Zentrum für Lehrkräftebildung - Didaktisches Zentrum (DiZ)

Additional information

Learning in Transition – empirical analysis and modelling of practical phases in teacher education

Additional Information
  • Overview of the topics of the doctoral program
  • Graphic "The Interdependence of Learning Processes"
  • LÜP-Poster
  • LÜP-Flyer

Overview of the topics of the doctoral theses

"Learning Processes of Student Teachers concerning the Integration of Experiments in Chemistry Instruction"
from Jana-Katharina Dressler
Abstract Jana-Katharina Dressler, Chemistry Education

"The Notion of Teaching Grammar Between University and School – Students‘ Approaches During their Internships at School"
from Maria Geipel
Abstract Maria Geipel, German Language and Literature Education

"Consequences from the Learning Level of Students for the Lesson Planning in Mathematics"
from Matthias Heinrich
Abstract Matthias Heinrich, Mathematics Education

"Prospective Teachers‘ Capabilities of Anticipations Regarding Students‘ Argumentation During Reasoning Tasks"
from Christian Klostermann
Abstract Christian Klostermann, Mathematics Education

"Andrea Mühlig: The Influence of a Practical Phase on Student Teachers‘ Beliefs about Intelligence, Talent and Learning"
from Andrea Mühlig
Abstract Andrea Mühlig, Empirical Research in Learning and Instruction

"Beliefs about civic education in the context of the pracitical semester"
from Katharina Röckendorf
Abstract Katharina Röckendorf, Civic Education

"Influence of the Practical Phase on the Structuring of Physics Lessons"
from Tanja Ruberg
Abstract Tanja Ruberg, Physics Education

"Changes in Self-Assessments of Competence of Music Student Teachers in the Field of Music-making with a School Class during a five-week Practical Course"
from Susanne Stamm
Abstract Susanne Stamm, Music Education

"Effects of the practical phase on the subject matter content knowledge and the pedagogical content knowledge of prospective German teachers in regard to writing class"
from Henning Stockmann
Abstract Henning Stockmann, German Language and Literature Education

"Self-reflection regarding their own technology lessons – analyzing practical phases"
from Helmer Wegner
Abstract Helmer Wegner, Technical Education

"Collaborative Reflection on Teaching in Teacher Education – an Intervention Study"
from Laura Weiland
Abstract Laura Weiland, Educational Science

"Development of lesson planning during teacher education at the University of Oldenburg – a qualitative pre-post study"
from Jochen Werner
Abstract Jochen Werner, General Didactics and School Pedagogy

"Analysis of the development processes of pre-service teachers during the practice phase concerning the technical language used in computer science"
from Henning Wilken
Abstract Henning Wilken, Computer Science Education

Graphic "The Interdependence of Learning Processes"



(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  Kurz-URL:Shortlink: https://uol.de/p37135en
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