Recruiting female talent

For many years now, the University of Oldenburg has occupied a top spot in the ranking of the Center of Excellence Women and Science (CEWS) when it comes to increasing the percentage of female academic staff; compared to other German universities, the percentage of female professors is above average.

However, women continue to be disproportionately underrepresented in the science and technology sectors as well as on committees. The Central Equal Opportunities Officer at the University of Oldenburg is committed to:

  • recruiting more outstanding women, especially female professors and post-doctoral researchers as well as leaders in science and administration.
  • supporting women who want to pursue careers in STEM subjects (female school pupils, students, graduates and junior researchers).
  • increasing the percentage of women in the technology sector.
  • further improving study and employment opportunities for women, also in those areas in which women are not underrepresented.
  • making committee work more attractive to women and ensuring that the concerns of women, regardless of status group, are taken into consideration in development and structural plans.

The Central Equal Opportunities Officer is entitled to participate in personnel matters. When it comes to personnel development planning and upcoming personnel measures (e.g. appointment and staffing procedures, recruitment, promotions, transfers to more senior levels, dismissals) the Decentralised Equal Opportunities Officers responsible for the respective unit participate in the various organisational units and committees from the initial consultation phase.

If you have any questions about equality in recruitment processes, please get in touch.

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