Contact us

Liaison officers in university sports

We have several authorised persons in our team. Only they have access to the emails you send to If you would like to speak to a specific liaison officer, please let us know by email.

Confidants in university sports

  • Irena Antoni; full-time employee; decentralised equal opportunities officer
  • Yentamie Hillebrecht; student assistant
  • Ingmar Holstein; student assistant
  • Juri Ramke; full-time employee; deputy head of ZE university sports
  • Norina Wulff; student assistant


What happens after I contact you?

Once you have contacted us in person during the opening hours of our office or by email at , we will get in touch with you to arrange an appointment. Depending on your preference, this can be by phone or in person. During this meeting, your concerns and wishes will be recorded in writing. We will inform you about further support services within and outside the university. You decide how to proceed and what to do with the report.

We will inform the university's counselling centre conTaktanonymously about the incident.


Further counselling and support services within and outside the university

Counselling centre of the University of Oldenburg:

  • conTakt Counselling centre for questions about sexualised discrimination and violence

Email: // Tel: +49 441 / 798-2776


  • Wildwasser Oldenburg e.V.
  • Specialist counselling centre against sexualised violence against girls and women.

Tel: 0441 / 166 56


  • Help telephone "Violence against women"

Tel: 116 016 (available 24/7/365 - around the clock)

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