Do you have any requests or suggestions for the Graduate Academy workshop program? Please feel free to contact us!

Academic career paths

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Dr. Susanne Elpers
Officer for Academic Career Paths with a focus on Postdocs and Equal Opportunities

+49 (0)441-798 2939

Dr. Julia Anna Matz
Officer for Academic Career Paths with a focus on Doctoral Candidates and International Issues

+49 (0)441-798 4286

Dr. Sandra Wienand
Officer for Academic Career Paths with a focus on Doctoral Candidates and International Issues

+49 (0)441-798 2914


Sabine Osterkamp

+49 (0)441-7984628


Eric Ahlberg has been teaching English academic writing in German universities (previously Braunschweig and Hannover) for the last several years, including for graduates. The approach taken in his workshops and classes is that written language should not be an obstacle to understanding, but instead let your research stand out via clarity, accuracy and readability.

Born and raised in Toronto, Canada, Eric Ahlberg also studied and worked in journalism in Canada. He came to Germany in 2010 to study his MA in English philology at the University of Münster.

You may contact Eric via email or come to his office hours.

4. English Language Courses


Today, a strong command of the English language is necessary for many fields of research. You have probably realized that ‘everyday English’ is often not enough when reading scientific journal articles, writing a dissertation or lab report, presenting at conferences or to colleagues, or when giving or listening to lectures. This is when being able to use academic English is necessary.

With the program english+ the Graduate Academy offers a comprehensive program covering all aspects of scientific communication in English language for all early-career researchers of the University of Oldenburg. Besides workshops dealing with the linguistic basis of scientific communication in English, the program also covers topics such as scientific writing and presenting at international conferences. These series of workshops provide targeted lessons on relevant topics, to immediately apply what you have learned in your own projects.

Themes are organized according to the main skill practiced, and then grouped into workshops containing topics generally related to each other. You may visit all workshops for comprehensive preparation, or just those you find necessary. Workshops are one full day, but there is also an open seminars series with one short workshop per week that you may attend flexibly and as you see fit. Please read the workshop descriptions and contact Eric Ahlberg for more details if you are unsure which are best for you.

Please note that you will get much more from the time spent when you have a project you are currently working on. In most workshops, we will spend time working with your own projects and texts, so please be ready to bring them with you. In some cases, you may be asked to send in sections of text beforehand, if possible.

All workshops are offered in English by a native speaker and are targeted mainly at non-native speakers.

Detailed information regarding the workshops and the open seminars series can be found via the links. Registration is possible via StudIP (please follow the links behind the titles of workshops taking place in the near future). Should you not have access to StudIP, please contact us via email.

Course numberCourse titleTarget groupDateTrainer
GA_4.2Editing and Text cohesionDoctoral candidates and Postdocs17.01.2025Eric Ahlberg
GA_4.3Planning and writing research textsDoctoral candidates and Postdocs13.12.2024Eric Ahlberg
GA_4.9Open SeminarsDoctoral candidates and Postdocsfrom 14.10.2024 weeklyEric Ahlberg
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