35.

Butler, Martin, Sina Farzin and Michael Fuchs: “PandemIcons? The Medical Scientist as Iconic Figure in Times of Crisis.” Plagues and Pandemics Special Issue der Zeitschrift Configurations: A Journal of Literature, Science and Technology 29.4 (2021): 435-451.

Butler, Martin: “‘Alles nur Schall und Rauch‘: Wie Popmusik über (ihre) Vergänglichkeit nachdenkt.“ Claudia Benthien (ed.): Vanitas und Gesellschaft. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2021, 171-188.

Butler, Martin: “Defamiliarizing the Familiar: Avant-Garde and Archivism in the Songs of The Residents.” The Residents: Visionaries, Satirists, and Mythmakers Special Issue der Zeitschrift Popular Music and Society 8 (2021): 108-119.

Butler, Martin: “Sonic Maps: On the Acoustic (Trans)Formation of Urban Space in Straight Outta Compton (2015) and Grand Theft Auto (1997-2013).” Edyta Lorek-Jezińska, Marek Jeziński (ed.): Listening to the Urbanocene. Special Issue der Zeitschrift AVANT: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 11.2 (2021).

Butler, Martin: “Vom Wieder-Holen und Beglaubigen: Konstellationen der Authentifizierung im US-amerikanischen Folk-Diskurs“ Berit Callsen (ed.): Authentizität Transversal: Multiperspektivische Betrachtungen von ‘Echtheit’. Berlin: Frank & Timme, 2021, 35-54.

Cicholewski, Alena:  “Negotiating Cultural Hybridity through Marvel’s Kamala Khan: Reading the Secret Superhero Identity Ms. Marvel as a Third Space.” Iwona Filipczak, Blossom Fondo, Agnieszka Mobley (ed.): Liminality and Beyond: Conceptions of In-Betweeners in American Culture and Literature. Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego, 2021, 27-41.

Fuchs, Michael, Martin Butler and Sina Farzin: “PandemIcons? The Medical Scientist as Iconic Figure in Times of Crisis.” Plagues and Pandemics Special Issue der Zeitschrift Configurations: A Journal of Literature, Science and Technology 29.4 (2021): 435-451.

Fuchs, Michael: “An Art Form That Honors Aesthetic and Taste: The Art of Murder and the Art of Television in Hannibal.” Kyle A. Moody and Nicholas A. Yanes (ed.): Hannibal for Dinner: Essays on America’s Favorite Cannibal on Television. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2021, 278-298.

Fuchs, Michael: “Livin’ Da Dream? Playing Black, Illusions of Meritocracy, and Narrative Constraints in Sports Video Game Story Modes.” European Journal of American Studies 16.3 (2021).

Greve, Julius: "Writing Nature Between Orphism and Prometheanism in Cormac McCarthy’s Blood Meridian." Critical Posthumanism: Genealogy of the Posthuman. 2021. Online: (11.01.2021)

Greve, Julius: “Voice and Wake: Susan Howe, M. NourbeSe Philip, and the Ecology of Echology.” Nathalie Aghoro (ed.) The Acoustics of the Social. New York: Bloomsbury, 2021, 61–77.

Keck, Michaela: “Indian Education for All on Montana's Flathead Reservation.” Academia Letters. March 2021. Online:  (21.02.2022).

Keck, Michaela: “Paradoxien von Authentizität: Kunstauthentizität und Unmittelbarkeit in der Bildwahrnehmung bei Edward Hopper und seiner Kunst.“ Berit Callsen (ed.): Authentizität transversal: Multiperspektivische Betrachtungen von ‚Echtheit‘. Berlin: Frank und Timme, 2021, 55–73.

Keck, Michaela: “Plastic (in) Paradise: Karen Tei Yamashita's Through the Arc of the Rain Forest.” IAFOR Journal for Literature & Librarianship 10.1 (2021), 26–40. Online: (21.02.2022)

Keck, Michaela: “Prophesy and Racial Trauma in the Black Freedom Struggle: Anne Moody`s Coming of Age in Mississippi.” I-Chun Wang and Mary Theis (ed.): Life Mapping as Cultural Legacy. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2021, 90–105.

Kirchhofer, Anton, Anna Auguscik and Uwe Schimank: “A Fictional Risk Narrative and its Potential for Social Resonance: The Reception of Barbara Kingsolver´s Flight Behaviour in Reviews and Reading Groups.” Sina Farzin, Susan M. Gaines, Roslynn D. Haynes (ed.): Under the Literary Microscope: Science and Society in the Contemporary Novel. University Park: The Pennsylvania University Press, 2021, 218-247.

Kirchhofer, Anton, Sina Farzin and Emanuel Herold: “Speculative Fiction and the Significance of Plausibility: Dystopian Science in the Critical Response to Margarete Atwood´s Oryx and Crake.” Sina Farzin, Susan M. Gaines, Roslynn D. Haynes (ed.): Under the Literary Microscope: Science and Society in the Contemporary Novel. University Park: The Pennsylvania University Press, 2021, 101-125.

Kirchhofer, Anton: “Better Stories about Science? Notes on Productive Interdisciplinarity in the Study of Science and Narrative.” Anglistik 32.3 (2021): 103-120.

Kramer, Christian, Joanna Pfingsthorn, Anna Czura, Martin Štefl: “Interculturality and Professional Identity: Exploring the Potential of Telecollaboration in Foreign Language Teacher Education.” Mabel Victoria, Chittima Sangiamchit (ed.): Interculturality and the English Language Classroom. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021, 83-115.

Schlechtweg, Marcel and Greville G. Corbett: “The duration of word-final s in English: A comparison of regular-plural and pluralia-tantum nouns.” Morphology 31.4 (2021): 383-407.

Stinshoff, Richard: “Brexit-Britain, Europe and Identity.” Philip Jacobi, Anette Pankratz (Hg.): Mentalities and Materialities, Essays in Honour of Jürgen Kamm. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2021: 93-109.

Reviews and Shorter Contributions

Auguscik, Anna: “Audre Lorde: Sister Outsider. München: Hanser Verlag, 2021.” Deutschlandfunk (2021). Online:

Auguscik, Anna: “Bernardine Evaristo: Mädchen, Frau, Etc. Stuttgart: Tropen Verlag Klett-Cotta, 2019.” Deutschlandfunk (2021). Online:

Gehring, Wolfgang: “Selbsteinschätzung. Eine Kompetenz für nachhaltiges Lernen.“ First Steps. 2021. Online: (25.10.2021).

Publications 2020

Monographs and Edited Volumes

Gehring, Wolfgang: Englische Fachdidaktik. Forschung, Vermittlung, Unterricht. 4th Edition. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag, 2020.

Greve, Julius and Florian Zappe (ed.): The American Weird: Concept and Medium. New York: Bloomsbury, 2020.

Schlechtweg, Marcel (ed.): The Learnability of Complex Constructions from a Cross-Linguistic Perspective. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2020.

Journal Articles and Book Chapters

Abed Ibrahim, Lina and Istvan Fekete: “What Machine Learning Can Tell Us About the Role of Language Dominance in the Diagnostic Accuracy of German LITMUS Non-word and Sentence Repetition Tasks.“ Frontiers in Psychology 9 (2019): 27-57.

Abed Ibrahim, Lina, István Fekete, and Cornelia Hamann: “Language Assessment of Bilingual Arabic-German Heritage and Refugee Children: Comparing Performance on LITMUS Repetition Tasks.” Megan M. Brown and Alexandra Kohut (ed.): Proceedings of the 44th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. Somerville: Cascadilla Press, 2020. 1-17.

Abed Ibrahim, Lina, Solveig Chilla, Istvan Fekete, and Cornelia Hamann: “Language Assessment Tools for Arabic-speaking Heritage and Refugee Children in Germany.” Applied Psycholinguistics 41.6 (2020): 1-40.

Abed Ibrahim, Lina, Cornelia Hamann, Tatjana Lein, and Monika Rothweiler: “SLI in Bilinguals: Comparing LITMUS-Tasks to a Standardized Test with Bilingual Norms.” Christophe dos Santos (ed.): Bilingualism and Specific Language Impairment: Selected Proceedings of Bi-SLI 2015. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing, forthcoming.

Auguscik, Anna: “The Death of the Archaeologist: Imagining Science, Storytelling and Self-Understanding in Contemporary Archaeofiction.” Josie Gill, Catriona McKenzie and Emma Lightfoot (ed.): Archaeology, Literature and Science. London: Bloomsbury, forthcoming.

Auguscik, Anna, Sina Farzin, Emanuel Herold, and Anton Kirchhofer: “Speculative Fiction and the Significance of Plausability.” Sina Farzin, Susan M. Gaines and Roslynn D. Haynes (ed.): Under the Literary Microscope: Science and Society in the Contemporary Novel. University Park, PA: Penn State University Press, forthcoming.

Bakker, Sylke: “Keep Up the Good Work – Wie reflexive Praxis bei Fremdsprachenlehrkräften Bestand haben kann.” Tim Giesler and Joanna Pfingsthorn (ed.): Masters of Reflective Practice – Abschlussarbeiten in der Englischdidaktik. Studien zur Fremdsprachendidaktik und Spracherwerbsforschung. Band 14. Trier: WVT, 2020. 51-70. 

---: “Blogging for Diversity – Begleitung individueller Lernprozesse im digitalen EFL Klassenzimmer.” Sabine Doff and Joanna Pfingsthorn (ed.): Media Meets Diversity@School: Implications and Challenges for Teacher Education. Trier: WVT, 2020. 129-148.

Cicholewski, Alena: “Entering the Chthulucene? Making Kin with the Nonhuman in Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner’s Starbound Trilogy.” Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures 12.2 (2020): 86-102.

Fücker, Sonja, Anna Auguscik, Anton Kirchhofer, and Uwe Schimank: “A Fictional Risk Narrative and its Potential for Social Resonance: The Reception of Barbara Kingsolver´s Flight Behavior in Reviews and Reading Groups.” Sina Farzin, Susan Msa. Gaines and Roslynn D. Haynes (ed.): Under the Literary Microscope: Science and Society in the Contemporary Novel. University Park, PA: Penn State University Press, forthcoming.

Gehring, Wolfgang: “Kultur und Kulturelle Bildung. Entdeckungstouren mit der Klasse.” First Steps. 2020. Accessed November 8, 2020.

---: “Schreiben hilft beim Englischlernen.” First Steps. 2020. Accessed November 8, 2020.

---: “Digitales Lernen.” First Steps. 2020. Accessed November 8, 2020.  

