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Dr. Simone Schipper

+49 441 798 4743

Your Nomination for the Teaching Award 2024

Please download the Word form, fill it in and send it by email (as a Word and pdf document) to the team of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (email (subject : Our proposal for the Teaching Award 2023/24).

Submission deadline: 02 September 2024

Data Protection Notice (pdf)

Teaching Awards Poster

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Award for Excellence in Teaching

In order to advance commitment to teaching and student learning, the University of Oldenburg has established the Award for Excellence in Teaching.

The award honors teachers for their outstanding and innovative course designs and is presented by the Vice President for Instruction. Winners are chosen by the university-wide jury consisting of faculty and student representatives from all schools as well as one member of University Society Oldenburg e.V. (UGO).

Only students can nominate candidates for the award.

The only exception is the category Class Evaluation. Faculty members and teachers can nominate themselves by submitting their course evaluation.

Categories for nominations by students

In academic year 2023/24 the Award for Excellence in Teaching is given in the following categories:

  • Best course
  • Research-based learning
  • Designing learning spaces

Courses taught in Winter Semester 2023/2024 and Summer Semester 2024 can be nominated.

Submit a nomination – win a voucher!

Students who submit nominations automatically enter the lottery for a 150 voucher for the bookstore and/or copy shop.

Submitting Nominations

How can students submit nominations?

  • What course would you like to nominate and in what category? For category guidelines, descriptions and criteria, please refer to the linked document (pdf).
  • To submit a proposal for the Teaching Award, please use the form (Word document) on this page. Complete the form and send it (preferably as a Word and pdf document) by e-mail to the team of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Department for Study Affairs (, subject: Our proposal for the Teaching Award 2023/24.
  • At least two students have to endorse each nomination (you will have to enter the names and email addresses when filling out the form). Please use the criteria for each category as a guide when giving your reasoning for nomination. You can either answer the questions directly or take them into account when writing text paragraphs – if applicable.
  • Students can submit their nominations by September 2, 2024.

Information for nominated faculty members

  • We will notify you in writing if your course has been nominated.
  • You will be asked to submit your course outline via email to Teaching and Learning in Higher Education () by October 4, 2024.

And then?

The jury chooses this year’s winners based on student nominations and course outlines submitted by nominated teachers.

Teachers: Best course evaluation

This year’s Award for Excellence in Teaching features two additional categories:

  • Best course evaluation – courses with fewer than 40 students
  • Best course evaluation – courses with 40 students or more


How can teachers submit their suggestion for the award?

If you taught a class in Winter Semester 2023/24 or Summer Semester 2024, you can send us an email () with your course evaluation by September 30, 2024 to express your interest in being considered for the award.

If you have any further questions, please contact Dr. Simone Schipper (Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, ) or Dr. Nicola Albrecht (Internal Surveys, ).


The 2024 awards will be presented at a ceremony in November 2024.

The award in each category comes with prize money sponsored by the Office of the Vice President for Instruction and other donors.

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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