
Wilfried Schumann


Building A15, 1st floor

Psychological counselling service for students

Difficulties with studies, exam stress or personal problems - being a university student is exciting, but can also be quite challenging! In fact, the majority of your fellow students encounter at least one rough patch during their time at college.  Since relying on your pre-existing coping strategies may not be enough while confronting novel  situations, we offer you a safe space and quality time(-out) with a trained counsllor for exploring your concerns and developing solutions, that work for you!

Below, please find a few of the  many concerns you are invited to explore with a us:

  • Feeling disoriented, lost, lonely, isolated, etc.
  • Experiencing irrational fears and anxieties (exams, the future, one's health, etc.)
  • Concentration problems und difficulty to learn and study
  • Relationship problems or conflicts with peers, profs, relatives, etc.
  • Loneliness and difficulty meeting people
  • Low self-esteem and lack of self-confidence
  • Loss and bereavement
  • general mental health issues such as mood problems, substance abuse, etc.

Our offer is free of charge and absolutely confidential! Ask for an appointment now!

ausführliche Informationen beim Studentenwerk

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink: https://uol.de/p81304en
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