Greve, Julius: “Deleuze and Diagnosis: A Remark on the ‘Postscript.’” Coils of the Serpent: Journal for the Study of Contemporary Power 6 (2020): 7-14.

---: “Radioactivity and the Typewriter’s Breath: Practical Aesthetics in Pound and Olson.” Bernd Herzogenrath (ed.): Practical Aesthetics. New York: Bloomsbury, 2020. 215-226.

---: “Ventriloquism Against the Copyright of the Concept: Authorial Suspension and Modernist Performativity.” Irina Brittner, Sabine Meyer and Peter Schneck (ed.): We the People? The United States and the Question of Rights. Heidelberg: Winter, 2020. 157-176.

---: “Nineteenth and Twentieth-Century Philosophy.” Steven Frye (ed.): Cormac McCarthy in Context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020. 155-168.

Greve, Julius and Florian Zappe: “Introduction: Conceptualization, Mediations, and Remediations of the American Weird.” Julius Greve and Florian Zappe (ed.): The American Weird: Concept and Medium. New York: Bloomsbury, 2020. 1-12.

Hashhozheva, Galena: “From ‘Custom is King’ to ‘Custom is Metal’: The Early Modern Afterlife of Ancient Scythian Culture.” Jane Grogan (ed.): Beyond Greece and Rome: Reading the Ancient Near East in Early Modern Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. 70-92.

Keck, Michaela: “Paradoxien von Authentizität: Kunstauthentizität und Unmittelbarkeit in der Bildwahrnehmung bei Edward Hopper und seiner Kunst.” Berit Callsen (ed.): Authentizität transversal: Multiperspektivische Betrachtung von Echtheit. Berlin: Frank und Timme, forthcoming.

---: “Aquatic Insights from Roger Deakin´s Waterlog.“ Robert Boschman, Connie Van Der Byl, Michael Quinn and Sonya Jakubec (ed.): Signs of Water: Multidisciplinary Community Perspectives on Water and Cultures. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, forthcoming.

---: “Prophesy and Racial Trauma in the Black Freedom Struggle: Anne Moody`s Coming of Age in Mississippi.“ I-Chun Wang and Mary Theis (ed.): Life Mapping as Cultural Legacy. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2020. 25-40.

Kramer, Christian: “Mehrsprachigkeit 2.0 – Linguistic Landscaping als Möglichkeit zur integrierten Förderung von Mehrsprachigkeits- und Digitalkompetenz(en) im Fremdsprachenunterricht Englisch.” Sabine Doff and Joanna Pfingsthorn (ed.): Media Meets Diversity@School: Wie kann Lernen und Lehren in der digitalen Welt unter den Vorzeichen von Diversität gelingen. Trier: WVT, 2020. 149-172.

Ramsay, Rachel: “Working Motherhood During Covid-19: Screen Time and Pre-Schoolers.“ Feminism & Visual Culture 6 (2020).

Schlechtweg, Marcel: “Introduction.” Marcel Schlechtweg (ed.): The Learnability of Complex Constructions from a Cross-Linguistic Perspective (Trends in Linguistics: Studies and Monographs 345). Berlin: De Gruyter, 2020. 1-6.

Schlechtweg, Marcel, Melina Heinrichs, and Marcel Linnenkohl: “Differences in Acoustic Detail: The Realization of Syncretic Nouns in German.” Marcel Schlechtweg (ed.): The Learnability of Complex Constructions from a Cross-Linguistic Perspective (Trends in Linguistics: Studies and Monographs 345). Berlin: De Gruyter, 2020. 39-62.

Reviews and Shorter Contributions

Greve, Julius: “Louise Glück: Die Stimme und der Verlust.” Die Zeit Online, October 8, 2020. Accessed October 12, 2020.


Stand: 14.01.2021

Publications 2019

Monographs and Edited Volumes

Butler, Martin, and Juliane Goschler (ed.): Sprachsensibler Fachunterricht: Chancen und Herausforderungen aus interdisziplinärer Perspektive. Wiesbaden: Springer, 2019.

Genevska-Hanke, Dobrinka: Overt and Null Subjects in Bulgarian and in L1 Bulgarian L2 German Interlanguage. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scolars Publishing, 2019.

Greve, Julius, and Florian Zappe (ed.): Spaces and Fictions of the Weird and the Fantastic: Ecologies, Geographies, Oddities. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.

Hamann, Cornelia, Esther Rinke, and Dobrinka Genevska-Hanke (ed.): Bilingual Language Development: The Role of Dominance. Lausanne: Frontiers Media, 2019.

Journal Articles and Book Chapters

Auguscik, Anna: “Kulturereignisse und Kulturpreise.” Roland Sturm (ed.): Länderbericht Großbritannien. Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, 2019. 299-306.

---: “Spoiler Alert: Scott, Science, and Forms of Reenactment in Contemporary Expedition Narratives.” Anglistik: International Journal of English Studies 30.2 (2019): 47-64.

Bakker, Sylke: “Keep up the good work – Wie reflexive Praxis bei Fremdsprachenlehrkräften Bestand haben kann.“ Tim Giesler and Joanna Pfingsthorn (ed.): Masters of Reflective Practice - Abschlussarbeiten in der Englischdidaktik. Studien zur Fremdsprachen-didaktik und Spracherwerbsforschung. Band 14. Trier: WVT, 2019. 51-70.

Butler, Martin: "Authentizität.“ Moritz Baßler und Eckhard Schumacher (ed): Handbuch Literatur und Pop. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2019. 267-282.

---: “Promises of Transparency, Promises of Participation: On the Ambivalent Rhetoric of the Occupy-Movement.” Stefan Berger and Dimitrij Owetschkin (ed.): Contested Transparencies, Social Movements, and the Public Sphere: Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives. London: Palgrave Macmillan 2019. 199-201.

---: “Praktiken der Diagnostifizierung der Singer/Songwriter-Figur: Zur Fremd- und Selbstinszenierung Tom Morellos.” Thomas Alkemeyer, Nikolaus Buschmann and Thomas Etzemüller (ed.): Gegenwartsdiagnosen: Kulturelle Formen gesellschaftlicher Selbstproblematisierung in der Moderne. Bielefeld: transcript, 2019.

---: “Of Shreds, Spoofs, and Participatory Cultures: Parodies of Popular Music Video Clips in Web 2.0 Contexts.” Nicolas Baxter-Moore and Thomas M. Kitts (ed.): The Routledge Companion to Popular Music and Humor. New York: Routledge, 2019. 321-328.

---: “The Future that Never Was: Analogue Nostalgia and the Ambivalent Astronaut in the Songs of Man… or Astro-man?” Henry Keazor (ed.): "We are all astronauts". The Image of the Space Traveller in Arts and Media. Berlin: Neofelis Verlag, 2019. 211-224.

---: “Punk is Dead. Or is it? On Strategies of Subcultural Positioning in/and the (Re-)Making of the Punk Movement.” Olaf Kaltmeier and Wilfried Raussert (ed.): Sonic Politics: Music and Social Movements in the Americas. New York: Routledge, 2019. 205-215.

Cicholewski, Alena: “ʻShe was standing on the edge of a new world and so ready to jump’: Renovating the Black Technoscientific Genius Trope in Rivers Solomon’s An Unkindness of Ghosts.” SFRA Review 329 (2019): 99-103.

Geluykens, Ronald: "Pragmatic Variation in Service Encounter Complaints: Some Methodological Issues.“ C. Felix-Brasdefer and M.E. Placencia (ed.): Pragmatic Variation in Service Encounter Interactions across the Spanish-Speaking World. London: Routledge, 2019.

Genevska-Hanke, Dobrinka: “Some notes on the nature of L1-attrition and its modeling.” Second Language Research (2019):

Greve, Julius: “The Weird and the Wild: Media Ecologies of the Outré-Normative.” Julius Greve and Florian Zappe (ed.):  Spaces and Fictions of the Weird and the Fantastic: Ecologies, Geographies, Oddities. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019. 41–56.

---: “Neuropathologies: Cognition, Technology, and the Network Paradigm in Scott Bakker’s Neuropath and Dave Eggers’ The Circle.” Nina Engelhardt and Julia Hoydis (ed.): Representations of Science in Twenty-First-Century Fiction: Human and Temporal Connectivities. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019. 37–54.

Greve, Julius, and Florian Zappe: “Introduction: Ecologies and Geographies of the Weird and the Fantastic.” Julius Greve and Florian Zappe (ed.): Spaces and Fictions of the Weird and the Fantastic: Ecologies, Geographies, Oddities. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019. 1–12.

Hamann, Cornelia, Racha Zebib, Laurice Tuller, Lina Abed Ibrahim, and Philippe Prévost: "Syntactic complexity and verbal working memory in bilingual children with and without developmental language disorder." First Language (2019): doi: 10.1177/0142723719888372.

Hamann, Cornelia, Esther Rinke, and Dobrinka Genevska-Hanke: “Editorial: Bilingual language development: The role of dominance.” Frontiers in Psychology (2019): doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01064.

Keck, Michaela: “Uncanny New Worlds in Harriet Prescott Spofford's 'D'Outre Mort' and 'The Black Bess'.” Julius Greve and Florian Zappe (ed.): Spaces and Fictions of the Weird and the Fantastic: Ecologies, Geographies, Oddities. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019. 25-40.

Kirchhofer, Anton, and Gesa Lindemann. “Individualität, Seele und Körper in Onaniediskursen der Frühen Neuzeit: Ein Beitrag zur diskursiven Institutionalisierung der menschlichen Körperindividuums.” Rudolf Schlögl and Isabelle Schürch (ed.): Der Mensch in Gesellschaft: Zur Vorgeschichte des modernen Subjekts in der Frühen Neuzeit. Paderborn: Schöningh, 2019. 179-207.

Kramer, Christian, Anna Czura, Joanna Pfingsthorn and Martin Stefl: “Cultural diversity and the formation of professional identity: exploring the potential of telecollaboration in foreign language education.” European Journal of Language Policy 11.2 (2019): 143-165.

Stinshoff, Richard: “Die Musealisierung des industriellen Erbes.“ Roland Sturm (ed.): Länderbericht Großbritannien. Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, 2019: 348-351.

---: “Das Vereinigte Königreich und Europa.“ Roland Sturm (ed.): Länderbericht Großbritannien. Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, 2019. 357-385.

Straß-Senol, Hanna: “Indigenous Literature and the Anthropocene: Two Case Studies.“ Gina Comos and Caroline Rosenthal (ed): Anglophone Literature and Culture in the Anthropocene. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2019. 117-136.

