The event was supported by the Universitätsgesellschaft Oldenburg and the EFRE-funding of the graduate school. Thanks!
5th Anniversary of Oltech
5th Anniversary of the Graduate School Oltech
Event at October 22nd 2014, 4-7 pm
Bibliothekssaal (BIS), Campus Haarentor
After an opening speech by Prof. Dr. Georg Klump there will be short introductory speeches by the university president, Prof. Dr. Katharina Al-Shamery, Prof. Dr. Meinhard Simon (Dean of the Faculty V), Prof. Dr. med. Gregor Theilmeier (Dean of the Faculty VI) and Stephan Albani (Chief Executive Officer of the Hörzentrum Oldenburg, MdB).
Dr. Alice Edler (LMu) will then give a talk on “Strukturiertes Promovieren in der Medizin” (Structured Doctorates in medicine).
Members of Oltech will then look back on their time in OLTECH and at the University of Oldenburg.
After a few closing words refreshments will be served and the informal part will start with a PowerPoint Karaoke.