

Prof. Dr. Ernst-Rüdiger Olderog

Department of Computing Science
University of Oldenburg
D-26111 Oldenburg, Germany


Ira Wempe

Department of Computing Science
University of Oldenburg
D-26111 Oldenburg, Germany

[Invited Talk 07.06.2019] Greenyer

Scenario-based Modeling of Dynamic Topology System with ScenarioTools and SMLK

Prof. Dr. Joel Greenyer, Universität Hannover


Software-intensive systems become increasingly complex: they control complex processes in the physical world, may interact with multiple users, and they become more and more interconnected. Especially mobile systems have a dynamic topology, i.e., components move and thereby change their relationships, roles, and responsibilities. This makes it very difficult to design such systems, reason about their correctness, and derive working software from the designs. This talk presents recent progress on scenario-based modeling techniques which address this problem. Scenario-based modeling allows systems-/software engineers to model the behavior of a dynamic topology system as loosely coupled and context-sensitive scenarios that are close to how humans conceive and communicate behavioral aspects of a system, yet the scenarios are executable and can be analyzed formally and automatically. We present the new modeling and realizability checking capabilities within ScenarioTools, and present the new Scenario Modeling Language for Kotlin (SMLK), which allows us to concisely model executable scenarios in Kotlin. An example will be modeling vehicle-to-x scenarios in SMLK and executing them in combination with the traffic simulator SUMO.

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