---: “Mermaids as Exotic Others in Melville's South Sea Fiction.“ Ben P. Robertson, Ekaterina V. Kobeleva, Shannon W. Thompson, and Katona D. Weddle (ed.): The Sea in the Literary Imagination: Global Perspectives. Newcastle upon Tyne. Cambridge Scholars, 2019. 195-210.

Reviews and Shorter Contributions 

Auguscik, Anna: “Literaturpreise – ein historischer Abriss.” Passim: Bulletin des Schweizerischen Literaturarchivs 23 (2019): 4-5.

---: “Olga Tokarczuk: Die Raumzeitreisende.” Die Zeit Online. October 10, 2019. Accessed January 13, 2021.

Publications 2018

Monographs and Edited Volumes

Gehring, Wolfgang: Fremdsprache Deutsch unterrichten. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt UTB, 2018.

Greve, Julius: Shreds of Matter: Cormac McCarthy and the Concept of Nature. Hanover, N.H.: Dartmouth College Press, 2018.

Journal Articles and Book Chapters

Abed Ibrahim, Lina, Cornelia Hamann, and David Öwerdieck: “Identifying Specific Language Impairment (SLI) across different bilingual populations: German sentence repetition task (SRT).“ Anne B. Bertolini and Maxwell J. Kaplan (ed.): Proceedings of the 42nd annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press, 2018. 1-14.

Flöck, Ilka, and Ronald Geluykens: “Preference Organization and Cross-Cultural Variation in Request Responses: A Corpus-Based Comparison of British and American English.“ Corpus Pragmatics 2.1 (2018): 57-82.

Genevska-Hanke, Dobrinka, and Barabara Köpcke: "Same Same or Different?" Frontiers in Psychology 9 (2018):

Hamann, Cornelia, and Solveig Chilla: “Mehrsprachigkeit und umschriebene Sprachentwicklungsstörungen (USES) – Methoden der Diagnostik in der Zweitsprache Deutsch.“ Sprache, Stimme, Gehör 42 (2018): 1-5.

Hamann, Cornelia, Laurice Tuller, Solveig Chilla, Sandrine Ferré, Elénore Morin, Philippe Prévost, Christophe dos Santos, Racha Zebib, and Lina Abed Ibrahim: “Identifying language impairment in bilingual children in France and in Germany.“ International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders 53.4 (2018): 888-904.

Keck, Michaela: "Lydia Maria Child: Hobomok (1824)." Christine Gerhardt (ed.): Handbook of the American Novel of the Nineteenth-Century. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2018. 183-200.

---: "Paradise Retold: Revisionist Mythmaking in Margaret Atwood's MaddAddam Trilogy." Ecozon@: European Journal of Literature, Culture and Environment 9.2 (2018): 23-40.

Lassen, Christian: "Camp Conquests: Deconstructing the Sublime in The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert." Ingrid Hotz-Davies, Georg Vogt, and Franziska Bergmann (ed.): The Dark Side of Camp Aesthetics: Queer Economies of Dirt, Dust and Patina. New York, London: Routledge, 2018. 26-40.

Stinshoff, Richard: “Global Britain - Zukunftsvision oder alter Wein in neuen Schläuchen?“ Thorsten Winkelmann, Tim Griebel (ed.): Der Brexit und die Krise der europäischen Integration. EU und mitgliedsstaatliche Perspektiven im Dialog. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2018. 43-54.

Reviews and Shorter Contributions

Keck, Michaela: "Review of: Philipp Löffler (ed.). Reading the Canon: Literary History in the 21st Century. American Studies – A Monograph Series, vol. 281. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2017." Anglia 136.3 (2018): 555-559.

Publications 2017

Monographs and Edited Volumes

Auguscik, Anna: Prizing Debate: The Fourth Decade of the Booker Prize and the Contemporary Novel in the UK. Bielefeld: transcript, 2017.

Butler, Martin, Paul Mecheril, and Lea Brenningmeyer (ed): Resistance: Subjects, Representations, Contexts. Bielefeld: transcript, 2017.

Gehring, Wolfgang: Mit den Künsten Englisch unterrichten. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt, 2017.

Greve, Julius, James Dorson, and Markus Wierschem (ed): Cormac McCarthy Between Worlds, Special Issue of EJAS: European Journal of American Studies 12.3 (2017): Accessed December 5, 2017.

Greve, Julius, and Rocco Gangle (ed.): Superpositions: Laruelle and the Humanities. London: Rowman & Littlefield, 2017.

Keck, Michaela: Deliberately Out of Bounds: Women’s Work on Classical Myth in Nineteenth-Century American Fiction. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2017.

Straß-Senol, Hanna, Sarah Fekadu and Tobias Döring (ed.): REAL – Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature. Vol. 33: Meteorologies of Modernity: Weather and Climate Discourses in the Anthropocene. Tübingen: Narr, 2017.

Journal Articles and Book Chapters

Abed Ibrahim, Lina, and Cornelia Hamann: "Bilingual Arabic-German and Turkish-German children with and without specific language impairment: Comparing performance in sentence and nonword repetition tasks." BUCLD 41 proceedings 2016. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press 2017, 1-17.

Abed Ibrahim, Lina, Tatjana Lein, Cornelia Hamann, and Monika Rothweiler: "SLI in bilinguals: Comparing LITMUS-tasks to a standardized test with bilingual norms." Laetitia Almeida and Christophe dos Santos (ed.): Bilingualism and Specific Language Impairment. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2017.

Abed Ibrahim, Lina, and Cornelia Hamann: "Methods for identifying specific language impairment in bilingual populations in Germany." Frontiers in Communication 2 (2017): 1-19.

Butler, Martin, Paul Mecheril, and Lea Brenningmeyer: "Introduction. Coming to Terms: On the Aims and Scope of this Volume." Martin Butler, Paul Mecheril, and Lea Brenningmeyer (ed): Resistance: Subjects, Representations, Contexts. Bielefeld: transcript 2017. 7-15.

Genevska-Hanke, Dobrinka: “Intrapersonal variation in late L1 attrition and its implications for the competence/performance debate.” Levkovych Urdze (ed.): Linguistik im Nordwesten. Beiträge zum 8. Nordwestdeutschen Linguistischen Kolloquium, Bremen, 13.-14. November 2015. Diversitas Linguarium 42. Bochum: Brockmeyer, 2017, 1-31.

Greve, Julius: “The Decisional Apparatus: Jameson, Flusser, Laruelle.“ Rocco Gangle and Julius Greve (ed.): Superpositions: Laruelle and the Humanities. London: Rowman & Littlefield, 2017. 75-90.

---: "Cloaca Maxima’: Conceptualizing Matter in Cormac McCarthy’s Southern Fiction." Chris Eagle (ed.): Beyond Reckoning: Philosophical Approaches to Cormac McCarthy. New York: Routledge, 2017. 5-32.

Greve, Julius, and Markus Wierschem: "Rugged Resonances: From Music in McCarthy to McCarthian Music." EJAS: European Journal of American Studies 12.3 (2017): Accessed December 5, 2017.

Greve, Julius, James Dorson, and Markus Wierschem: “Introduction: Cormac McCarthy Between Worlds.” EJAS: European Journal of American Studies 12.3 (2017): Accessed December 5, 2017.

Greve, Julius, and Rocco Gangle: "Introduction: Superposing Non-Standard Philosophy and Humanities Discourse." Rocco Gangle, Julius Greve (ed.): Superpositions: Laruelle and the Humanities. London: Rowman & Littlefield, 2017. 1-18.

Hamann, Cornelia: "Phonological Working Memory and Language Development – What are the measures and what do they measure?" Applied Psycholinguistics 38.6 (2017): 1313-1321.

Hamann, Cornelia, Solveig Chilla, Natalia Gagarina, and Lina Abed Ibrahim. "Syntactic Complexity and Bilingualism: How (a)typical bilinguals deal with complex structures.” Elisa Di Domenico (ed.): Syntactic Complexity from the Language Acquisition Perspective. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017. 142-178.

Keck, Michaela: “Teacher Bye Bye: Memories of Teaching Literature in Taiwan.” Paul Mathews (ed.): Teaching ESL in Taiwan: Policy and Practice. Jamison, Canberra: Warrior Publishers, 2017. 88-97.

---: "Marginocentricity and Cosmopolitan Interconnections of Black Radical Thought in Arna Bontemps's Black Thunder." Atlantic Studies 14.1 (2017): 37-50.

Kirchhofer, Anton, and Anna Auguscik: "Triangulating the Two Cultures Entanglement: The Sciences and the Humanities in the Public Sphere." Journal of Literature and Science 10.2 (2017): 26-37.

Lein, Tatjana, Monika Rothweiler, and Cornelia Hamann. "Factors Affecting the Performance in Child Heritage Portuguese in Germany." Hamida Dermidache (ed.): Proceedings of GALA 2015. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017.

Straß-Senol, Hanna, and Sarah Fekadu: "Meteorologies of Modernity: Introduction." Hanna Straß-Senol, Sarah Fekadu, Tobias Döring (ed.): REAL – Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature. Vol. 33: Meteorologies of Modernity: Weather and Climate Discourses in the Anthropocene. Tübingen: Narr, 2017. 1-16.

---: "Weather Phenomena in Linda Hogan’s People of the Whale." Hanna Straß-Senol, Sarah Fekadu, Tobias Döring (ed:) REAL – Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature. Vol. 33: Meteorologies of Modernity: Weather and Climate Discourses in the Anthropocene. Tübingen: Narr, 2017. 273-289.

Reviews and Shorter Contributions

Keck, Michaela: "Review of: Christina Schäffer. The Brownies' Book: Inspiring Racial Pride in African-American Children. Mainzer Studien zur Amerikanistik 60 (Frankfurt et al: Peter Lang, 2012), 536 pp." and "Gary D. Schmidt: Making Americans: Children's Literature from 1930 to 1960. (Iowa City: U of Iowa P, 2013), 318 pp. Amerikastudien 62.3 (2017). Online:

Greve, Julius: "Review of: Louise Jillett, Cormac McCarthy’s Borders and Landscapes (2016)." The Cormac McCarthy Journal 15.2 (2017): 193-197.

Publications 2016

Monographs and Edited Volumes

Butler, Martin, Anton Kirchhofer, and Albrecht Hausmann (ed.): Precarious Alliances: Cultures of Participation in Print and Other Media, Bielefeld: Transcript, 2016.

Flöck, Ilka. Requests in American and British English: A Contrastive Multi-Method Analysis. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2016. 

