Language certificates for the study programme

Foreign language skills for successful studies

In principle, sufficient knowledge of English is required for all degree programmes at the university. English skills are necessary for all fields of study in which primary and secondary literature on current research results must be read.

The Language Centre offers general English courses every semester to refresh existing knowledge, as well as special offers to deepen specific skills, such as Presentation Skills, Vocabulary or Academic Discourse.

The subject-related language skills of Latin and Greek are organised by the corresponding study programmes.

For further information on language certificates and language skills, please refer to your respective admission regulations for your subject. If you come across language certificate clauses there that are not immediately obvious to you, please contact us!

Access regulations

Many degree programmes - especially Master's programmes - require certain foreign language skills (usually English) when applying for a place. Please find out in good time what requirements your desired degree programme will place on you. The Language Centre cannot give you any information on this.

You can find the language requirements under the headings Admission Regulations and Language Skills on the information pages for your desired degree programme.

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