Do you have any requests or suggestions for the Graduate Academy workshop program? Please feel free to contact us!

Academic career paths

More offers for doctoral candidates and postdocs? The website Academic Career Paths bundles all offers by target group.


Dr. Susanne Elpers
Officer for Academic Career Paths with a focus on Postdocs and Equal Opportunities

+49 (0)441-798 2939

Dr. Julia Anna Matz
Officer for Academic Career Paths with a focus on Doctoral Candidates and International Issues

+49 (0)441-798 4286

Dr. Sandra Wienand
Officer for Academic Career Paths with a focus on Doctoral Candidates and International Issues

+49 (0)441-798 2914


Sabine Osterkamp

+49 (0)441-7984628

5. Peer Coaching programmes

The Peer Coaching Programmes are currently being revised. You will find more information here in due course.

Peer Coaching Programmes for experienced PhDs, Postdocs, Junior Research Group Leaders, Assistant Professors, and newly appointed Professors

With the coaching programmes the Graduate Academy seeks to address the specific requirements of individuals in different career phases, and to support doctoral researchers postdocs and young professors at the University of Oldenburg (UOL) in the best way possible.

Since winter term 2019/20 the Graduate Academy also offers a peer coaching programme in English language in order to meet the needs of international early career researchers at the UOL. All programme lines have a duration of six months and will be run every two years.

Programme 1 „Karriere mit Promotion: Wirtschaft oder Wissenschaft?“ (in German language) targets postdocs and experienced doctoral researchers and focusses on the planning and development of careers within and outside academia. The last round round started in April 2023. Currently no new round is scheduled.

Programme 2 „Führen und Betreuen“ (in German language) targets experienced postdocs, junior research group leaders, assistant professors, and newly appointed professors and focusses on developing expertise in managing and supervising. The next round starts in the summer term 2024. Registration will be possible from winter 2023.

Programme 3 „Making a Career after the Postdoc“ (in English language) targets mainly international doctoral researchers in the final phase of their PhD and international postdocs but is also open to German participants who are comfortable with the sole working language of the programme being English. The first cycle of the programme started in the winter term 2019/20. The last cycle will started in the winter term 2023/24. Currently no new round is scheduled.

All programmes are based on the principle of peer coachings, meaning that the participants also meet outside the workshops in order to network beyond the borders of their scientific specialization and in order to further develop the contents of the workshops and coaching sessions.

It is not possible to only book parts of the programmes, meaning that attendance at all scheduled workshops is expected. For further information please contact

Online registration is possible on the website of the respective programme.

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