Journal Articles and Book Chapters

Auguscik, Anna: "The History of the Booker Prize as a History of Problems and Precarious Alliances." Martin Butler et al. (ed.): Precarious Alliances: Cultures of Participation in Print and Other Media. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2016. 47-62.

---: "The Institution of Literary Prizes." Ed. Barbara Schaff, Johannes Schlegel, Carola Surkamp. The Institution of English Literature: Formation and Mediation. Göttingen: V&R unipress, 2016. 311-330.

Auguscik, Anna, and Nathalie Roxburgh: "The Eighteenth-Century and the Literary Marketplace." Ed. Julia Straub (ed.): The Handbook of Transatlantic North American Studies. Berlin, New York: De Gruyter, 2016, 40-58.

Auguscik, Anna, Anton Kirchhofer, and Nathalie Roxburgh: “Universal Narrativity and the Anxious Scientist of the Contemporary Neuronovel.” Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature 49.4 (2016): 71-87.

Butler, Martin: “Net-Works: Collaborative Modes of Cultural Production in Web 2.0.-Environments.” Martin Butler et al. (ed.): Precarious Alliances: Cultures of Participation in Print and Other Media. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2016. 19-31.

---: “Tattoo Travels: On the Roots and Routes of American Skin Art.” Maryemma Graham and Wilfried Raussert (ed.): Mobile and Entangled America(s). New York and London: Routledge, 2016. 155-166.

---: “Why We Talk the Talk We Talk: On the Emptiness of Terms, the Processual Un/Popular, and Benefits of Distinction.” Martin Lüthe and Sascha Pöhlmann (ed.): Unpopular Culture. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2016. 31-39.

Butler, Martin, Anton Kirchhofer, and Albrecht Hausmann: “Introduction: Participation and Precarious Alliances, Now and Then.” Martin Butler et al. (ed.): Precarious Alliances: Cultures of Participation in Print and Other Media. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2016, 7-14.

Hamann, Cornelia, Tatjana Lein, Monika Rothweiler, Lina Abed Ibrahim, Solveig Chilla and Hilal San: “SLI in Bilinguals: Testing Complex Syntax and Semantics in German.” David Stringer et al. (ed.): Proceedings of the 13th Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition Conference (GASLA 2015). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project, 2016. 124-135.

Keck, Michaela: "Of Marble Women and Sleeping Nymphs: Louisa May Alcott's A Modern Mephistopheles." Ben Pestell, Pietra Palazzolo, and Leon Burnett (ed.): Translating Myth, Oxford: Legenda, 2016. 120-36.

Kirchhofer, Anton: “Beyond the Comfort Zone: Narrating Child Abuse in Joyce, McCabe and Enright.” Katharina Rennhak (ed.): Narrating Ireland in Different Genres and Media, Trier: WVT, 2016, 61-77.

---: “Literary Movements as Precarious Alliances? Observations and Propositions on Movement Discourse and Cultural Participation.” Martin Butler et al. (ed.): Precarious Alliances: Cultures of Participation in Print and Other Media. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2016, 281-309.

---: “Politics, Institutions, Movements.” Martin Butler et al. (ed.): Precarious Alliances: Cultures of Participation in Print and Other Media. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2016, 177-81.

---: “The Making of the 1959 Obscene Publications Act: Trials and Debates on Literary Obscenity in Britain Before the Case of Lady Chatterley.” Ralf Grüttemeier (ed.): Literary Trials: Exceptio Artis and Theories of Literature in Court. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2016, 49-68.

Kirchhofer, Anton, and Nathalie Roxburgh: “The Scientist as ‘Problematic Individual’ in Contemporary Anglophone Fiction.” ZAA. Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 64.2 (2016) (Aspects of the Science Novel): 149-168.

Pfingsthorn, Joanna, and Ilka Flöck: “Comparing Instrument-Induced Effects in EFL Requests: Task- Based Approach versus Discourse Completion Tasks.” Anglica Wratislaviensia 54 (2016): 51–63.

Stinshoff, Richard: "From Cityscapes of the Past to Brave New Worlds of the Present - Heritage and the Politics of Urban Revitalization." Ina Habermann and Daniela Keller (ed.): English Topographies in Literature and Culture. Space, Place, and Identity. Leiden, Boston: Brill Rodopi, 2016. 158-180.

Reviews and Shorter Contributions

Keck, Michaela: "Under Dark Skies.", 27 January 2016. Web.

---: "Sabina Matter-Seibel. Contending Forces: Romantraditionen amerikanischer Schriftstellerinnen 1850-1900. Mainzer Studien zur Amerikanistik 61. Frankfurt et al: Peter Lang, 2013, 622 pp. " Amerikastudien 16.1 (2016),

Stinshoff, Richard: "Roland Sturm: Die britische Westminsterdemokratie. Parlament, Regierung und Verfassungswandel. Baden Baden: Nomos, 2015." Journal for the Study of British Cultures 2 (2016): 229-233.

Publications 2015

Monographs and Edited Volumes

Butler, Martin, and Daniel Stein (ed.): Musical Autobiographies. Special Issue of Popular Music and Society. London/New York: Routledge, 2015.

Gehring, Wolfgang: Die Besonders runde Stunde Englisch 9/10. Berlin: Cornelsen, 2015.

---: Praxis Planung Englischunterricht. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt, UTB, 2015.

Hamann, Cornelia, Elisa di Domenico, and Simona Matteini (ed): Structures, Strategies and Beyond. Studies in Honour of Adriana Belletti. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2015.

Hamann, Cornelia, and Esther Ruigendijk, (ed.): Language Acquisition and Development: Proceedings of Gala 2013. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015.

Journal Articles and Book Chapters

Butler, Martin: “On the Ethics and Aesthetics of Remaking in Web 2.0-Environments.” Rüdiger Heinze and Lucia Krämer (ed.): Remakes and Remaking: Concepts – Media – Practices. Bielefeld: transcript, 2015. 171-80.

---: “Timeless Tunes, Immortal Voices: On the ‘Historical Fate’ of the Protest Song and the Musical Unconscious of the ‘Other’ America.”  Julius Greve and Sascha Pöhlmann (ed.): America and the Musical Unconscious. New York/Dresden: Atropos, 2015. 51-64.

---: “Partizipation – zum Einsatz eines Begriffs.” POP: Kultur und Kritik 6 (2015): 162-72.

Butler, Martin, and Daniel Stein: “Musical Autobiographies: An Introduction.” Musical Autobiographies. Spec. Issue of Popular Music and Society 38.2 (2015): 115-21.

Domenico, Elisa di, Cornelia Hamann, and Simona Matteini: “Introduction.” Elisa di Domenico, Cornelia Hamann, and Simona Matteini (ed.): Structures, Strategies and Beyond. Studies in honour of Adriana Belletti. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2015. xi-xxvi.

Hamann, Cornelia: “Specific Language Impairment in German.” Stavroula Stavrakaki (ed.): Specific Language Impairment: Current Trends in Research. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2015. 215-52.

Hamann, Cornelia, and Laurie Tuller: “Intervention effects in the spontaneous production of relative clauses in (a)typical language development of French children and adolescents.” Elisa Di Domenico, Cornelia Hamann, and Simona Matteini (ed.): Structures, Strategies and Beyond. Studies in honour of Adriana Belletti. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2015. 321-43.

Keck, Michaela: "Culture-Crossing in Madison Smartt Bell's Haitian Trilogy and Neo-Captivity Narrative." Cultura: International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology 12.1 (2015): 115-28.

Flöck, Ilka, and Ronald Geluykens: “Speech Acts in Corpus Pragmatics: A Quantitative Contrastive Study of Directives in Spontaneous and Elicited Discourse.” Jesús Romero-Trillo (ed.): Yearbook of Corpus Linguistics and Pragmatics 2015. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015. 7–37.

Kirchhofer, Anton: “The Modern Self and the Re-Invention of Torture: Narration at the Limits of the Bildungsroman.” Rainer Emig and Jana Gohrisch (ed.): Anglistentag 2014: Proceedings. Trier: WVT, 2015. 301-15.

Pfingsthorn, Joanna, and Wolfgang Gehring: “Ready to teach: The development of teacher trainees’ perceived competence.” Pixel, (ed): Conference Proceedings of the 8th International Conference ICT for Language, 2015. 336-42.

Sommerfeld, Stephanie, and Mark Bischoff: "Dramentext, Theatertext, Film: Kritisches Inszenieren, Media Literacy und Konkretisierungsprozesse in Inszenierungen von Susan Glaspells Trifles (1916)." Wolfgang Hallet and Carola Surkamp (ed.): Handbuch Dramendidaktik und Dramenpädagogik. Trier: WVT, 2015. 241-266.

Reviews and Shorter Contributions

Sommerfeld, Stephanie: "J.D. Salinger, Der Fänger im Roggen." Kindlers Literatur Lexikon. Vol. 14. Ed. Heinz Ludwig Arnold. Stuttgart: Metzler, 2009. 293-94. Print. Rpt. Frank Kelleter (ed.): Amerikanische Literatur: 20. Jahrhundert. Kindler Kompakt. Stuttgart: Metzler, 2015. 112-15.

Publications 2014

Monographs and Edited Volumes

Butler, Martin, Susanne Binas-Preisendörfer, and Jochen Bonz (ed.): Pop – Wissen – Transfers: Zur Kommunikation und Explikation populärkulturellen Wissens. Berlin and Münster: LIT-Verlag, 2014.

Gehring, Wolfgang. Die besonders runde Stunde: Englisch; fertige Unterrichtsstunden mit Materialien; mit veränderbaren Kopiervorlagen auf CD-ROM; Sekundarstufe 1 ; 5/6. Berlin: Cornelsen Scriptor, 2014.

Gehring, Wolfgang, and Matthias Merkl (ed.): Englisch lehren, lernen, erforschen. Oldenburg: BIS-Verl. der Carl von Ossietzky Univ., 2014.

Journal Articles and Book Chapters

Bakker, Sylke. “Assessment Literacy im kompetenzorientierten Englischunterricht – Perspektiven für eine veränderte Diagnosekultur.” Wolfgang Gehring and Matthias Merkl (ed.): Englisch lehren, lernen, erforschen. Oldenburg: BIS-Verl. der Carl von Ossietzky Univ., 2014.

Butler, Martin: “Referenz und Inszenierung. Oder: Warum der Geist von Tom Joad immer noch spukt: Zum Potential (populär)kultureller Ausdrucksformen in der Modellierung migrantischer Subjekte.” Paul Mecheril (ed.): Subjektbildung: Interdisziplinäre Analysen der Migrationsgesellschaft. Bielefeld: transcript, 2014. 79-96.

