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Bonus points

Award and consideration of bonus points

Through active participation in exercises bonus points can be achieved that are considered for the module marks. In the specific appendices for Physics courses of studies to the Bachelor examination regulations ("Bachelor-Prüfungsordnung", BPO) it says:

"For work performed in such courses, bonus points can be awarded that are considered for the module marks (§11 paragraph 4 BPO) … Details are specified in the module descriptions."

The following regulations apply to the Bachelor courses of studies in Physics:

Award of bonus points

At the beginning of a module the lecturers determine, whether bonus points can be acquired by participating in the exercises.

Achievable bonus points

  1. Bonus points can be acquired by treating exercises. Bonus points are awarded, if a total of more than 50 % of the maximum number of points has been achieved in the exercises.
  2. The number of bonus points increases linearly with the percentage of the maximum number of points achieved in the exercises. 50 %: no bonus points, 100 %: maximum bonus points.

Consideration of bonus points for the appraisal of written examinations

  1. The maximum number of bonus points amounts to 20 % of the maximum achievable number of points for the written examination.
  2. A written examination is considered to be passed, if 50 % of the maximum number of points has been achieved without considering bonus points.
  3. When a written examination has been passed, the bonus points are added to the number of points achieved in the written examination. Points exceeding the maximum achievable number of points for the examination are forfeited.

Consideration of bonus points for the appraisal of oral examinations

  1. An oral examination is considered to be passed, if it is marked at least sufficient (4.0) without considering bonus points.
  2. Bonus points (in per cent of the maximum number of bonus points) result in improved marks as follows:
    ( 0 - < 25)%: no improvement
    (25 - < 50)%: improved by 0.3 and 0.4, respectively
    (50 - < 85)%: improved by 0.6 and 0.7, respectively
    (85 – 100)%: improved by 1.0.
    Marks better than 1.0 are impossible.
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