---: “Kulturen in Bewegung: Grundfragen, Erkenntnisinteressen und didaktische Implikationen kulturwissenschaftlicher Mobilitätsforschung.” Wolfgang Gehring and Matthias Merkl (ed.): Englisch lehren, lernen, erforschen. Oldenburg: BIS-Verlag, 2014. 253-66.

Butler, Martin, and J.M. Gurr: “Urbane Populärkultur als Bewertungspraxis und -res­source: Zum normativen Potential populärkultureller Inszenierung und zur diskur­siven Aneignung urbaner Räume.” Ingo H. Warnke and Beatrix Busse (ed.): Place-Making in urbanen Diskursen. Diskursmuster – Discourse Patterns. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 2014. 369-84.

Butler, Martin, Susanne Binas-Preisendörfer, and Jochen Bonz: “Zur Einleitung.” Susanne Binas-Preisendörfer, Jochen Bonz, and Martin Butler (ed.): Pop – Wissen – Transfers: Zur Kommunikation und Explikation populärkulturellen Wissens. Berlin and Münster: LIT-Verlag, 2014. 1-6.

Gehring, Wolfgang: “Lernzieldifferenter Englischunterricht.” Wolfgang Gehring and Matthias Merkl (ed.): Englisch lehren, lernen, erforschen. Oldenburg: BIS-Verl. der Carl von Ossietzky Univ., 2014, 29 - 54.

Hamann, Cornelia: “Specific Language Impairment.” Oxford Bibliographies Online. 2014.

---: “Kiezdeutsch. Anmerkungen zu einer affektgeladenen Debatte mit Rückgriff auf African American English.” Paul Mecheril (ed.): Subjektbildungen: Interdisziplinäre Analysen der Migrationsgesellschaft. Bielefeld: transcript, 2014. 239-249.

Keck, Michaela: “‘Maenad-in-Motion’: Catharine Maria Sedgwick’s Reconfiguration of the Dionysus Cult in A New-England Tale (1822).” Ferah İncesu (ed.): Proceedings of the 2nd International Akşit Gögtürk Conference: Myths Revisited. Istanbul: Diltra, 2014, 53-66.

Koch, Michaela: “Das geständige Geschlecht: Selbst- und Fremdpositionierungen im ‘Fall’ Herculine Barbin.” Angelika Baier and Susanne Hochreither (ed.): Inter*geschlechtliche Körperlichkeiten – Diskurs/Begegnungen im Erzähltext. Wien: Zaglossus Verlag, 2014, 193-214.

Wehrmann, Jürgen: “‘Resehavanar’s Choice‘: Science-Fiction, Utopie und transkulturelle moralische Bildung im Englischunterricht der Sekundarstufe II.“ Frauke Matz et al. (ed.): Transkulturelles Lernen im Fremdsprachenunterricht. Frankfurt (Main): Peter Lang, 2014, 179-191.

---: “Utopien, Dystopien und Science-Fiction im Englischunterricht: Probleme und Perspektiven.“ Wolfgang Gehring and Matthias Merkl (ed.): Englisch lehren, lernen, erforschen. Oldenburg: BIS, 2014, 267-290.

Reviews and Shorter Contributions

Roxburgh, Natalie: “Review of Marilyn Francus’s Monstrous Motherhood: 18th-Century Culture and the Ideology of Domesticity.Eighteenth-Century Fiction 26.3 (Spring 2014): 500-02.

Gehring, Wolfgang: “We're all different: Inklusive Lerngemeinschaften fördern.”  Grundschulmagazin Englisch 1 (2014): 37-38.

Publications 2013

Monographs and Edited Volumes

Bakker, Sylke: Fragen des Assessments aus Sicht von Englischlehrkräften: Empirische Annäherungen durch qualitative Inhaltsanalysen. Frankfurt: Peter Lang Verlag, 2013.

Gehring, Wolfgang: Ginger. Class 4. Fit for Five. Übungsheft. Berlin: Cornelsen, 2013.

---: Sunshine. Class 4. Fit for Five. Übungsheft. Berlin: Cornelsen, 2013.

McPherson, Annika, Barbara Paul, Sylvia Pritsch, Melanie Unseld, and Silke Wenk (ed.): Wanderungen: Migrationen & Transformationen aus geschlechterwissenschaftlicher Perspektive. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2013.

Sause, Birte: Love, Death, and Fortune: Central Concepts in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Studien zur Germanistik und Anglistik. Band 21. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2013.

Journal Articles and Book Chapters

Auguscik, Anna: “Lost in Translation: Literaturpreise im nationalen Literaturbetrieb.” Philipp Theisohn and Christine Weder (ed.): Literaturbetrieb: Zur Poetik einer Produktionsgemeinschaft. Paderborn: Fink, 2013. 97-112.

Butler, Martin: “Signifying Skins: Chicano Tattoo Art, Ethnic Identities and the (Re-)Distribution of Cultural Capital.” Josef Raab (ed.): New World Colors: Ethnicity, Belonging, and Conflict in the Americas. Inter-American Studies / Estudios Interamericanos. Trier: WVT und Tempe, AZ: Bilingual Review Press, 2013. 117-28.

---: "Woody Guthrie und Punk: Formen und Funktionen einer fruchtbaren Zusammenarbeit.“ Dietmar Schiller (ed.): „A Change is Gonna Come“: Popmusik und Politik. Beiträge zu einer politikwissenschaftlichen Popmusikforschung. Münster: LIT, 2013. 171-82.

Butler, Martin, and Moritz Baßler: "Doubt to Stand: Die Stimme von Marcus  Wiebusch." Ed. Marcus S. Kleiner, and Thomas Wilke. Performativität und Medialität Populärer Kulturen: Theorien, Ästhetiken, Praktiken. Wiesbaden: Springer, 2013. 277-95.

Engelhardt, Meike: "Techniken und Strategien bei der Übertragung von englischen Texten ins Deutsche.“ Wolfgang  Gehring (ed.): Oldenburger Forum Fremdsprachendidaktik. Oldenburg: Bis Verlag, 2013.

Geluykens, Ronald, and Holger Limberg: "Gender Variation, Indirectness, and Preference Organization in Threat Responses." Rice Working Papers in Linguistics Volume 3 (Spring 2012): 1-12.

Hamann, Cornelia: "Bilingual Development and Language Assessment." Alia K. Biller, Esther Y. Chung, and Amelia E. Kimball (ed.): BUCLD 36: Proceedings of the 36th Annual Boston Conference on Language Development. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press, 2012. 1-28.

Hanke, Mirko, Cornelia Hamann, and Esther Ruigendijk: “On the laws of attraction at cocktail parties: Babble noise influcences the production of number agreement.” Language and Cognitive Processes, 28.8 (2013): 1114-1133.

Hanke, Mirko, Verena Uslar, Rebecca Caroll, Cornelia Hamann, Esther Ruigendijk, Thomas Brandt, and Birger Kollmeier: “Development and evaluation of a linguistically and audiologically controlled sentence intelligibility test.” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 134(4), 2013. 3039-3056.

Keck, Michaela: "Complicating the Reading of Nineteenth-Century American Landscape Painting: Albert Bierstadt’s Western Visions, Aesthetics, and Sociology." Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies 39.2 (2013): 139-61.

Kirchhofer, Anton, Sarah Heinz, Katharina Rennhak, Michaela Schrage-Früh: “Section I: Recent Ireland: Visions and Revisions from the 1990s to Today.” Karin Röder and Ilse Wischer (ed.): Anglistentag 2012 Potsdam: Proceedings. Trier: WVT, 2013. 1-89.

---: “Recent Ireland: Visions and Revisions from the 1990s to Today: Introduction” Karin Röder and Ilse Wischer (ed.): Anglistentag 2012 Potsdam: Proceedings. Trier: WVT, 2013. 3-10.

Lassen, Christian: "The Passion of Saint Kitten, or: Desperately Seeking Mitzi, the Phantom Lady. Camp Responses to Interpellation and Subjection in Neil Jordan's Breakfast on Pluto." Katrin Röder and Ilse Wischer (ed.): Anglistentag 2012 Potsdam: Proceedings. Trier: WVT, 2013. 81-89.

Sommerfeld, Stephanie: “From the Romantic to the Textual Sublime: Poesque Sublimities, Romantic Irony, and Deconstruction.” Ed. Alexandra Urakova. Deciphering Poe. Bethlehem, PA: Lehigh UP, 2013. 75-85.

Stinshoff, Richard: "Jenseits des Mythos: Lawrence von Arabien, Großbritannien und der Nahe Osten. " Ed. Klaus Brummer and Heinrich Pehle. Analysen nationaler und supranationaler Politik: Festschrift für Roland Sturm. Opladen: Verlag Barbara Budrich, 2013. 243-258.

Reviews and Shorter Contributions

Butler, Martin: "Marina Grishakova und Marie-Laure Ryan, Ed. Intermediality and Storytelling. Narratologia 24. Berlin/New York: De Gruyter, 2010.“ Anglia 131.1 (2013): 189-92.

Geluykens, Ronald: "Cohesion and Coherence." Peter Robinson (ed.): The Routledge Encyclopedia of Second Language Acquisition. London: Routledge, 2012. 90-92.

Publications 2012

Monographs and Edited Volumes

McPherson, Annika: White-Female-Postcolonial? Towards a Trans-cultural Reading of Marina Warner’s Indigo and Barbara Kingsolver’s The Poisonwood Bible. Trier: WVT, 2012.

Journal Articles and Book Chapters

Butler, Martin: "Towards a Topography of Hybridization in U.S. Urban Popular Music." Wilfried Raussert and Michelle Habell-Pallán (ed.): "Cornbread and Cuchifritos": Ethnic Identity Politics, Transnationalization, and Transculturation in American Urban Popular Music. Trier: WVT & Tempe, AZ: Bilingual Review Press, 2012. 99-110.

---: "Ramblin’ Men: The Figure of the Hobo in American Folk Culture.” Alexandra Ganser, Katharina Gerund, and Heike Paul (ed.): Figures of Mobility: Pirates, Drifters, Fugitives in the U.S. and Beyond. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2012. 155-75.

---: "Woody Guthrie und Punk: Formen und Funktionen einer fruchtbaren Zusammenarbeit." Dietmar Schiller (ed.): "A Change is Gonna Come" – Popmusik und Politik: Beiträge zu einer politikwissenschaftlichen Popmusikforschung. Münster: LIT, 2012. 171-82.

---: "Of Dead Ends and Dying Bands: Representations and Implications of (Touring on) the Road in Bruce McDonald’s Hard Core Logo." Graciela Martínez-Zalce Sánchez and Wilfried Raussert (ed.): (Re)Discovering 'America' / (Re)Descrubiendo 'America': Road Movies and Other Travel Narratives in North America / Road movie y otras narrativas de viaje en América del Norte. Trier: WVT and Tempe, AZ: Bilingual Review Press, 2012. 55-65.

Butler, Martin, and Jens Martin Gurr: "On the 'Cultural Dimension of Sustainability' in Urban Systems: Urban Cultures as Ecological 'Force-Fields' in Processes of Sustainable Development." Hajo Neis, Gabriel Brown, Jens Martin Gurr, and J. Alexander Schmidt (ed.): Generative Process, Patterns, and the Urban Challenge: Fall 2011 International PUARL Conference. Portland, OR: PUARL Press, 2012. 77-86.

Gehring, Wolfgang: "Language Tutoring: Individualisierte Sprachentwicklung durch eine tutorielle Sprachpraxis." Gabriele Blell and Christiane Lütge (ed.): Fremdsprachendidaktik und Lehrerbildung: Konzepte, Impulse, Perspektiven. Münster: LIT, 2012. 171-84.

---: "Can’t Judge a Book by its Cover: An Analytical Approach to Textbook Innovations." Maria Eisenmann and Theresa Summer (ed.): Basic Issues in EFL Teaching and Learning. Heidelberg: Winter, 2012. 387-400.

Geluykens, Ronald: "Cohesion and Coherence." Peter Robinson (ed.): The Routledge Encyclopedia of Second Language Acquisition. London: Routledge, 2012. 90-2.

---: "Information Packaging in English Discourse: The Social/Interactional Dimension." Rebecca Carroll and Antje Olthofff (ed.): Linguistik im Nordwesten. Beiträge zum 3. Nordwestdeutschen Linguistischen Kolloquium, 3.- 4. Dezember 2010. Bochum: Brockmeyer, 2012. 79-89.

Geluykens, Ronald, and Holger Limberg: "Gender Variation, Indirectness, and Preference Organization in Threat Responses." Rice Working Papers in Linguistics 3 (2012): 1-12.

Genevska-Hanke, Dobrinka, Cornelia Hamann, and Rebecca Carroll: "The Influence of L1 Phonology on L2 Phoneme Perception." Rebecca Carroll and Antje Olthofff (ed.): Linguistik im Nordwesten. Beiträge zum 3. Nordwestdeutschen Linguistischen Kolloquium, 3. - 4. Dezember 2010. Bochum: Brockmeyer, 2012. 117-46.

Hamann, Cornelia, Dobrinka Genevska-Hanke, and Rebecca Carroll: "The Influence of L1 Phonology on L2 Phoneme Perception." Rebecca Carroll and Antje Olthofff (ed.): Linguistik im Nordwesten. Beiträge zum 3. Nordwestdeutschen Linguistischen Kolloquium, 3.- 4. Dezember 2010. Bochum: Brockmeyer, 2012. 117-46.

---: "Bilingual Development and Language Assessment." Alia K. Biller, Esther Y. Chung, and Amelia E. Kimball (ed.): BUCLD 36: Proceedings of the 36th Annual Boston Conference on Language Development. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press, 2012. 1-28.

Keck, Michaela: "Female Self-Possession and Material Feminism in Elizabeth Stoddard’s 'A Study for a Heroine' (1885)." Sun Yat-sen Journal of Humanities 33 (2012): 133-50.

McPherson, Annika: "Post-Empire Imaginaries?" European English Messenger 21.2 (2012): 47-9.

Roxburgh, Natalie: "Rethinking Gender and Virtue through Richardson’s Domestic Accounting." Eighteenth-Century Fiction 24.3 (2012): 403-29.

Schöneberger Cox, Manuela, Monika Rothweiler, and Franziska Sterner: "Case Marking in Child L1 and Early Child L2 German." Kurt Braunmüller and Christoph Gabriel (ed.): Multilingual Individuals and Multilingual Societies. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 2012. 3-21.

Stinshoff, Richard: "Jenseits des Mythos: Lawrence von Arabien, Großbritannien und der Nahe Osten." Klaus Brummer and Heinrich Pehle (ed.): Analysen nationaler und supranationaler Politik: Festschrift für Roland Sturm. Opladen: Verlag Barbara Budrich, 2013. 243-58.

Publications 2011

Monographs and Edited Volumes

Butler, Martin, Jens Gurr, and Olaf Kaltmeier (ed.): EthniCities: Metropolitan Cultures and Ethnic Identities in the Americas. Trier & Tempe, AZ: WVT & Bilingual Review P, 2011.

Gehring, Wolfgang, and Andreas Michler (ed.): Außerschulische Lernorte bilingual. Göttingen: Cuvillier, 2011.

Geluykens, Ronald. Politeness in Institutional Discourse: Face-Threatening Acts in Native and Interlanguage Business Letters. München: Lincom Europa, 2011.

Hamann, Cornelia, Angela Grimm, Anja Müller, and Esther Ruigendijk (ed.): Production-Comprehension Asymmetries in Child Language. Berlin: Mouton/de Gruyter, 2011.

Lassen, Christian: Camp Comforts: Reparative Gay Literature in Times of AIDS. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2011.

Zagratzki, Uwe, Anna Gonerko-Frej, Malgorzata Sokół, and Joanna Witkowska (ed.): Us and Them – Them and Us: Constructions of the Other in Cultural Stereotypes. Aachen: Shaker, 2011.

Journal Articles and Book Chapters

Butler, Martin: “’Words To Shoot Back At You‘: Woody Guthrie’s War Against German Fascism.“ John S. Partington (ed.): The Life, Music and Thought of Woody Guthrie: A Critical Appraisal. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2011. 67-81.

---: “’Always on the Go‘: The Figure of the Hobo in the Songs and Writings of Woody Guthrie." John S. Partington (ed.): The Life, Music and Thought of Woody Guthrie: A Critical Appraisa. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2011. 85-97.

---: “Making Sense of the Metareferential Momentum in Contemporary Popular Songs.“ Werner Wolf, Katharina Bantleon, and Jeff Thoss (ed.): The Metareferential Turn in the Arts and Media: Forms, Functions, Attempts at Explanation. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi, 2011. 507-24.

---: “Towards a Topography of Hybridization in U.S. Urban Popular Music“. Cornbread and Cuchifritos.” Wilfried Raussert, and Michelle Habell-Pallán (ed.): Ethnic Identity Politics, Transnationalization, and Transculturation in American Urban Popular Music. Trier & Tempe, AZ: WVT & Bilingual Review Press, 2011. 99-110.

Butler, Martin, and Jens Gurr: “Against the 'Erasure of Memory‘ in Los Angeles City Planning: Strategies of Re-Ethnicizing L.A. in Digital Fiction.“ Olaf Kaltmeier (ed.): Selling EthniCity: Urban Cultural Politics in the Americas. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2011. 145-63.

Butler, Martin, Jens Gurr, and Olaf Kaltmeier: “Introduction: On the Intersection between Urban Environments and Ethnic Identities in the Americas.“ Martin Butler, Jens Gurr, and Olaf Kaltmeier (ed.): EthniCities: Metropolitan Cultures and Ethnic Identities in the Americas. Trier & Tempe, AZ: WVT & Bilingual Review P, 2011. 1-11.

Flöck, Ilka: "Suggestions in British and American English: A Corpus-Linguistic Study." Stefanie Dipper, and Heike Zinsmeister (ed.): Beyond Semantics. Corpus-based Investigations of Pragmatic and Discourse Phenomena. Bochum: Bochumer Linguistische Arbeiten, 2011. 67-81.

Gehring, Wolfgang and Andreas Michler: “Einführung.“ Wolfgang Gehring, and Andreas Michler (ed.): Lernorte bilingual. Göttingen: Cuvillier, 2011. 5-10.

---: “Bilinguale Lernorterkundungen: authentisch, inhaltsbasiert, kommunikationsorientiert.“ Wolfgang Gehring, and Andreas Michler (ed.): Lernorte bilingual. Göttingen: Cuvillier, 2011. 11-32.

---: “Sequenzierung durch Differenzierung.“ Maria Eisenmann (ed.): Differenzierung im Englischunterricht. Eichstätt: Eichstätt Academic Press, 2011. 45-55.

---: “Can’t judge a book by its cover: An analytical approach to textbook innovations.” Maria Eisenmann and Theresa Summer (ed.): Basic Issues in EFL Teaching. Heidelberg: Winter, 2011. 387-400.

Grimm, Angela, Anja Müller, Cornelia Hamann, and Esther Ruigendijk: “Introduction – Asymmetries in Child Language.“ Angela Grimm, Anja Müller, Cornelia Hamann, and Esther Ruigendijk (ed.): Production-Comprehension Asymmetries in Child Language. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 2011. 1-15.

Hamann, Cornelia: “Binding and Coreference: A View from Child Language.” Jill de Villiers and Tom Roeper (ed.): Handbook of Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition. Dordrecht: Springer, 2011. 247-90.

Hamann, Cornelia, Verena Uslar, Esther Ruigendijk, Thomas Brand, and Birger Kollmeie: “How Does Linguistic Complexitiy Influence Intelligibility in a German Audiometric Sentence Intelligibility Test?” Journal of Audiology 50.9 (2011): 621-31.

Keck, Michaela: "Mythology and Mythography in Elizabeth Barstow Stoddard's Two Men." Sun Yat-sen Journal of the Humanities 30 (2011): 185-216.

Schöneberger Cox, Manuela: "Are Difficulties with the Prosodic Representation the Origin of Prolonged Article Omission?" Julia Herschensohn and Darren Tanner (ed.): Proceedings of the 11th Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition Conference (GASLA 2011). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project, 2011. 135-142.

Schöneberger Cox, Manuela, Franziska Sterner, and Tobias Ruberg: "The Realization of Indirect Objects and Dative Case in German." Ed. Julia Herschensohn, and Darren Tanner. Proceedings of the 11th Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition Conference (GASLA 2011). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project, 2011. 143-151.

Sip, Daniel: “Literature and Cultural Diplomacy: An Essay on Cultural Readings.” Institute for Cultural Diplomacy. (December 2011).

Stinshoff, Richard, and Jutta Schwarzkopf: “The Uses of History in Cultural Studies.” Gabriele Linke (ed.): Teaching Cultural Studies. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2011. 29-155.

---: "And we aren't ready for her": Constructions of Germany in Erskine Childers' “The Riddle of the Sands” (1903). Anna Gonerko-Frej, Malgorzata Sokól, Joanna Witkowska, and Uwe Zagratzki (ed.): Us and Them - Them and Us: Constructions of the Other in Cultural Stereotypes. Aachen: Shaker Verlag, 2011. 325-39.

Zagratzki, Uwe: "First Nations Fighting on Two Fronts in Stephen McGregor´s Two Trails Narrow." Kerstin Knopf (ed.): North America in the 21st Century. Tribal, Local, and Global. Trier: WVT, 2011. 215-21.

---: "Native Perspectives on Europe: Joseph Boyden´s Three Day Road." Uwe Zagratzki, Anna Gonerko-Frej, Malgorzata Sokół, and Joanna Witkowska (ed.): Us and Them – Them and Us. Constructions of the Other in Cultural Stereotypes. Aachen: Shaker, 2011. 341-50.

Reviews and Shorter Contributions

Geluykens, Ronald: “Adjacency Pairs.” Patrick C. Hogan (ed.): The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011. 87-8.

---: ”Information Structure in Discourse.” Patrick C. Hogan (ed.): The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011. 387-89.

---: “Felicity Conditions.” Patrick C. Hogan (ed.): The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011. 307-08.

---: ”Performative and Constative.” Patrick C. Hogan (ed.): The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011. 591-93.

---: “Perlocution.” Patrick C. Hogan (ed.): The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011. 595-96.

Keck, Michaela: "Review: Angelica's Daughters: Filipina American Collaborative Writing, Art Form and Collective Experience." Asian Studies Journal 47 (2011): 109-16.

Publications 2010

Monographs and Edited Volumes

Gehring, Wolfgang: Englische Fachdidaktik. Theorien, Praxis, Forschendes Lernen. Berlin: Erich Schmidt, 2010.

Gehring, Wolfgang, and Maike Engelhardt (ed.): Fremdsprachendidaktik: Neue Aspekte in Forschung und Lehre. Oldenburg: bis-Verlag, 2010.

Gehring, Wolfgang, and Elisabeth Stinshoff (ed.): Außerschulische Lernorte des Fremdsprachenunterrichts. Bad Heilbronn: Klinkhardt, 2010.

Hathaway, William T.: Radical Peace: People Refusing War. Walterville, OR: Trine Day, 2010.

Kirchhofer, Anton, and Richard Stinshoff (ed.): Religion, Secularity, and Cultural Agency. Anglistik und Englischunterricht 74. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2010.

Zagratzki, Uwe, and Winfried Siebers (ed.): Das Blaue Wunder: Blues aus deutschen Landen. Eutin: Lumpeter & Lasel, 2010.

Journal Articles and Book Chapters

Butler, Martin: “(Dis)Remembering the Puritan Past: Silence as Strategy and Theme in Literary Representations of the American ‘Story of Origin.’” Jörg Helbig and René Schallegger (ed.): Anglistentag 2009 Klagenfurt: Proceedings. Trier: WVT, 2010. 407-19.

---: “Re-Imganied Bodies and Transgendered Space: Sites for Negotiating Gender in the Shrek Trilogy.” Marion Gymnich, Kathrin Ruhl, Klaus Scheunemann, and Stefanie Hoth (ed.): Gendered (Re)Visions: Constructions of Gender in Audiovisual Media. Bonn: Bonn University Press, 2010. 59-77.

Butler, Martin, and Arvi Sepp. "Performing Gender in the Music Videos Videos of 50 Cent and the G-Unit." Marion Gymnich, Kathrin Ruhl, Klaus Scheunemann, and Stefanie Hoth (ed.): Gendered (Re)Visions: Constructions of Gender in Audiovisual Media. Bonn: Bonn University Press, 2010. 203-25.

Engelhardt, Maike: "(Zufällige) Techniken und (erfolgreiche) Strategien bei kontrastiven Sprachübungen Englisch/Deutsch." Wolfgang Gehring and Maike Engelhardt (ed.): Fremdsprachendidaktik: Neue Aspekte in Forschung und Lehre. Oldenburg: BIS-Verlag, 2010. 57-71.

Froese, Wolfgang: "Lernrallyes in derr Sekundarstufe I." Wolfgang Gehring and Elisabeth Stinshoff (ed.): Außerschulische Lernorte des Fremdsprachenunterrichts. Bad Heilbronn: Klinkhardt, 2010. 27-36.

Gehring, Wolfgang: "English round the corner. Fremdsprachliches Lernen in der Stadtbücherei." Praxis Fremdsprachenunterricht 3 (2010): 7-10.

---: "Flanieren, schmökern, recherchieren. Warum öffentliche Bibliotheken ideale Lernorte für fremde Sprachen und Kulturen sind." Wolfgang Gehring and Elisabeth Stinshoff (ed.): Außerschulische Lernorte des Fremdsprachenunterrichts. Bad Heilbronn: Klinkhardt, 2010. 56-67.

---: "Die Poster Session als Modulprüfungsform." Wolfgang Gehring and Maike Engelhardt (ed.): Fremdsprachendidaktik: Neue Aspekte in Forschung und Lehre. Oldenburg: BIS-Verlag, 2010. 107-16.

---: “Lehr- und lernbezogene Anwendungsbereiche englischdidaktischer Forschungen.“ Claus Ensberg and Steffen Wittkowske (ed.): Fachdidaktiken als praktische Wissenschaften. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinghardt, 2010. 67-82.

---: “Unterrichtsposter als Lehr- und Lernmedien.“ Carola Hecke and Carola Surkamp (ed.): Bilder im Fremdsprachenunterricht: Neue Ansätze, Kompetenzen und Methoden. Tübingen: Narr, 2010. 127-45.

---: “Zur Einleitung: Lernort, Lernstandort, Lernumgebung. Warum Fremdsprachenunterricht auch außerhalb des Klassenzimmers erfolgreich ist.“ Wolfgang Gehring and Elisabeth Stinshoff (ed.): Außerschulische Lernorte des Fremdsprachenunterrichts. Bad Heilbronn: Klinkhardt, 2010. 7-16.

Hamann, Cornelia: “Binding and Coreference: A view from child language.” Jill de Villiers and Thomas Roeper (ed.): Handbook of Acquisition Theory in Generative Grammar. Kluwer: Dordrecht, 2010.

Hamann, Cornelia, Zesiger Pascal, Laurence Chillier-Zesiger, Marina Arabatzi, Lara Baranzini, Julie Franck, Ulrich Frauenfelder, and Luigie Rizzi: “The Acquisition of the French pronominal system revisited.” Applied Psycholinguistics 31.4 (2010): 571-603.

Keck, Michaela: "Notions of Love in Louisa May Alcott’s A Modern Mephistopheles." Sonjae An and Francis So (ed.): Emotions in Literature. Seoul: National Korean University Press, 2010. 191-215.

---: "Discourses in Antebellum American Art: Frederic Edwin Church’s Natural Bridge, Virginia in Dialogue with Robert Scott Duncanson’s Uncle Tom and Little Eva." Yuan Heh-hsiang and Shu-fang Lai (ed.): An Interpretive Turn: Art, Literature, and Culture in the 19th and 20th Century. Taipei: Bookman, 2010. 41-68.

Kirchhofer, Anton: "Refined out of Existence? Modernist Authorship and the 'Deaths' of God and of the Author." Gillis Jan Dorleijn, Ralf. Grüttemeyer, and L. Korthals Altes (ed.): Authorship Revisited: Conceptions of Authorship around 1900 and 2000.  Leuven: Peeters, 2010. 175–93.

---: "'To Strangle Whatever Nature Is Within Us': Grand Narratives and Melodramatic Nihilism in Oscar Wilde’s Vera, or The Nihilists." Gun-Britt Kohler (ed.): Blickwechsel: Perspektiven der slawischen Moderne. Wiener Slawistischer Almanach. Sonderband 78. Wien: München: Kubon und Sagner, 2010. 421-36.

Kirchhofer, Anton, and Richard Stinshoff: "Introduction: Religion, Secularity and Cultural Agency." Anton Kirchhofer and Richard Stinshoff (ed.): Secularity and Cultural Agency. Anglistik & Englischunterricht 74. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2010. 9-24.

Kirchhofer, Anton, and Richard Stinshoff: "Introduction." Anton Kirchhofer and Richard Stinshoff (ed.): Special Issue on Postsecular Britain. Journal for the Study of British Cultures 16.2. (2009, published March 2010): 107-16.

Leinweber, Anke: "Europa gleich um die Ecke! Authentische Spracherfahrungen in simulierter Umgebung." Wolfgang Gehring and Elisabeth Stinshoff (ed.): Außerschulische Lernorte des Fremdsprachenunterrichts. Bad Heilbronn: Klinkhardt, 2010. 37-42.

Pfingsthorn, Joanna: "Skim it, scan it, group it, plan it. Learning strategies in use." Wolfgang Gehring and Maike Engelhardt (ed.): Fremdsprachendidaktik. Neue Aspekte in Forschung und Lehre. Oldenburg: BIS-Verlag, 2010. 25-41.

---: "Error gravity: Intuitive ratings of non-native English teachers-in-training." Wolfgang Gehring and Maike Engelhardt (ed.): Fremdsprachendidaktik. Neue Aspekte in Forschung und Lehre. Oldenburg: bis-Verlag, 2010. 93-106.

Schöneberger Cox, Manuela: "'Optional' Doubly-filled COMPs (DFCs) in wh-complements in Child and Adult Swiss German." Merete Anderssen, Kristine Bentzen, and Marit Westergaard (ed.): Variation in the Input: Studies in the Acquisition of Word Order. Studies in Theoretical Psycholinguistics Vol. 39. Dordrecht: Springer, 2010. 33-64.

---: "The Surprisingly High Proportion of Verb Second in Causal Adverbial Clauses with wil 'because' in Child Swiss German." Kathrin Schmitz (ed.): Frequency and Language Development. Special Issue of Lingua 120.11 (2010): 2589–2607.

Stinshoff, Richard: "Technik als Leidenschaft und das Leiden an der Moderne." Mamoun Fansa and Detleff Hoffmann (ed.): Lawrence von Arabien. Genese eines Mythos. Mainz: Philipp von Zabern, 2010. 219-32.

---: "Raum als Markt - Folgen des Staatsverständnisses der Ära Thatcher." Klaus Zehner and Gerald Wood (ed.): Großbritannien. Geographien eines europäischen Nachbarn. Heidelberg: Spektrum Verlag, 2010. 197-206.

Zagratzki, Uwe: “Elvis Presley and McCarthyism – Rock´n`Roll and Paranoia.” Kathleen Starck (ed.): Between Fear and Freedom: Cultural Representations of the Cold War. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010. 111-23.

---: “Warum Osnabrück zur heimlichen Blueshauptstadt Deutschlands aufstieg und Münster daran mitgewirkt hat.“ Winfried Siebers and Uwe Zagratzki (ed.): Das Blaue Wunder. Blues aus deutschen Landen. Eutin: Lumpeter & Lasel, 2010. 259-70.

---: “Alice Munro´s The View from Castle Rock: Looking from Canada to Scotland and Vice Versa.” Michael Heinze (ed.): Literature on the Move. Cultural Migration in Contemporary Literature. Trier: WVT, 2010. 41-8.

Reviews and Shorter Contributions

Gehring, Wolfgang: “Poster.“ Carola Surkamp (ed.): Metzler Lexikon der Fremdsprachendidaktik. Stuttgart: Weimar: Metzler, 2010. 247-48.

---: “Moderationsmethode.“ Carola Surkamp (ed.): Metzler Lexikon der Fremdsprachendidaktik. Stuttgart: Weimar: Metzler, 2010. 221.

Geluykens, Ronald: "Adjacency Pairs." Patrick C. Hogan (ed.): The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. 87-8.

---: "Information Structure in Discourse." Patrick C. Hogan (ed.): The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. 387-89.

---: "Felicity Conditions." Patrick C. Hogan (ed.): The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. 307-08.

---: "Performative and Constative." Patrick C. Hogan (ed.): The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. 591-93.

---: "Perlocution." Patrick C. Hogan (ed.): The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. 595-96.

Kirchhofer, Anton: "Internet Fictions." Paul Georg Meyer (ed.): English and American Studies in German (2009). Berlin: New York: De Gruyter, 2010. 56–8.

Publications 2009

Monographs and Edited Volumes

Kirchhofer, Anton, and Jutta Schwarzkopf (ed.): The Workings of the Anglosphere: Contributions to the Study of British and American Cultures, presented to Richard Stinshoff. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 2009.

Kirchhofer, Anton, Ingrid Hotz-Davies, and Sirpa Leppänen (ed.): Internet Fictions. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009.

Journal Articles and Book Chapters

Gehring, Wolfgang: "Textbook Culture and the ELT Classroom.” Anton Kirchhofer and Jutta Schwarzkopf (ed.): The Workings of the Anglosphere: Contributions to the Study of British and American Cultures, presented to Richard Stinshoff. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2009. 304-14.

---: "Unterrichtsplanung angehender Lehrkräfte im Fach Englisch – wider das Prinzip der Handlungsorientierung.“ Daniela Elsner, Christiane Lütge, and Britta Viebrock (ed.): Handlungsorientierung im Fokus - Perspektiven für das 21. Jahrhundert. Frankfurt/M. et al.: Lang, 2009. 189-201.

Gehring, Wolfgang, Saskia Kepp, Rita Kupetz et al.: "Interaktivität und eigenverantwortliches E-Learning." Hans-Jürgen Appelrath and Leonore Schulze (ed.): Auf dem Weg zu exzellentem E-Learning. Münster et. al.: Waxmann, 2009. 115-26.

Hamann, Cornelia: "Parameters, Language Acquisition and Grammar Change." Anton Kirchhofer, and Jutta Schwarzkopf (ed.): The Workings of the Anglosphere: Contributions to the Study of British and American Cultures, presented to Richard Stinshoff. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2009. 269-90.

Hamann, Cornelia, Michael Treichler, Manuela Schönenberger, Maria Voeykova, and Natalia Lauts: “Article Use in L3 English with German as L2 by Native Speakers of Russian and in L2 English of Russian Speakers.” Melissa Bowles, Tania Ionin, Silvina Montrul, and Annie Tremblay (ed.): Proceedings of the 10th Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition Conference (GASLA 2009). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press, 2009. 9-16.

Hamann, Cornelia, Laurence Chillier-Zesiger, Marina Arabatzi, Lara Baranzini, Julie Franck, Ulrich Hans Frauenfelder, Luigi Rizzi, and Pascal Zesiger: "The Acquisition of the French Pronominal System Revisited.” Applied Psycholinguistics. 31.04 (2009): 571-603.

Lassen, Christian: "Sheep Thrills: Pastoral Camp in the AIDS Elegies of Alan Hollinghurst." David James and Philip Tew (ed.): New Versions of Pastoral: Post-Romantic, Modern, and Contemporary Responses to the Tradition. Madison and Teaneck: Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 2009. 217-29.

Limberg, Holger: "Mündliche Kommunikation in der Hochschule: Bestandsaufnahme einer Forschungsrichtung aus anglo-amerikanischer Sicht." Magdalène Lévy-Tödter and Dorothee Meer (ed.): Hochschulkommunikation in der Diskussion. Frankfurt/M.: Lang, 2009. 113-33.

Keck, Michaela: “Changing Iconologies in Twentieth-Century Cinema: Three Versions of Alcott’s Little Women.” Patricia Haseltine (ed.): Reading Films: Proceedings of the 2009 Providence University English Festival. Taichung: Providence University, 2009. 12-31.

---: “Thoreau’s Walden and the American Dream: Challenge or Myth?” Harold Bloom and Blake Hobby (ed.): Bloom’s Literary Themes: The American Dream. New York: Infobase Publishing, 2009. 213-23.

---: “‘Murder in the Dark’: Lying Games, or Margaret Atwood’s Ioci.” Margaret Atwood Studies 2.2 (2009): 3-14.

Kirchhofer, Anton: "The Religious Turn in Literary and Cultural Studies: Introduction." Lars Ecksteinand and Christoph Reinfandt (ed.): Anglistentag 2008 Proceedings. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2009. 3-7.

---: "From Internet Fraud to Interactive Fiction: The Ethics and Poetics of 'Scambaiting'." Anton Kirchhofer, Ingrid Hotz-Davies, and Sirpa Leppänen (ed.): Internet Fictions. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009. 167-96.

---: "The Expansion of Textuality and the Textualisation of Literature: Perspectives on Textual Practice in Cultural History." Anton Kirchhofer and Jutta Schwarzkopf (ed.): The Workings of the Anglosphere: Contributions to the Study of British and American Cultures, presented to Richard Stinshoff. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2009. 253-65.

---: "Section I: The Religious Turn in Literary and Cultural Studies." Lars Eckstein and Christoph Reinfandt (ed.): Anglistentag 2008 Proceedings. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2009. 1-104.

Kirchhofer, Anton, and Jutta Schwarzkopf: "Preface." Anton Kirchhofer and Jutta Schwarzkopf (ed.): The Workings of the Anglosphere: Contributions to the Study of British and American Cultures, presented to Richard Stinshoff. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2009. 9-12.

Kirchhofer, Anton, and Ingrid Hotz-Davies: “'A Hypertext Link Can Point to Anything': Truths and Fictions.” Ingrid Hotz-Davies, Anton Kirchhofer, and Sirpa Leppänen (ed.): Internet Fictions. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009. ix-xiv.

Kirchhofer, Anton, Ingrid Hotz-Davies, and Sirpa Leppänen: "Introduction." Anton Kirchhofer, Ingrid Hotz-Davies, and Sirpa Leppänen (ed.): Internet Fictions. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009. ix-xiv.

Kirchhofer, Anton, and Richard Stinshoff: "Introduction." Anton Kirchhofer and Richard Stinshoff (ed.): Special Issue on Postsecular Britain. Journal for the Study of British Cultures. 16.2. (2009): 107-16.

Limberg, Holger: "Impoliteness and Threat Responses." Journal of Pragmatics 41.7 (2009): 1376-394.

McPherson, Annika: "From Utopia to Atopia to Diaspora? Narratives of Social (Re-)Organization in a German Refugee Home." Elisabeth Bekers, Sissy Helff, and Daniela Merolla (ed.): Transcultural Modernities: Narrating Africa in Europe. Matatu 36. Amsterdam/New York, NY: Rodopi, 2009. 363-75.

Stinshoff, Richard: "'And We Aren't Ready for Her': constructions of Germany in Erskine Childers's 'Riddle of the Sands' (1903)." Michaela Albl-Mikasa, Sabine Braun, and Sylvia Kalina (ed.): Dimensionen der Zweitsprachenforschung. Dimensions of Second Language Research. Festschrift für Kurt Kohn. Tübingen: Narr, 2009. 301-14.

Reviews and Shorter Contributions

Gehring, Wolfgang: “Saturday Night and Sunday Morning.” Hans Ludwig Arnold (ed.): Kindlers Literatur Lexikon. 3rd ed. Stuttgart: Weimer: Metzler, 2009.

---: “The Diary of Adrian Mole, aged 13?” Hans Ludwig Arnold (ed.): Kindlers Literatur Lexikon. 3rd ed. Stuttgart: Weimer: Metzler, 2009.

Meyer, Christina: "Review of Nine Eleven. Ästhetische Verarbeitungen des 11. Septembers 2001. Ed. Ingo Irsigler, and Christoph Jürgensen. Archiv für das Studium der Neueren Sprachen und Literaturen (2009). Heidelberg: Winter, 2008.

---: "Review of Comics: Zur Geschichte und Theorie eines populärkulturellen Mediums. Ed. Stephan Ditschke, Katerina Kroucheva, and Daniel Stein. Bielefeld: transcript, 2009."

Zagratzki, Uwe: "T.E. Lawrence.“ Heinz Ludwig Arnold (ed.): Kindlers Literatur Lexikon. 3rd ed. Vol. 9. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 2009. 706.

---: "Seven Pillars of Wisdom.“ Heinz Ludwig Arnold (ed.): Kindlers Literatur Lexikon. 3rd ed. Vol. 9. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 2009. 706.

---: "Christopher Isherwood.“ Heinz Ludwig Arnold (ed.): Kindlers Literatur Lexikon. 3rd ed. Vol. 9. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 2009. 139.

---: "Goodbye to Berlin.“ Heinz Ludwig Arnold (ed.): Kindlers Literatur Lexikon. 3rd ed. Vol. 9. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 2009. 140-41.

---: "Mr Norris Changes Trains.“ Heinz Ludwig Arnold (ed.): Kindlers Literatur Lexikon. 3rd ed. Vol. 9. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 2009. 139-40.

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